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Chicago Police won’t discipline nine officers who signed up for extremist group
  • Listen, if you set the bar that high you'd have to discipline the whole force.

  • Brown University agrees to hold Israel divestment vote after pressure from student protesters
  • Just yesterday I had someone tell me "They're throwing away their future for nothing". Let's hope the preasure leads to more results.

  • What lack of reading theory does to mfs
  • Libs identify fundamental features of Capitalism, but can't except them as fundamental features, and thus create new isms that somehow they believe can be dealt with in isolation. Just doing the math out loud. I had someone mention "corporatism" in conversation recently, and it frankly flew right by me.

  • Tesla On Fire
  • Please continue to deny reality. Tesla sucks, that's why its stock is going down.

  • Hexbear up?
  • Emoji down! I repeat, emoji down!!

  • Hexbear up?

    Looks up for me, not sure about others.


    What's a thing in pop culture that probably came directly from the base (unconsciously)?
  • Damn I wasn't aware of that. If you find that video, let me know!

  • What's a thing in pop culture that probably came directly from the base (unconsciously)?
  • The saying "A Jack of all trades is a master of none." mostly because it implies that there isn't value in a diverse set of skills. My understanding is, however, that the whole saying is "A Jack of all trades is a master of none, but often times better than a master of one." It's unclear why this phrase was shortened, but you can't help but see how its usage in the media lends to the notion that one should specialize instead of generalize. Something that directly supports the higher education structure and track post primary school.

    Personally, I've made a pretty successful go at generalizing within my field, so I definitely resonate with this one.

    The concept of "Stockholm Syndrome". Britannica defines Stockholm Syndrome as follows:

    Stockholm syndrome describes the psychological condition of a victim who identifies with and empathizes with their captor or abuser and their goals. Stockholm syndrome is rare; according to one FBI study, the condition occurs in about 8 percent of hostage victims

    This concept is widely excepted as a kind of mental breaking, of someone doing something that would appear illogical or irrational. However, the coining of this notion stems from a bank robbery in Stockholm in 1973. I'll simply link to the backstory from Wikipedia, as it encapsulates the issue pretty well.

  • China Vows to Centralize Tech Development Under Communist Party
  • You replied to me literally stating that my opinions were flawed from the get go based on very big assumptions.

    Typical Redditor behavior, you don't even stop to look at who you are speaking with, you just assume every comment below yours is somehow the same person, and not possibly someone else who also thinks you're a total chud.

  • China Vows to Centralize Tech Development Under Communist Party
  • On what basis do you make such a claim?

  • China Vows to Centralize Tech Development Under Communist Party

    Archive of the full article.

    This is rational from China's perspective. Divesting in the American technology pipeline not only weakens America's grip on the global economy but also positions China as the leader in global technology.

    Also, we have more evidence of US putting back doors into technology than we do China. If you're living in the imperial core, it's far more likely that the US is monitoring your activities than China is.

  • Sad Songs and Waltzes - CAKE
  • Really blew my mind a number of years ago to discover this was a cover. Turns out I like Willy Nelson. "Don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys" is another favorite of mine.

    Cake's cover of "I will survive" and "war pigs" are also fantastic. War Pigs is probably one is my favorite songs. Cake can be polarizing, but I love them.

  • My cryptography professor is a fucking turbolib
  • Send an anonymous note about his rampant sinophobia to the administration. Probably wouldn't fly in the uni near me because we have a high population of Chinese students. Not sure what the demographic is in your area, though.

  • Hasan is the Assad of twitch streamers
  • For a guy who is never there he did a pretty good job of convincing me that socialism is cool. Probably wouldn't have come to that conclusion on my own consuming default western media.

  • Are We Transitioning From Capitalism to Silicon Serfdom? Are We Transitioning From Capitalism to Silicon Serfdom?

    The idea that we are entering an era of techno-feudalism that will be worse than capitalism is chilling and controversial. We asked former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis to elucidate this idea, explain how we got here, and map out some alternatives.

