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What could have been...
  • I'm from Kentucky. His name was never on any ballot I had access to. Would have voted for him if I ever actually had the opportunity to do so.

  • what do you even say
  • I disagree. Memes are powerful tools and by denying ourselves the use of popular memes we grant "the enemy" an enormous advantage. Better we acknowledge that the issue is not the meme itself, but how it is used.

  • He came with receipts
  • I hate how well this analogy works.

  • RFK Jr Rejected by Libertarians After They Loudly Booed, Heckled Trump
  • Words mean what people who use them think they mean, and Americans using the word Libertarian mean right-wing anti-government and pro-business folks. This may not have been the word's original meaning, but language changes.

  • Rule
  • You do have a >!teleporter detector!<, sort of. You can use the >!scout launcher to see when the teleporter activates by shooting the scout on the platform and hanging back. A black hole will appear when it activates and you can jump in.!<

  • Rule
  • I think it might depend on what client you're using. They're working on Sync.

  • Rule
  • I mean, the entire game can sort of be described as an easter egg hunt. If you're talking about >!warping inside the Ash Twin project!< then I get it, I got stuck on that for a while too but I love puzzle games and am used to that feeling of being stuck. I've noticed watching playthroughs that most people miss >!clues for how to tell the warp towers apart or how to apply the knowledge that warp towers activate when oriented towards the gravitational center of a destination!<, so there could've been more clues for that.

    Edit: I think something that could've improved it is if they made a mini-game of the ship log to get more people to interact with it. A lot of the issues people seem to have with the game stem from them not meaningfully engaging with the clues they've been given. As it is the game relies heavily on people actively trying to piece together the puzzle themselves without any mechanism to ensure they do it.

  • Dots connected
  • I don't see how intersectionality diverts attention from economic issues given that it recognizes how different issues, including economic ones, are connected.

  • I can't believe it tastes different
  • Unfortunately if shibboleet were a thing tech illiterate users would quickly learn it and use it every time.

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • Yes, multiple voices, probably debating what I'm going to cook for dinner later. At this point I might be going a bit too far anthropomorphizing the voices, it's not like actual separate personalities, they're all me. It's more like perspective taking. I'm engaging in a conversation with myself and the different voices will take different stances. For example I might have a "lazy voice" that just wants to eat leftovers and a "craving voice" that wants to cook tacos. I decide what to do by having the voices hash it out.

    As I'm describing this it all sounds very intentional and like I'm playing pretend, but it really is just automatic.

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • If a word does not adequately describe what I'm thinking I just use more words, or I get creative with them and use them in new ways. I guess that's what makes me prone to getting lost in thought for long periods of time or being very long winded when I'm talking to people. When I'm talking about something I've recently been very interested in people often have to cut me off because I'll essentially start verbalizing my thought process to them and forget they're there.

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • For me it's not that I can't think without words, it's just that the words are very useful tools for organizing my thoughts. I've been doing it all my life though so it doesn't really require more effort than thinking in concepts. It's like breathing, it happens automatically but I can stop or control it if I want to. When I stop my inner voice I would describe my thoughts as sort of fuzzy and ephemeral. I would easily forget them or have difficulty expressing them without first putting them into words.

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • That does make me wonder if maybe I use my inner voice as a bit of a crutch when I'm reading, but I think it helps me infer tone and get immersed in what I'm reading. Perhaps I am sacrificing some reading speed but I do believe it helps me with comprehension and memory.

    Though I will add that it's more the concepts that I remember than the words themselves. Give me a quote and I couldn't tell you what page and where on the page it was, but I could tell you what was happening in that scene, what happened before and after, what the character was feeling and why they said it, who they said it to and so on.

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • Learning to get over religious shame and guilt took quite some time for me, and I still have to catch myself sometimes when an inner voice says things I no longer believe/agree with. Part of getting over that meant cultivating other voices. When one voice bites another bites back lol.

    As a plus I'm very good in a debate.

  • Removed
    US Lemmys what could Biden do in the next 6 months to EARN your vote? (other than just not being Trump)
  • That's what irks me the most, when people act like abstaining from an election is a grand act of protest that will change things for the better. I understand the reluctance to vote, but that should never be accompanied by a reluctance to act.

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • Perhaps! I also think internal monologues can develop just from learning to read and write silently. Having an inner voice makes it easier to absorb the information in a book or to plan out your writing in advance.

  • Best Monty Python skit
  • Lol at the fact that anarchists are so often misunderstood that we're just happy to be criticized intelligently instead of mindlessly.

  • It's voluntary though
  • Failures of implementation are not failures of ideology. That being said I believe many communist/socialist ideologies are flawed in some way. Notice I said ideologies plural because it is not a monolith.

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • Your anecdote seems to support that it's a learned behavior/skill, which tracks for me. I have a very active internal dialogue that's difficult to turn off. I say dialogue instead of monologue because I often make up "other voices" that bounce ideas off each other, and this generally happens without my conscious effort. I think I developed this because as I was growing up I was encouraged to pray regularly, and I was very fanatically religious as a kid so I did so as often as I could. I prayed silently so often in fact that my thoughts were basically a constant one-sided monologue directed to god. Whenever I would daydream or let my imagination wander I would imagine god responding, and eventually the constant monologue became a dialogue. I would work out problems or make decisions by having conversations with an imaginary god. When I stopped believing in god the second voice never went away, I just started recognizing it as my own.

