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Wie marode Brücken die Wirtschaft bedrohen
  • Wenn man einmal die Sauerlandlinie fährt oder die letzten Jahre gefahren ist, merkt man was es bedeutet Brücken zu sanieren. Unendliche Baustellen und natürlich auch kosten, die sich kurzfristig vermeiden lassen, was alle Regierungen auch jahrzehntelang getan haben.

    Der Super-Gau sind ja jetzt die Brücken die komplett gesperrt und abgerissen wurden, das zieht sich inkl Neubau ja auch über Jahre.

    Ich frage mich ob das früher auch alles so lange gedauert hat die ersten Brücken zu bauen.

  • Is anyone else getting downvotes for benign disagreements here?
  • I hear you, but I’m not here to fight or be accused, ridiculed or hated upon. You can’t save people from themselves.

    If it were only a few, but -60 within a few hours with such a small amount of Lemmy users tells me, this is not the place for civilized discussion. Not to mention that it got deleted… no thanks, I won’t be putting too much work and thought into critical comments anymore when there’s a risk of going to waste anyway.

  • Is anyone else getting downvotes for benign disagreements here?
  • Not only downvoted, but my comment was also deleted by someone after it had like 60 downvotes. When that happened, I started considering moving away from Lemmy right after coming here, because it seemed to be a worse echo chamber than Reddit had ever been.

    Only because it wasn’t easy and also not easily accessible via Memmy (which I really like) I stayed for the time being. For example, I can’t login to a kbin account (only subscribe to kbin communities) and I don’t have access to Mastodon using Memmy.

    So I guess already like Apollo kept me with Reddit, Memmy keeps me here for the time being. I stopped participating in anything remotely controversial though and became a lurker because I learned that day, discussion and a variety of opinions are not what the majority of users here are after. Maybe that’s true for all social media, idk…

  • Trans men enter Miss Italy contest to protest anti-trans ‘women from birth’ rule
  • These contests are full of ideology, so a trans person has a significant advantage over the others. There aren’t enough heartwarming and sob stories in the world to compensate for that.

    On the other hand, I don’t really care if those kind of competitions are unfair. If they help trans people convey a message, that’s probably the best thing that can come out of them.

  • Removed
    Elon Musk Rebranded Twitter as 'X.' Users Immediately Rejected the Change
  • The selective reasoning here amazes me to no end. It’s always Twitter bad, Elon bad, but nobody seems to care about the giant government-circlejerk (or reacharound if you prefer that image) that was uncovered via the Twitter files after Elon Musk took over.

    So it’s okay to censor and lie doing the government’s bidding, sometimes even preemptively, but it’s not okay to rebrand your company after all this massive pile of shit was uncovered?

    Just LOL

  • Hauskauf: Kaufpreis unter Sachwert denkbar?
  • Wenn ihr seit längerem die ersten Interessenten seid und es womöglich noch Renovierungsbedarf gibt, sind das schon mal sehr gute Voraussetzungen.

    Wenn man dann noch das steigende Zinsniveau nimmt, sieht es noch besser aus mit dem Marktwert, weil der sich wenig an einem imaginären Sachwert richtet, sondern hauptsächlich nach dem Zinsniveau und der Höhe der fälligen Raten bei einer Finanzierung.

    Letzteres findet allerdings zeitversetzt statt, also bei steigenden Zinsen wie jetzt dauert es eine Weile bis der Marktwert nachzieht - auch weil lange nur wenige Häuser auf dem Markt waren und erstmal viele kaufen.

    Unterm Strich… je länger ihr wartet in der aktuellen Lage, desto eher sinkt der Preis, aber auch die Raten steigen.

    Rechnet doch mal grob aus, wieviel man an Modernisierung reinstecken muss damit man energetisch auf dem neusten Stand ist, und was vergleichbare moderne Häuser in eurer Gegend kosten. Der Preis minus Modernisierungskosten könnte euch auch als möglicher Marktwert auch bei Verhandlungen helfen.

  • Long-forgotten frozen soil sample offers a warning for the future
  • Warning tl;dr… Greenland might become ice free again.

    Although IMO the inhabitants of Greenland (green land) would have been scared to death about the prospect of earth-wide cooling and losing their fertile green land.

    Also, CO2-concentration was about 280 ppm then. It’s almost as if it had nothing to do with warmer climate…

  • Gaps in Feed
  • Now that I think about it… maybe the gaps represent posts that memmy was unable to load and doesn’t try anymore, rather than just gaps between one post and the next. As in, there is #48-gap-#50 instead of #48-gap-#49.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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