    Are We Transitioning From Capitalism to Silicon Serfdom?

    cross-posted from:

    > Are We Transitioning From Capitalism to Silicon Serfdom? > > The idea that we are entering an era of techno-feudalism that will be worse than capitalism is chilling and controversial. We asked former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis to elucidate this idea, explain how we got here, and map out some alternatives.

  • The "infinity stones bonus" makes me think its not real, but then again, libs love marval.

  • Four of Nebraska’s largest school districts use debt collectors to go after unpaid lunch tabs
  • Criminal, vial, repugnant behavior on behalf of the school district.

  • How is Ukraine losing with the Ghost of Kyiv on their side????
  • Uhg this would be pretty sick. You have to flip the script though and gut all the libertarian nonsense from the original movies.

  • Is it Wrong for a Communist to Have Private Health Insurance?
  • Capitalism is optional after all.

  • it's a real toss-up
  • Jesus Christ...

  • Putin says he prefers 'more predictable' Biden over Trump
  • Dude you joke but the thread on was full of that lib shit.

  • I'm going to need some Tone Indicators here pronto.

    Bluesky, the same vat of toxic waste with a new label on the tin.

    Mind if I join you?
    Avatar's (ATLA) depiction of a facist colonial state is very good.

    The nationalism, the colonial centric pedagodgy, class disparity, industrial poisoning of local communities, and thats just in the first 3 episodes of the season. Episode 3 has some good materialism.

    Avatar has a lot to say. Its a good show.

    United States | News & Politics Red Wizard 🪄
    Biden sanctions Israeli settlers accused of attacking Palestinians and peace activists in West Bank Biden sanctions Israeli settlers accused of attacking Palestinians and peace activists in West Bank

    President Joe Biden is expected to issue an executive order targeting Israeli settlers in the West Bank who attack Palestinians, AP sources say.

    Biden sanctions Israeli settlers accused of attacking Palestinians and peace activists in West Bank
    I think I want to learn Esperanto Esperanto: Tre Mojosa - Stuff You Should Know | iHeart

    <p>One thing you could do is create your own language. Some people do and for lots of different reasons. LL Zamenhof created Esperanto to try to bring about world peace. It worked, but on a less-than-global scale. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>See for privacy information.</p>

    Esperanto: Tre Mojosa - Stuff You Should Know | iHeart

    cross-posted from:

    > I think I want to learn Esperanto > > I'm not a language learner. It wasnt a requirement when I was a kid and in highschool I never had an interest. However, having just learned about it, and learned of its etheos and properties, I think it could be fun to learn. Helps that my partner is also interested. > > Also, a stateless international language seems like a good fit as an international movement. A movement that is striving for international solidarity and a world without borders. > > At a minimum, learning it would make Hitler spin in his grave: > > > As long as the Jew has not become the master of the other peoples, he must speak their languages whether he likes it or not., but as soon as they become his slaves, they would all have to learn a universal language (Esperanto, for instance!), so that by this additional means the Jews could more easily dominate them!

    I think I want to learn Esperanto Esperanto: Tre Mojosa - Stuff You Should Know | iHeart

    <p>One thing you could do is create your own language. Some people do and for lots of different reasons. LL Zamenhof created Esperanto to try to bring about world peace. It worked, but on a less-than-global scale. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>See for privacy information.</p>

    Esperanto: Tre Mojosa - Stuff You Should Know | iHeart

    I'm not a language learner. It wasnt a requirement when I was a kid and in highschool I never had an interest. However, having just learned about it, and learned of its etheos and properties, I think it could be fun to learn. Helps that my partner is also interested.

    Also, a stateless international language seems like a good fit as an international movement. A movement that is striving for international solidarity and a world without borders.

    At a minimum, learning it would make Hitler spin in his grave:

    > As long as the Jew has not become the master of the other peoples, he must speak their languages whether he likes it or not., but as soon as they become his slaves, they would all have to learn a universal language (Esperanto, for instance!), so that by this additional means the Jews could more easily dominate them!