  • (Solved) Need Help With My Self-Hosted Media Server

    Edit: For those who stumble across this with the same issue, I eventually got it working by adding “default-runtime”: “nvidia”, to /etc/docker/daemon.json then restarting the docker service and Jellyfin container.

    I am in the process of setting up a new media server on an old PC using Ubuntu Server and CasaOS and have run into my first major roadblock.

    To give some background, I formerly had my media server running on my main gaming PC on Windows using Plex and the *arr suite. I’m now trying to do things the right way and set everything back up from scratch on some spare hardware with Jellyfin and all the rest in dockerized containers. I chose CasaOS because I’m not overly familiar with Linux and thought that would be a good way to ease into things.

    Everything was going well until I tried to get hardware acceleration enabled in Jellyfin. For the life of me I cannot seem to get the Nvidia drivers properly installed, much less give Jellyfin access to the device. I’m using a GTX 960.

    I’m not sure exactly what additional info I need to give here, but here’s something I hope helps:

    *****@home-server:/$ nvidia-smi NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. *****@home-server:/$ nvcc --version nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2021 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Thu_Nov_18_09:45:30_PST_2021 Cuda compilation tools, release 11.5, V11.5.119 Build cuda_11.5.r11.5/compiler.30672275_0 *****@home-server:/$ ls /usr/src | grep nvidia nvidia-srv-535.104.12 *****@home-server:/$ sudo dkms install -m nvidia -v srv-535.104.12 Error! Could not locate dkms.conf file. File: /usr/src/nvidia-srv-535.104.12/dkms.conf does not exist.

    If there’s anything important I’m leaving out - and I probably am - let me know. Also if there’s anywhere else you recommend I post this let me know that as well.

    (Solved) Trouble With CasaOS

    Edit: For those who stumble across this with the same issue, I eventually got it working by adding “default-runtime”: “nvidia”, to /etc/docker/daemon.json then restarting the docker service and Jellyfin container.

    I am in the process of setting up a new media server on an old PC using Ubuntu Server and CasaOS and have run into my first major roadblock.

    To give some background, I formerly had my media server running on my main gaming PC on Windows using Plex and the *arr suite. I’m now trying to do things the right way and set everything back up from scratch on some spare hardware with Jellyfin and all the rest in dockerized containers. I chose CasaOS because I’m not overly familiar with Linux and thought that would be a good way to ease into things.

    Everything was going well until I tried to get hardware acceleration enabled in Jellyfin. For the life of me I cannot seem to get the Nvidia drivers properly installed, much less give Jellyfin access to the device. I’m using a GTX 960.

    I’m not sure exactly what additional info I need to give here, but here’s something I hope helps:

    *****@home-server:/$ nvidia-smi NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. *****@home-server:/$ nvcc --version nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2021 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Thu_Nov_18_09:45:30_PST_2021 Cuda compilation tools, release 11.5, V11.5.119 Build cuda_11.5.r11.5/compiler.30672275_0 *****@home-server:/$ ls /usr/src | grep nvidia nvidia-srv-535.104.12 *****@home-server:/$ sudo dkms install -m nvidia -v srv-535.104.12 Error! Could not locate dkms.conf file. File: /usr/src/nvidia-srv-535.104.12/dkms.conf does not exist.

    If there’s anything important I’m leaving out - and I probably am - let me know. Also if there’s anywhere else you recommend I post this let me know that as well.

    (Solved) Nvidia Drivers on Ubuntu Server

    Edit: For those who stumble across this with the same issue, I eventually got it working by adding “default-runtime”: “nvidia”, to /etc/docker/daemon.json then restarting the docker service and Jellyfin container.

    I am in the process of setting up a new media server on an old PC using Ubuntu Server and CasaOS and have run into my first major roadblock.

    To give some background, I formerly had my media server running on my main gaming PC on Windows using Plex and the *arr suite. I'm now trying to do things the right way and set everything back up from scratch on some spare hardware with Jellyfin and all the rest in dockerized containers. I chose CasaOS because I'm not overly familiar with Linux and thought that would be a good way to ease into things.

    Everything was going well until I tried to get hardware acceleration enabled in Jellyfin. For the life of me I cannot seem to get the Nvidia drivers properly installed, much less give Jellyfin access to the device. I'm using a GTX 960.

    I'm not sure exactly what additional info I need to give here, but here's something I hope helps:

    ``` *****@home-server:/$ nvidia-smi NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. *****@home-server:/$ nvcc --version nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2021 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Thu_Nov_18_09:45:30_PST_2021 Cuda compilation tools, release 11.5, V11.5.119 Build cuda_11.5.r11.5/compiler.30672275_0 *****@home-server:/$ ls /usr/src | grep nvidia nvidia-srv-535.104.12 *****@home-server:/$ sudo dkms install -m nvidia -v srv-535.104.12 Error! Could not locate dkms.conf file. File: /usr/src/nvidia-srv-535.104.12/dkms.conf does not exist.


    If there's anything important I'm leaving out - and I probably am - let me know. Also if there's anywhere else you recommend I post this let me know that as well.

    Schmoo Schmoo
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