No, you aren't born. Only your mother would say she was there, but hey, moms always tell lies to save their children.
So ein mist, nicht mal richtig Krachen lassen kann man es noch. Da sind doch wieder die Grünen dran schuld.
Iwie deja-vu. Hab den Witz mit Männer sehen alle gleich aus, Kappe + Brille schon mal gesehen. Da waren allerdings Prominentere Figuren wie dieser Sänger, dessen Name mir gerade nicht einfällt, der aber genau diesen Look vermutlich begründet hat.
Edit: Markus Förster, oder so ähnlich.
Last one. Sorry.
Got an invite, too. But without an app there is nothing you can do, just change password and write a bio.
It doesn't only sync with nextcloud, it syncs with every calDAV related system.
I would say, impossible. But since I watched Idiocracy, it's too soon.
Disable? These can't be disabled.
You mean you don't want to see them? There is a package called Plymouth, which hints the logs and shows a Logo instead.
Isn't it time to eat them?
"Disgusted" was a fast choice for wording. They look confused. Someone told me he get a headache by the fast movings through the workspaces.
For explanation I use 3 or 4 workspaces with full max. Windows and switch through them with super + tab. And had this wiggle animation running, too. As an user it is really fancy but if you are watching, it could hurt.
Yes, I use Fedora and love to break the permissions of shared Office-Documents. /s
The only thing I have learned is not to go too deep into customisation. Because people watching me using hyprland are some kind of disgusted.
I just use KDE with dark breeze theme. That's enough and nobody gets hurt.
Mac Users: shit, my 2019 laptop can't be updated to the latest OS-Version. And now I only got fake security updates.
Interesting, would fit, too.
I thought they are Russians because of the 1992 movie: the undiscovered country. Released close after the end of the cold war...
Me too. What could go wrong?
I thought there are other hints, like races are countries. (For example klingons are russians etc)
Political I thought the Borg are the real commies. (In a GOP nightmare version)
yabba dabba do
Zur Erklärung, das ist so ein Hirnaussetzer den ich manchmal habe, ich nenne es "Dialekt-sympathie". Weiß nicht ob das jemand kennt. Aber wenn mich jemand mit Dialekt anspricht will ich den meistens Kopieren, vl. um besser verstanden zu werden. Fällt schwer aber meistens kann ich es unterdrücken, ist ja schon arg peinlich.
PS. Ich Feier diese Vorlage weil das einfach so gut dazu passt.
Das hat mich gestern im ZDF am meisten gefuchst. (Neben den ganzen AfD Interviews natürlich)