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Red or Black?
  • I actually painted my bike and realized it looks like this. Red tank, black engine, chrome pipes. It's a nice look.

  • I could see benefits and drawbacks
  • Guess I'm homeless.

  • I could see benefits and drawbacks
  • Guess I'm homeless, cuz fuck that.

  • Quiet Nourishing
  • Strange how the dictionary has different definitions for the two words.

    I'm used to needing group buy in for things that are potentially dangerous for their careers here in the US. How do you think your message of "sucking every morsel out of each day" comes across? Staying at home to knit on the clock?

    I agree the system is designed to be exploitative, but I can't change that alone.

  • Quiet Nourishing
  • I suppose it's up to individual on how they interpret it.

    I personally word my statements carefully to reduce the odds it gets misinterpreted, butt it still happens on occasion.

    If I've misinterpreted here, whoops. Onwards we go with no ill-will to anyone.

  • Quiet Nourishing
  • Sorry that that's how you're interpreting it. Just being explicit that there's a balance between being a mooch, and taking care of yourself.

  • Quiet Nourishing
  • What a polite and constructive comment.

    "A bunch of books"... Resoundingly low effort, friend. Have a great day 😉

  • Quiet Nourishing
  • I don't believe I have. "I'll suck every morsel of fun out of the day that I can" and "they can't do anything because I'm in a union" don't come across as positive statements.

    Tone gets lost in text, so I can't be certain of intent, but I need to stress that unions exist to ensure fair treatment of us workers, at it's core. Get paid, be safe, and be respected. Those comments I responded to don't seem to consider that there's gotta be a fair exchange back to the employer as well, otherwise we're dooming the symbiosis that develops.

    That's my take, downvote if you wish.

  • Quiet Nourishing
  • I support unions. Don't give the enemy fodder for reasons why unions are bad.

    I'm sure you work hard, and deserve time to relax as well, even on the clock. It doesn't come across that way with your comment. Thanks.

  • Singapore Airlines: More than twenty treated for spinal injuries after turbulence flight
  • Didn't the guy who almost got ejected out of the 737 door plug fiasco attribute his survival to keeping his belt on? I mean that's enough reason for me by itself.

  • This is ridiculous
  • You guys saw how the World rally tracks got towards the end?

    I hate the music, so maybe mute it.

  • Lil Peanut
  • I got to pet one once, he closed his beak on my fingers but because of how long the break is, he couldn't apply real pressure. It was pretty interesting to feel a bird play with your fingers who couldn't actually hurt you.

    This is compared to my little conures who instinctively nip out of fright if my partner pulls back the shower curtain in the other room haha. Ah... My poor fingers.

  • Big Science
  • I think you're right, and maybe add a modification. As a fellow engineer, I'll suggest there's a third option that's more realistic when it comes to knowledgeable and lay people having a discussion:

    • as mentioned in the meme, scientists can and do learn stuff that improves overall understanding.
    • the quest for improved understanding is usually sparked by a strange or unique observation, sometimes by scientists, sometimes by the much larger population of regular folks
    • Provided there is good intent and respect from both parties, I believe it's critically important that people who have observed something unique be able to discuss it somehow with people who have particular skill related to that phenomena

    What seems to be missing out of a lot of these misinformation tikTube fights is precisely that fundamental lack of respect. I've observed it's very easy to destabilize a calm discussion with small amounts of inconsiderate speech by people within or outside the discussion. Sometimes it seems purposeful, but the result is a much slowed ability to communicate. That's bad for us all.

  • Boring Post: That'll Teach You To Keep Coming Unvelcroed
  • Meh, my bike is also a bit dirty. Not super worried about how it looks lol.

  • Israel Threatens 'Severe Consequences' for Nations Who Recognize Palestine
  • Not sure how I missed that J. Whoops.

  • Israel Threatens 'Severe Consequences' for Nations Who Recognize Palestine
  • Yup. They're very efficient militarily, as is Finland. See the Skjold-class as an example of their engineering style.

  • Boring Post: That'll Teach You To Keep Coming Unvelcroed
  • Hmm.. maybe some snaps in a different spot, turn the jacket into a backpack? Like for your helmet at least?

  • Elders [Alex Krokus]
  • Nah, not business machines. I've made those last quite a while, even as an undergrad in engineering running simulations that were too heavy for what the machine could actually do.

    Pro tip: need an impromptu white noise generator? Load up some COMSOL or Ansys.

  • Google Pay alternative?

    cross-posted from:

    > Google Pay alternative? > > Hey there, > I'm looking for an alternative to Google pay that'll allow me to use NFC payments etc. Thoughts? > > I don't have a Google account, nor am I interested in opening one.

    Google Pay alternative?

    cross-posted from:

    > Google Pay alternative? > > Hey there, > I'm looking for an alternative to Google pay that'll allow me to use NFC payments etc. Thoughts?

    Google Pay alternative?

    Hey there, I'm looking for an alternative to Google pay that'll allow me to use NFC payments etc. Thoughts?

    I don't have a Google account, nor am I interested in opening one.

    E: Just to clarify, the payment part would be convenient, more annoying is how I don't get to use a single place for my subway/gym/ticketmaster passes.

    Who kicks a sparkplug??

    What a way to start the day. Had a spare, so it added a few minutes to my morning. Carefully cleaned the dust from around the plug, swapped, started and rode.

    NBD, but what the fuck?

    Jon Kennedy - Narcotize [Trip-hop/Electronic]

    Love this guy.

    Time-Memory Tradeoff Attacks on Signal & TLS1.3

    Some interesting ideas on reducing the time to decrypt certain ciphered info, in spite of axolotl's large key-size.

    Anyone ride in Seattle?

    How's the weather up there for riding? Not afraid of water, just careful with it.

    Prusa MK3s+, PETG and a 0.6 nozzle

    Hey everyone.

    I built an mk3s+ from its kit form successfully, tested a few PLA prints with the stock 0.4 nozzle.

    I've set prusaslicer to use a 0.6 nozzle now that I've upgraded, and am using PETG. Prints look pretty bad, in spite of calibrating z-offset etc.

    If you were doing something like this for the first time, what would your setup steps be like?

    To be specific, using a diamondback 0.6 nozzle, matterhackers PETG at 235c.

    Issues I'm seeing are a really bad loss of detail, lots of stringing, etc.

    eta: added a photo of a moderately post-processed part. Notice how rough the top surface looks, there's a disconnect between perimeter loops, etc.

    RubberElectrons RubberElectrons

    Just a shiny male toy..

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