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Is there a word for mangled idiom that becomes commonplace
  • I thought "cakewalk" was a clever American amalgamation of "a piece of cake" and "a walk in the park".

    Turns out it's actually related to slavery, so probably doesn't count.

  • As a Brit. I see nothing wrong here
  • Chuck some cheese sauce on that cauliflower, add some stuffing and we're getting there...

    Suddenly this hummus I'm eating for lunch doesn't quite cut the mustard. Actually on that note, include some mustard in the cauliflower cheese pls.

  • Consciousness is the only thing in the universe that cannot be an illusion
  • But then you're just pushing the unknown/undefined part to "feels like".

    We cannot define it properly so we can't discuss it formally or make assertions like it's the only thing in the universe that is not an illusion.

    You could assert "Cogito, ergo sum." but that's kind of been done before.

  • What movie would have ended at the beginning if the people in it acted like normal people?
  • Seems pretty realistic to me if Covid is anything to go by...

  • - a website that rates mobile games for their "dark patterns"
  • Anecdotally Fifa (EA FC or whatever they're calling it now) would have to be up there. Hadn't played it in years but gave it a go last season as it was free on Game Pass.

    They've combined the addictiveness of card collecting with loot box mechanics, FOMO and moving the goalposts (pun intended) to get the best players. The gameplay also seemed pretty rigged to prevent grinding rewards out.

    Then when the new game is out, rather than dishing out all the rewards to those still playing it instead becomes infeasible to unlock any more decent players so you're pretty much stuck with what you have.

    Even if you pay full price for the next game you'll have to use low stat players as they only seem to start releasing decent ones half way through the season.

  • As a Brit. I see nothing wrong here
  • Oblivious fact: Me

  • As a Brit. I see nothing wrong here
  • Fun fact: Roasting meat alone does not a Sunday roast make.

  • As a Brit. I see nothing wrong here
  • Stops carving the Sunday roast and holds off putting the apple crumble in the oven...

    But we are one of the most multicultural societies in the world and have long since adopted everyone else's cuisines.

    By this logic the Japanese don't have curries and the Americans don't have pizza, or any other food for that matter.

  • What hip-hop song do you think demonstrates the most impressive artistic talent and why? (pls provide link)
  • Wow didn't expect to see Akala already posted here.

    This is the correct answer although I think Fire in the Booth Part 4 might even eclipse Part 1 in terms of talent.

    Second place for me would be Lowkey. For message Soundtrack to the Struggle 2, for pure ability has to be The Return of Lowkey... Genius bars like a laptop shop.

  • As a Brit. I see nothing wrong here
  • Yeah never got this. The nation's favourite dish is curry. My favourite dish is curry. Isn't it a running joke amongst Indians how much the Brits love curry?

    Things like beans on toast and fish finger sandwiches are cheap and easy lunch snacks for students but not our actual diet.

  • Consciousness is the only thing in the universe that cannot be an illusion
  • I couldn't claim to have a definition as the origins of consciousness are still unknown to science and not formally defined.

    However your definition is definitely not the widely accepted one. It doesn't even offer a proper definition, all it does is push the unknowns to "what it is like to be that organism".

    Who defines what it is to "be" something? What is the smallest unit of "being"? Are we saying that consciousness is an inherent property of organisms or could it be recreated on a computer?

  • Consciousness is the only thing in the universe that cannot be an illusion
  • Ok, I agree it can't be an illusion the way you define it, I don't think that would be an unpopular opinion.

    I also maintain that it cannot be defined the way you define it.

  • Consciousness is the only thing in the universe that cannot be an illusion
  • Yes my point was that if there was a hypothetical being outside our universe looking in they could correctly say that our consciousness is an illusion from their subjective experience.

    It's an oversimplification because that is not the scientifically accepted definition of consciousness. It is currently undefined and seems to be an emergent property from the brain, the complex object known to us.

  • Consciousness is the only thing in the universe that cannot be an illusion
  • If the universe is a simulation then conciousness could be considered an illusion to those outside the simulation. From an internal perspective it wouldnt be an illusion as it's the only thing that we experience.

    However we have trouble even defining what counciousness is (an oversimplified quote from a philosopher doesn't cover it) so it seems pointless to make such speculative black and white statements about it.

  • More
  • Funniest title wins...
  • Phase 1 of seizing the means of production initiated, comrad.

  • I've found a new candidate to vote for
  • I love that even in the most fantastical scenario they couldn't envisage anything less than a 4 day work week.

  • With all the bad stuff happening in the world like politics war racism homophobia etc. What is some good news that isI happening that we don't read or see about?
  • As of 2023, solar energy accounted for about 4.5% of China's total energy consumption.

    In 2024 solar energy could account for around 5-6% of China's total energy consumption.

    If they add another 170GW in 2025, the percentage could rise to approximately 6-7%.

    They hope by 2026 solar will make up 8-9% of the total energy consumption.

    If solar is the future then we are screwed because that isn't fast enough growth... and that is without factoring in the rest of the world who will hit nowhere near those numbers.

  • [USA] Presidential Debate Mega Thread
  • "I saw it on TV!"

  • [USA] Presidential Debate Mega Thread
  • Took our jerbs, eat our dergs.

  • Is there a way to downvote via swipe actions?

    I've bounced between Lemmy apps and have found Connect to be the best so far. I particularly like the swipe actions as they free up screen space for content.

    However I cannot find a way to downvote via swiping. Is the feature not available at present or is it hidden away somewhere in the settings?

    New study finds we're on course for 10°C warming at current rates

    This factors in some feedback loops which most sudies to date have ignored. Note, that it excludes extra warming caused by all the additional water vapour in the air.

    For context, studies suggest that the largest extinction event in Earth's history (so far), the Late Permian Extinction Event, saw temperature rises of around 8°C.

    Starfield accessories arrived, thanks Microsoft Rewards!

    The Starfield preview got me hyped enough to finally cash in a big chunk of my points that I've been accumulating since the Series X was released.

    If anyone doesn't use Microsoft Rewards I strongly recommend signing up. It doesn't take much effort to build them up.

    They are slowly nerfing the program so might as well take advantage while it lasts.

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