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A Four-Hour-Long Hotel Review That Is Actually About So Much More
  • The hotel was very expensive but in many ways was a cheapened experience. There were lots of little details that were not thought through. The entire video serves as a criticism of some of Disney's recent pricing strategies in general. In particular the fact that Disney is expensive and has been adding additional paid services beyond the price of the ticket that feel like they are required to maximize your efficiency.

  • Even the $44 billion didn't help.
  • It's from his own Twitter though. He doesn't care. He's an asshole for many reason but this one is fake.

  • Even the $44 billion didn't help.
  • It's not even accurate. Internet detectives are top notch.

  • Even the $44 billion didn't help.
  • This guy is a POS but this information is flat out false. It's on his own Twitter. He posted it. He never tried to get it removed. Let's focus on the real problems with him.

  • Gen Z is recording themselves getting fired in growing TikTok trend
  • Because you're blaming the kids but 75% of the users aren't kids

  • Why do we even have to have this conversation in the first place
  • Thanks for the conversation. I hope you find a place where your kids feel safe and you find leadership you like.

  • Framework secretly hates Linux?!?!?!?!
  • Hahaha this had me losing it for some reason

  • Gen Z is recording themselves getting fired in growing TikTok trend
  • This shows an almost perfectly even distribution across all age groups ...

  • Gen Z is recording themselves getting fired in growing TikTok trend
  • Better be including all ages then because everyone is on that thing.

  • Why do we even have to have this conversation in the first place
  • All right I can tell you're being stubborn but I hope you do give this some thought. It's not just the president you can vote for. There are many things that you decide on including items that will affect you personally.

  • Framework secretly hates Linux?!?!?!?!
  • Wait the colors are different and so is the order

  • Nothing was off-limits for retro game ads
  • Yeah as a boy I didn't like these either. They were sexy but made me feel a little weird. I was young enough not to realize it was targeting only boys, but now that I'm older I think that's why I didn't like them. I wasn't in to sex at the time.

  • Gen Z is recording themselves getting fired in growing TikTok trend
  • Gen Z is also more compassionate than we were at that age, they know about things like consent and when someone is uncomfortable but not verbally expressing it. They also stabilize in the job market as they age up.

  • Why do we even have to have this conversation in the first place
  • Write in a candidate at least. It's better than not voting at all and then watching your country crumble without putting in your voice.

  • Do you think that there will be another event like 9/11 in the next decade in the United States of America?
  • Yes we have a serious problem with that. I'm not sure what that has to do with a large threat like 9/11 though. We lost 3000 Americans in a day. We can discuss that without having to bring in every problem at once.

  • Apple employees outnumbered customers at Vision Pro launch in San Francisco's Union Square
  • Right but this is preorder. How often does a preorder break even for Apple? How does this income compare to the size of normal preorders?

  • The Last Of Us Part 2 Actor Says Fans Threatened Her Son
  • But we are specifically talking about toxic gamers in this case

  • How Quora Died
  • A horrible user experience with an insufferable userbase. I can't believe it even lasted this long.

    Who thought it would be great if similar questions overpowered the one you searched for?

  • Apple employees outnumbered customers at Vision Pro launch in San Francisco's Union Square
  • Over $700 million in preorders for something that expensive is massive

  • AMD’s new CPU hits 132fps in Fortnite without a graphics card
  • That's true but I'm excited about the future of laptops. Some of the specs are getting really impressive while keeping low power draw. I'm currently jealous of what Apple has accomplished with literal all day battery life in a 14inch laptop. I'm hopeful some of the AMD chips will get us there in other hardware.

  • Lahaina, Hawaii (Maui) has been completely destroyed by fires

    High winds from a hurricane fed fires in Maui, HI. A fire swept through Lahaina Town. Once the capital of Hawaii this place was really popular with tourists and locals. I can't believe the amount of destruction that happened in less than 12 hours.

    The Night Feeling ShustOne
    The Wood Streets

    The bright amber lights of the main road contrast against the dark suburban streets. In a moment of youthful stillness I listen to the world and appreciate how loud the quiet is. I wish this moment would last forever.

    Taken in Riverside, CA.

    The Night Feeling ShustOne
    Just you and the streetlights

    11:00pm. You walk around in the warm summer air. The world sounds different in the summer, maybe it's the warmer temperature. You keep the streetlights company for a while before heading back home.

    Taken in Pasadena, CA

    What is the image upload size limit?

    Is there an easy way to see file types and size limits? Thank you!

    What is the image upload size limit?

    Is there an easy place to see upload limits? Thank you!

    Is there a place for TheNightFeeling content?

    Is there a dedicated place for it yet? I'd love to contribute posts but I'm just not sure where to put them yet. Thanks in advance!