    ICJ's Israel genocide decision: Historic victory for Palestinians & Global South

    cross-posted from:

    > ICJ's Israel genocide decision: Historic victory for Palestinians & Global South

    ICJ's Israel genocide decision: Historic victory for Palestinians &amp; Global South

    cross-posted from:

    > ICJ's Israel genocide decision: Historic victory for Palestinians & Global South

    Chuds on Facebook make me laugh.

    Some dipshit who was on our Town Council tried to tell me that Fascism is a "Left-Wing Construct". These guys are laughable. This was because I told him his fetish for wanting the pledge said before council meetings was a fascist purity test.

    Our town is pretty progressive, but we still have our hogs about. Was getting tired of seeing them post with impunity on the timeline. I think I might have given some people the courage to also pile on as well, because I've noticed some more aggressive counter talk from people on the page when these idiots slither out of their nest.

    For many im sure this isnt much, but I have not finished a book in decades

    The amount of times I would read a paragraph and think "if this was written today, it would still be true" was to damn high. Especially the entire last chapter.

    neurodiverse Red Wizard 🪄
    Reading Speed and Comprehension

    I have ADHD, I think it's possible I had some other form of reading disability when I was younger, but I'm not sure. Just a hunch, my therapist has. One thing I do all the time, that really slows me down, is subvocalizing. If I'm not subvocalizing, I feel like my retention and comprehension are almost nonexistent. For easier literature, it's not a big deal, but wanting to read more theory, I find myself struggling.

    I think, according to some reading tests I was taking today, I read at about 144 wpm which isn't great. That's me mostly subvocalizing. If I stop, I can get to 270, but my retention and comprehension goes down quite a bit.

    Any advice, tools, websites, services, you might be aware of that can help me unlearn a lifetime of bad reading habits? Everyone wants to sell you a tool or service for STEM shit, but when you're looking for adult assistance with reading, all I seem to be finding is stuff for Elementary and Middle School level reading.

    Happy Holidays comrades

    I hope your holiday is full of love and warmth!

    What do we know about Colorado's war on the homeless?

    The holiday debates have begone.

    "Only two people signed up for this tiny home program. The rest said they like being homeless."

    I have the logic, but not living in Colorado, I don't have the facts. I do know they're playing a game of shuffle board with their homeless population after some quick investigation, but nothing specific to the claim. I'll get the article in reference if I can.

    But man, how hard is it to accept that no one "wants" to be homeless.

    This doesn't make it sound like Denver isn't doing its best.

    Relay Phone Number and OTP codes

    Facebook (I know) is forcing me to revive a code via a phone number to "prove I'm real". I figured this would be a good usecase for relay phone numbrrs, but thus far I haven't revived any codes after many attempts.

    Anyone else experience this?

    Shout out to the Native American float.

    Homie holding up the Palestinian flag on national TV is goated.

    Leftist kids books.

    I was at the library with the kiddo this weekend hunting for some stories. They're 3, for context. I'm not usually the one getting books, and it took me a little time to find books I was interest in. Found two that turned out to be fun and with some leftist points of view.

    First one: "Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type" by Doreen Cronin illustrated by Betsy Lewin.

    A book about cows who have a typewriter. They use that typewriter to write letters to the farmer demanding better working conditions. Its a silly book about cows on strike, light hearted but a good message about the power of collective action.

    Second one: "The Rooster Who Would Not Be Quiet!" By Carmen Agra Deedy, illustrated by Eugene Yelchin.

    A book about a noisy town where the people sing all day and night. After electing a new mayor, the mayor bans all forms of singing. Until a rooster arrives. Even after the mayor takes away everything the rooster has, the rooster refuses to stop singing. A fun book about speaking truth to power and refusing to be silenced in the face of powerful threats.

    In a sea of identity affirming books, it was nice to find these. If you have any similar books feel free to leave them below.

    RedWizard Red Wizard 🪄
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