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Project 2026
  • ! wil expln yur welcom

  • Project 2026
  • yis

  • Project 2026
  • wi ned shrak 5 bcz i hav memrizd al teh othr shraks

  • Project 2026
  • bird-guerrila

  • Project 2026
  • wat du u meen ive ben heer ths hol tim


  • apparently star wars fans aren’t too big on rebels attacking empire ships
  • i gut drnk 1 dai & rantd abt hw tht sub shuld let u shrak poost & als str wurs ppost

    thiz ws b4 tht subradit gut tkn ovr bi librulizm

  • Become a Beast!!
  • teh 14 wurds buls uv th beast


  • remembr His shrek-rifice

    commnt w/ yur favrit shrak emoj 2 selbrat shrekstr

    :shrek-mike: .

    wat r u duin 2dai?? letss tlk

    Shrek, a marxist analysis ( lunch prty)

    wtch theroy librls

    i bai bcz et wuz 4 sail (i luv 2 bai thngz)

    wut iz yur favort thng abt shrk &/ore combunsism? commnt n th comm ts

    Does anyone have a clip of Matt Christman's drunken last moments on the Chapo Twitch stream from the 2018 midterms?
  • also the main force behind the Chapo book

    speaking from personal experience, doing all of the work and none of the credit gets old FAST.

    hope they can still hang as pals at least

  • If I get 100 upvotes on this post i will send my boss a link to my account
  • thanks I already submitted for unemployment and have started drinking

  • If I get 100 upvotes on this post i will send my boss a link to my account
  • there is no way this will actually get that many votes and so I am confident in it as a shitpost. If it does somehow happen tho, i am a shitbird of my word.

    Edit: fuck

  • If I get 100 upvotes on this post i will send my boss a link to my account

    I have been making shrek memes instead of working.

    my boss just called and asked me if im coming into work today and i said no. he asked if i was planning to tell him that and i also said no.

    Uplike and comment with your suggestions and advice for my boss when he reads this.

    also subscribe to !

    Edit: time to nut up

    Edit: Fuck it, time to shitpost IRL

    Edit 2: texts with Dave are live

    edit 3: final message to Dave

    Parrotmon is the best Digimon, fuck you.
  • SocialistGlodelaniamon Fascist Mode (Perfect) ソシアリツグロデラニアモン ファスキツモード


  • Shitbird Shitbird [any]

    du u wnt 2 bild uh snwmn


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    Comments 20