Why was this community created?
Why was this community created?
I think everyone who followed the news last year month week can understand why this community is
Why was this community created?
I think everyone who followed the news last year month week can understand why this community is
What if you don't hate people, you're just disappointed in people?
Perfectly valid. I identify as a mesanthrope and i mostly feel dissapointed. i dont really hate people. but i got dissapointed so often that i just dont expect to like them anymore. I hope this is a discussion we can have in this community more. Because i can dislike humanity as a whole and still be married, still go to board game night, and still volunteer to be the change i want to see in sociaty.
I personally see humanity as doomed. Doesnt mean i cant work to create some small safe bunbles for me and others, where we can be dissapointed together.
Similar here, I guess. I actually love people, but it breaks my heart that not enough people seem to feel the same way.
I'm not sure that humanity is doomed. It seems more likely to me that it will find some way to limp along unless some kind of massive meteor hits or whatever. But sometimes I wonder if it would be kinder if it didn't.
Oh thank god, I need a place like this. Fucking people man.
Fucking people, they ruined humanity!
You can make another one with Russia on my behalf. This place keeps challenging my empathy to say the least.
Well russia is part of the earth, so they are already included