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Debian used to be so good. What happened!?
  • I manage over 40 Debian clients in production use. All are managed with ansible. It's the easiest time in my sysadmin time ever.

    My own systems are fedora and Debian unstable. Why? Because I test upcoming changes and features. And think how it would be if all 40 clients run on unstable or fedora, every day updates of 20-60 packages for nothing the user would care about.

    Debian stable is my hero.

  • DE: Klingbeil-Äußerung zur AFD: Nach Nazi-Schlampe nun auch Nazi-Partei?
  • Die Vorzeige-nicht-Nazis müssen dann weichen sobald die AfD an der Macht ist. Ist ja nicht so als ob diese Vorgehensweise irgendwie neu wäre. Hab in letzter Zeit echt Lust einige Wähler mit einem Geschichtsbuch zu bewerfen.

    PS. Schön dass die SPD endlich die Samthandschuhe ablegt und klare Kante gibt.

  • X is about to start hiding all likes
  • Every time I think wtf is he doing, I remember about this theory he is destroying twitter on purpose, because it was a network with to much influence for example the arab spring.

  • What is your favorite Scandinavian country?
  • Most favourite: all of them

    Least favourite: Denmark

    I think all of them has some individual progressive Systems which other countries can learn from, for example: education.

    Denmark at the end because I heard their strong community has some trouble with people outside of their community. But I wouldn't call it fascism, it's more like a nationalism.

  • this doesn't work because it's Linux

    Background: Because of savings in infrastructure, I was allowed to switch some clients to Linux. Mostly those people who always failed on M$ Office, too, now complains about libreoffice.

    wth, that was really annoying

    Background-Story: I did a "flatpak update" on a remote client and every package wants the PW for downloading and for installing again. I had to enter the password like 30 times or more.


    Bonus fact: Her name is Rita Wilson.

    Right wings and their nonbelieve in science

    Edit: Damn, I missed the option to put star trek in second panel, shame on me.

    Openwrt + stubby + DoQ

    I want setup stubby with a QUIC resolver for testing purposes. My resolver is an external AdguardHome install on a VPS with certs for DoH, DoT and DoQ.

    Actually everything works with a DoT setup, and some research told me to replace "TLS" parts with "QUIC".

    ``` config stubby 'global' option manual '0' option trigger 'wan' # option triggerdelay '2' list dns_transport 'GETDNS_TRANSPORT_QUIC' option tls_authentication '1' option tls_query_padding_blocksize '128' # option tls_connection_retries '2' # option tls_backoff_time '3600' # option timeout '5000' # option dnssec_return_status '0' option appdata_dir '/var/lib/stubby' # option trust_anchors_backoff_time 2500 # option dnssec_trust_anchors '/var/lib/stubby/getdns-root.key' option edns_client_subnet_private '1' option idle_timeout '10000' option round_robin_upstreams '1' list listen_address '' list listen_address '0::1@5453' # option log_level '7' # option command_line_arguments '' # option tls_cipher_list 'EECDH+AESGCM:EECDH+CHACHA20' # option tls_ciphersuites 'TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256' option tls_min_version '1.2' # option tls_max_version '1.3'

    Upstream resolvers are specified using 'resolver' sections.

    config resolver option address 'vps-ip' option quic_auth_name '' option quic_port 853 ```

    But this conf doesn't work. Does someone got something like this to work?

    Openboard fork got rebranded into Heliboard Release HeliBoard 1.0-alpha1 · Helium314/HeliBoard

    Changes since last release as OpenBoard new 1.4.5 v18: rename package and app this means you cannot update from the previous version (but you can do a backup and restore) please report if you thi...

    Release HeliBoard 1.0-alpha1 · Helium314/HeliBoard

    Since yesterday, the really cool fork of openboard with active development and support of adding a swype library manually, got rebranded into Heliboard. A release on izzyondroidrepo and fdroid should be coming soon.

    PS. If you are using the old fork you have to remove it first and do a backup of your settings.

    Here we go


    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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