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What movie would you most like to watch for the first time again?
  • Hmm, that’s a great option. Although, I’m not a big audiobook/podcast fan because I feel I need to concentrate on it to understand what’s going on, and that’s not particularly useful when driving/working/etc, but I may give it a shot in the future!

  • Moose
  • I not 100% sure, but I think it’s due to ticks. Ticks will live out their lives on the moose, and the moose will do what it can to remove them, which results in them having patchy fur.

  • What movie would you most like to watch for the first time again?
  • Harry Potter. All of them. I’m currently reading the books, and I know that when I’m done I’m going to be so disappointed that there’s nothing left to experience the first time.

  • I swear he's friendly
  • Usually when I see bears, they’re almost always taking off. I do notice though that when they are feeding, they do hold their ground, like this guy. I sat near him (in my truck of course) just observing him for nearly 15 minutes. He didn’t care about me at all.

  • What is something that you pay attention to that most other people do not?
  • The total stairs a staircase has. I cannot walk up or down a staircase without counting, and it makes me satisfied when the number ends in an even number.

  • What you wish had an active community here on the lemmyverse?
  • Terrariums. I love miniature things, including tiny ecosystems. There’s a few communities on Lemmy, but they’re mostly inactive, and have a tiny amount of subscribers.

  • Which is which?
  • But what if they didn’t know and just winged it themselves?

  • What was your most and least favorite unit in gym class?
  • Favourite was dodgeball, for obvious reasons. Least favourite was dodgeball, cause we played with volleyballs.

  • What's the most alarming thing you've done while drunk or high?
  • Maybe more weird than alarming, but can also be alarming.

    I was about 14 years old. Hanging out with a friend, and we went over to someone’s house. They had a bong and some weed, so what the hell, eh? I took a rip. For about 10-20 minutes, I was fine. We were hanging out on some chairs. A few of us ended up moving towards the front of the house, and it was at this point I have no recollection of what happened. It seemed like I blacked out for a while. I came to consciousness when I was asked if I had a can of ginger ale… I had no backpack, so why I was asked that, I’ve no idea. However, it seemed like I was standing in this persons driveway for a good amount of time, facing the garage door, away from the others, totally out of it and blacked out. My friend and I ended up going to his then girlfriend’s house, had a bonfire and ate some snacks. When we were leaving, I promptly yacked all over his girlfriend’s front yard. I was 100% after that.

    That was the last time I smoked weed. I’m fairly confident that was maybe a little more than weed…

  • Choke Cherry Flowers

    I'm pretty sure this is Choke Cherry (Northern Ontario), but if it's something else, please let me know!

    Northern Ontario Painted Turtle
  • I figured the title was going to confuse some people haha. I was going to just put “Painted Turtle,” but I felt like that would confuse people even more since there isn’t any turtle that is painted, but it is the actual species name of this particular turtle.

  • Northern Ontario Painted Turtle
  • Nice! I saw this guy while cruising down a logging road. I only ever see them in the water or on logs in lakes... I don’t dare take my camera in the boat. First one I’ve seen roaming out on the road like this, so I was pretty ecstatic.

  • Mistakes were made
  • Until you freeze it… Diarrhea ice cream!

  • Not cool
  • I had always disabled chat in RL. Nothing good really ever came through it.

  • What's the most seeming trivial thing you'll turn down a GF or BF for?
  • 100%. I get headaches really easily with the smell of cigarette smoke. Absolute no go from me.

  • If you were a video game boss, what's the most likely or most fitting way the protagonist may beat you?
  • Probably shooting the chips from cutting a log with a chainsaw at my face. That’s gotten be at some point painful and extremely annoying.

  • How do you search for honest product recommendations?
  • Someone you know that has the product.. Or ProjectFarm on YouTube.

  • Falcon

    Unfortunately there was a shadow from the branch in front, so I did my best to adjust that in post. I had just showed up and wasn't really ready with the camera. Was able to snap a couple shots before he/she took off.

    Chip Enjoyers - What's your favourite brand/type of chip?
  • I’m not a big chips person, but I do enjoy jalapeño Doritos. Tastes like salsa.

  • What's your favorite budget "little treat"?
  • Toast with butter and brown sugar. Super cheap, super good, and basically ingredients almost every household has.

  • Some recent shots I enjoy
  • Yeah, I thought I’d try it out since I wanted to share all 3 without spamming posts. I’m sure there’s a way to share multiple photos in 1 post, but I figured I give this a go first.

    I can understand though that the collage style is not for everyone. I also admittedly spent way too much time messing with the borders...

  • Some recent shots I enjoy

    What do you think about the tri-photo format? I think it looks cool, but not sure what others think.

    ShadowCatEXE ShadowCatEXE
    Posts 12
    Comments 166