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  • Yeah, it's really dangerous when the religion lines up with the imperialism.

    In the case of Israel, you have the base materialism that's pushes the US to escalate there, but you also have the superstructure of holy war to cement it in the hearts of the population.

  • Real
  • Fucking finally

  • Anti-Trans Missouri A.G. Can Now Access Trans People’s Medical Records
  • Wish we lived in the conservative reality where trans people are running the government and hunting conservatives for sport.

    Instead, we have to deal with them having all the institutional power to attempt queer extermination while they claim they're the ones being persecuted.

    When our time comes...

  • NGL reading stuff like this is rather uplifting.
  • I don't know, if you read old letters even the casual correspondence is often really gorgeous.

    Maybe those are just the letters we keep, though

  • NSFW
    Horny jail: found
  • This is more like horny quarantine

  • Tag yourself, mine was bloatware
  • Data corruption, so I'm writing my own

  • me_irlgbt? more like me_irliberal
  • It's really tiring how the tankies here won't acknowledge that Biden stopped all the anti-trans legislation that was passed under his administration

  • US economic recovery plan leaked
  • Why is Cronus' son so fucking thicc??

    Who wouldn't eat that ass??

  • Chechnya bans good music
  • Okay, just double the bpm and half note increments.

    Same song, new bpm!

  • Muscatine, Iowa is cooler than the entirety of this site....
  • I thought that flag on the right was a PRC flag at a glance lmao

  • Right-wing authoritarianism appears to have a genetic foundation, finds a new twin study.
  • Same reason I don't like when they do scans on trans people's brains to show that they are in line with their preferred gender. I understand that they're trying to find some kind of objective claim to being trans, but it's simply not going to work that way. It would only be weaponized.

    People were searching pretty hard for the "gay gene" for a while there. Good fucking thing they didn't find anything.

  • USA vs Cuba
    Almost physically painful to watch my wife play Baldur's Gate 3
  • wojak-nooo nooooo, you have to consider your characters' archetypes and craft your strategy accordingly

    sicko-fem look at them jiggle

  • Me on my way to frag my commanding officer after being drafted
  • This is what happens when you can't find good women's workwear

  • Xi's powerful new weapon EXPOSED
  • Sorry, the button's got no juice. I don't see two tea cups.

  • click to die of cringe
  • You love your country.

    Bad things about your country are foreign lies.


  • Guys Biden has fixed everything! He called for a ceasefire before sending the next shipment of weapons to Israel!
  • "Please stop supporting genocide"

    "Biden has called for a ceasefire!"

    "Okay, but please stop supporting genocide"

    "You're moving the goalposts!"

  • I miss the r/cth bots

    Miss the mask off bot

    Miss the Overton window bot

    Miss the sweet summer child bot

    Miss the bots I don't remember

    Any multiracial comrades here who have people get weird a about it?

    So I feel like I very very rarely identify my race one way or the other, but I notice people often apply labels depending on the whims of the conversation. People are not consistent with how they identify me. Sometimes I'm white and other times I'm not depending on whatever point is trying to be made.

    I think it's weird because I was never treated like I was white by the white side of my family. It was always made apparent I wasn't part of that club. And the non white side of my family never treated me like I was white either.

    But whenever I try to say I'm not white or relate to a PoC experience, I'm told that I'm "white passing"? Uh, first off, that's incredibly subjective and depends on the group. Yes, I have passed as white at times, but I've also been identified as PoC many times, both positively and negatively.

    White passing? Sure wish that unhinged vet threatening my life while calling me a sand n*gger knew I was white passing. Boy, would he have been embarrassed.

    Really feels like that Aesop fable with the birds and the beasts going to war. The birds ask what the bat is, and the bat says he's a beast. The beasts ask what he is, and he says a bird. This way he doesn't fight in the war, but he's not accepted by either group after they make peace.

    Except in my case, nobody asks what I am, they just tell me I'm the other group lol.

    Even my partner (pure blooded "legitimate" PoC) does this shit. Always tells me I'm basically White, but after Trump got elected, she said she was scared for my safety with the increase in racism in the country. I'm like, why? Shouldn't I blend in just fine?

    Idk, this post got long. These people got me tilted, and I don't know where to post this.

    Starship Troopers discourse I haven't seen: it's a pretty boring movie

    I really liked Starship Troopers as a kid. Pretty sure I said it was my favorite movie for a time. Last year or so, I had the chance to watch it again with some friends, and I was excited because now I could watch it with my Adult Knowledge that it's actually a satire of fascism. I was honestly bored out of my mind, and I wanted to turn it off halfway through.

    Because it's not really a typical satire, right? It's an example of a movie that a fascist society would make. This kind of necessarily means that the movie needs to be trite and shallow. Neither the characters nor plot is compelling. Because of this, the action sequences fall flat to me, too.

    I watched robocop the day before, and I actually liked it way more than when I was younger. I can also enjoy other satire of fascism like Warhammer 40k which I think is ridiculous enough to be fun.

    I don't know, it sucks for the people who genuinely uphold it as a fascist piece of art because... Damn, it's really childish and boring when taken at face value.

    Anyone with me on this? I honestly found it disappointing.

    Sociological theories that explain the development of culture and societies?

    I have a student who wants to study anthropology, sociology, and politics at a major university, and she has an interview coming up.

    It's not my major field, so I'm looking for some input. She needs to familiarize herself with more formal systems with explanatory power on human cultural behaviors.

    I've been teaching her historical materialism for months, which had been good in terms of her actually understanding the world, but I feel like I'd be doing her a disservice if that was her only tool, especially because her interviewers will most certainly be libs.

    What other theories should she be aware of?

    There's been a lot of discourse about nu-atheism and internet atheism being reactionary lately but not a lot of talk about what it was a reaction to.

    The particular neckbeardy, fedora wearing, Sam Harris listening trend of atheism was a pretty clear reaction to the evangelical psychosis of the Bush administration.

    Other geriatrics here can attest that the character of Christianity at the time was way different than it is now. These days, the fascists are more "culturally Christian" and avoid overt bible apologism. But back in the day, these people were constantly on TV spewing young earth creationism and other shit, and they were largely taken seriously. It's hard to believe now how much time was spent "debating" evolution back then. The atheist backlash at least affected discourse aesthetically for some time, making these views laughable, which deplatformed a lot of evangelicals or made them hide their power levels on TV.

    Some argue that this brand of atheism justifies imperialism. It does so really only in theory. There really is no material basis for atheists in the US to justify an invasion anywhere in the world. The truth is that Christianity is still a far more powerful force for imperialism. Bush said that God told him to invade Iraq. I don't see any president saying anytime soon that the US needs to secularize a country through force.

    If fundamentalist and political religiosity were defeated, then belligerent atheism would dissolve, but the reverse is not true.

    Overall, it really does seem like people over emphasize this group of internet no-lifers because of the cultural cringe they manifested.

    (CW: Child Abuse) Are we living through a moral panic about pedophilia?

    I'm not talking about queer people getting called groomers. I know why that's happening. I'm referring more to a more general fear of pedophilia instead of just repackaged homophobia.

    I feel like I'm hearing about it like every other week. For instance, parent bloggers noticing that their engagement skyrockets when they post their kids eating hotdogs or in swimwear. Another example is an increasing trend of people on Pinterest creating walls and albums labelled "hot kids."

    I know that elite freaks are all pedos, but is pedophilia an actually growing problem among regular people? It seems to me like when suburbanites freak out about any other thing like BLM or immigrants marching through and razing their communities. Or the crime freakout in the 70s/80s.

    Am I being naive and we actually need to be on high alert?
