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What is the best model of used ThinkPad to purchase?

I’m thinking of picking up a used ThinkPad on eBay for cheap to serve as my daily driver. I’ll likely run LMDE, and primarily use it for web browsing, office programs, coding, and FreeCAD. Any recommendations on which model would best hit the sweet spot of capability vs price?

Ohio State commencement speaker says he took psychedelics to write Bitcoin speech
  • It can be really helpful or harmful, depending on the context. I think there’s a ton of promise for psychedelics for mental health, but I get nervous about people taking them to self-medicate.

    It’s one reason I’m more interested in psychedelic assisted therapy, because in my personal experience, while I did have some positive changes, I think I also didn’t interpret some of those new perspectives in an ultimately healthy way. In the end, I feel like I learned that I’m not mentally healthy enough to responsibly take psychedelics outside of a professional therapy program.

    Fortunately I was able to do some genetic testing through my psychiatrist, and I was finally able to find an antidepressant that actually works with minimal side effects, after a lot of trial and error with stuff that I reacted really poorly to.

  • Michigan Republican unseated after losing to Democrat by 20 points
  • Nope, Ottawa County is still just a county. However, in the last election, the county commission got taken over by Ottawa Impact, a group of extremely far right activists that have proven very popular to a smaller segment of the population, and wildly unpopular with the majority of people in and around the county. It appears that there’s starting to be a backlash to their idiocy and hatred from the folks with any sense, it’s good to see

  • Why are many men growing beards again ?
  • IIRC, it’s the same testosterone-y hormone that determines how good you are at growing a beard that also determines how aggressively you go bald. So there’s lots of folks in this boat with us

  • Florida Says No to Federal Funding Aimed at Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Morons. Imagine turning down funding to improve your state to score political points. I feel for the people who live there that don’t support DeSantis - they didn’t ask for this, and yet they have to suffer from the poor decision making of their fellow citizens.

  • evangelism
  • “No one ever get fired for hiring McKinsey”

    They fucking should. I mean, I understand why that doesn’t happen, given the world we live in, but man… McKinsey is fucking evil incarnate

  • Google layoffs: Sundar Pichai-led company fires entire Python team for ‘cheaper labour’
  • Honestly, I think there is something to that. You probably do need to be a sociopath in order to become a CEO like that, but I’d also buy that becoming wealthy, by any means, is probably going to change you and your worldview whether you like it or not

  • Plunge in Storage Battery Costs Will Speed Shift to Renewable Energy, Says IEA

    "In less than 15 years, battery costs have fallen by more than 90%," according to a new report from the International Energy Agency, "one of the fastest declines ever seen in clean energy technologies." And it's expected to get even cheaper, reports Reuters: An expected sharp fall in battery costs for energy storage in coming years will accelerate the shift to renewable energy from fossil fuels, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Thursday... The total capital costs of battery storage are due to tumble by up to 40% by 2030, the Paris-based watchdog said in its Batteries and Secure Energy Transitions report. "The combination of solar PV (photovoltaic) and batteries is today competitive with new coal plants in India," said IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol. "And just in the next few years, it will be cheaper than new coal in China and gas-fired power in the United States. Batteries are changing the game before our eyes." [...] The global market for energy storage doubled last year to over 90 gigawatt-hours (GWh), the report said... The slide in battery costs will also help provide electricity to millions of people without access, cutting by nearly half the average electricity costs of mini-grids with solar PV coupled with batteries by 2030, the IEA said. The Los Angeles Times notes one place adopting the tech is California: Standing in the middle of a solar farm in Yolo County, [California governor] Newsom announced the state now had battery storage systems with the capacity of more than 10,000 megawatts — about 20% of the 52,000 megawatts the state says is needed to meet its climate goals. Although Newsom acknowledged it isn't yet enough to eliminate blackouts...

    shit is linear, yo
  • It’s convention, I think. If I remember correctly, you always put y on the left, because you can also write equations as functions of a variable, x, with the symbology f(x) = mx + b. That way you can integrate and derive the function easily, since m and b are constants, and all your x variables are on one side.

    If I were to encounter x = my + b, the first thing I would do, just by nature at this point, would be to convert it to y = (x - b) / m.

    It’s been a while since I took math, and I was never the best, so others should feel free to correct me.

  • How do you feel confident in the workplace?

    I was a student for many years (5 years of undergrad, 2.5 years of grad school), and I became very comfortable with always being able to look at the syllabus and my grade and know what I needed to do and how well I was performing. Work isn’t like that. Like I think is normal, I get a performance review once a year. I find this unsettling, because even though I come in and do decent work, I still often feel like I’m doing something “wrong” and worry that I’m secretly on the cusp of being fired. Folks who have maybe been working for longer than I have, how do you feel and stay confident in your work?

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