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Trump wants an "American Iron Dome." Experts say that's ridiculous.
  • Yup - anyone who is likely to try and hit the US is far enough away is going to be using long range ballistic missiles, and it's been pretty conclusively demonstrated that it's technically feasible to intercept a single missile, it sure isn't reliable enough to be a reasonable deterrent or cheap enough to build enough launchers to give you any amount of coverage.

    Iron dome works because Israel is small, with a concentrated population, and is being attacked with small, short range rockets that are easy to spot on radar - that isn't a likely scenario for the US to face

  • A match made in heaven! 😍
  • Tingly

  • Donors
  • They seem to be pretty good at making sure the military has all the finding they need

  • Donors
  • I'd be ok with anonymous donations if they were truly anonymous both publicly and to the management of the institution receiving the money.

    Maybe this is something that the government could facilitate - pool these resources, then help distribute them where they are needed. Almost like how taxes work.

    Maintains uncomfortable eye contact with the camera

  • I have no idea how to react to this.
  • They are in it for the vibes more than the anything

  • Republicans Boost Jill Stein as Potential Harris Spoiler
  • I guess my point is less about the party specifically, are more that your country might not be collapsing quite so quickly if 49% of the population didn't feel massively disenfranchised every 4 years, and if there were actually incentives for collaboration and compromise between different view points

  • Republicans Boost Jill Stein as Potential Harris Spoiler
  • I vote Green.

    Because I live in a country with an actual proportional representation system, so my vote for a minor party still allows the major party that I most closely align with to gain power

  • (Noob question) Trying to install fan script, don't understand the first bit of instructions.
  • have a build environment [set up]

    Means that you need to have a C/C++ compiler and typical set of supporting tools installed so you can compile the program. For Debian (which Raspberry Pi OS is based on), the build-essential package will get you most of the way there - you can use the search tools at to find which packages provide the other tools you need

    clone the repo

    Means download the code using the git tool - run git clone <url>

  • Funeral
  • Molotov cocktail, except is just a dead guy called Molotov holding a jerrycan

  • People who destroy property over sportsball outcomes: Why?
  • I'm just a little sad that there are people in the world who have lived such empty, passionless lives that they can't conceive of being so excited and invested in something that they could lose their self control for a moment

  • Should we tip hospo staff in New Zealand?
  • If you can't afford to pay your staff enough for them to want to work for you, then your business has failed - you just haven't run out of cash yet.

    Pay them properly, or admit that you don't have a viable business model.

  • Oh Elon
  • What is the constitution if not a law?

  • It's funny when you tell them these things when they grow up
  • Way back when I used to go to the football with dad - kids under 5 could take the train for free, but weren't allowed in the stadium, so I was 4 on the train, and 5 when we got to the stadium

  • Oh Elon
  • Since when has a trivial thing like "the law" stopped him from trying to do something he wants?

  • Oh Elon
  • Oh shit it hadn't occurred to me that the logical end state for Elon is running for president

  • hmmm
  • At a previous employer, I worked with a client who used our platform and had 3rd party API integrations with companies called Skynet (a large logistics company) and InterWeb (a 90s era almost-PaaS that somehow survived the dotcom crash, pivoted into whatever they could find to charge people for, and went bankrupt a while ago).

    Somewhere I have screenshots of emails I sent to the Ops team, asking them to "enable Skynet in production" and "turn off the InterWeb"

  • Choosing violence
  • In the immortal words of Monzy:

    I pull out my keyboard / and I pull out my gloc / and I dismount your girl / and I mount slash proc / cos I've got your pid / and the bottom line / is you best not front / or its kill dash nine

  • Choosing violence
  • Meanwhile, a Linux user wipes blood off a sledgehammer with "SIGKILL" written on the handle

  • Unpopular Opinion: Xitter going bad is the best thing that ever happened to the Web
  • Even assuming 25% of Twitter users are bots (probably a significant over estimate), and even if half of Twitter's users quit in the next year, it would still be 150x bigger than mastodon

    (Mastodon has ~1m MAUs, compared to ~421m for Twitter)

  • KDE 6 fingerprint unlock

    The KDE 6 announcement says that

    > On prior versions you chose between either password or fingerprint authentication for the lockscreen. In Plasma 6, both are supported at the same time.

    I've updated my Neon install, what do I need to do to enable this? I've set up a fingerprint through the user settings, but when the screen is locked I still have to use my password to unlock - there isn't a prompt, and touching the reader doesn't seem to do anything

    Edit: follow up on an old post in case someone stumbles across it - I needed to install libpam-fprintd

    Tool to manage CLI tools

    I'm trying to find a thing, and I'm not turning up anything in my web searches so I figure I'd ask the cool people for help.

    I've got several projects, tracked in Git, that rely on having a set of command line tools installed to work on locally - as an example, one requires Helm, Helmfile, sops, several Helm plugins, Pluto, Kubeval and the Kubernetes CLI. Because I don't hate future me, I want to ensure that I'm installing specific versions of these tools rather than just grabbing whatever happens to be the latest version. I also want to ensure that my CI runner grabs the same versions, so I can be reasonably sure that what I've tried locally will actually work when I go to deploy it.

    My current solution to this is a big ol' Bash script, which works, but is kind of a pain to maintain. What I'm trying to find is a tool where I:

    • Can write a definition, ideally somewhere shared between projects, of what it means to "install tool X"
    • Include a file in my project that lists the tools and versions I want
    • Run the tool on my machine and let it go grab the platform- and architecture- specific binaries from wherever, and install them somewhere that I can add to my $PATH for this specific project
    • Run the tool in CI and do the same - if it can cache stuff then awesome

    Linux support is a must, other platforms would be nice as well.

    Basically I'm looking for Pythons' pip + virtualenv workflow, but for prebuilt tools like helm, terraform, sops, etc. Anyone know of anything? I've looked at homebrew (seems to want to install system-wide), and VSCode dev containers (doesn't solve the CI need, and I'd still need to solve installing the tools myself)

    Austrian supermarkets engaged in shady price manipulation Mario Zechner (

    Today was ... interesting. If you followed me for the past months over on the shitbird site, you might have seen a bunch of angry German words, lots of graphs, and the occassional news paper, radio, or TV snippet with yours truely. Let me explain. In Austria, inflation is way above the EU average. ...

    A whole bunch of this sounds really familiar for some reason...

    RegalPotoo RegalPotoo
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    Comments 745