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Arrest of journalist Olga Fedorova (Alex Kent, New York, May 8 2024)
  • It will be PMC, and they will execute us. All republicans and conservatives will cheer.

    It hit me like a truck back in 2020 how Trump could hire goons to execute my young children in front of me, or even do it himself, and everyone who voted for him would cheer it. That is who Trump voters are at their core.

  • Federal judge indefinitely postpones Trump classified documents trial
  • He is the epitome of allowing perfection to impede progress.

    His work on the OKC bombings was the same way. The two of them were dead to rights, but Garland insisted on obtaining every piece of evidence humanly possible. The outcome was exactly the same.

    He tried the same methodology here and it utterly failed.

  • Removed
    Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • A lot of it has to do with the title, as it insinuates you either have an understanding, or are the reason women would pick the bear. This completely leaves out the innocuous “I don’t understand” group of men, which makes up a large chunk of people.

    They don’t understand, so they are a predator? Well now they have joined the conversation on the wrong side which contributes to the defensiveness and increases the toxicity.

    Most men will never have to deal with someone stalking us. We don’t live in fear of a male attacker trying to rape us, roofy us, and in fact most dudes get to walk around like male lions most our lives and just hang out not worrying about much of anything. I was this way until having close female friends in the army, and we had a candid conversation about this when I took one of them home after she had been slipped something.

    I have been ridiculously aware of the man-in-the-woods since then, and it has gotten more keen after having kids.

  • Teens come up with trigonometry proof for Pythagorean Theorem, a problem that stumped math world for centuries
  • It’s a mathematical proof, but it’s using trig inside the proof.

    If you ever want a fun rabbit hole of mathematicians losing their minds, they had a massive existential crisis about calculus with “What if all of calculus is wrong!?!”, and the subsequent proof developed is one of those things that took years and likely involved a lot of amphetamines.

  • Traffic rule
  • I was convinced to play Pacific Drive, where the land attacks your car. There are many good hazards in that game to help slow people down. The random columns rising from the ground might do the trick, and help get bad drivers off the road.

  • [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?
  • They also view it as a silver bullet solution to most of the world’s climate problems. I have heard and read so many of them say how if everyone were vegan, pollution would almost disappear overnight and the earth would be saved.

    They of course are the loudest vegans possible and make the rest look bad.

  • Why haven't you taken the bear pill?
  • I was in the smoky mountains with my kids camping, and we heard a bear digging around. My kids started crying, they for sure knew they were dead.

    I got out of the tent, stomped my feet so the bear heard me and wasn’t startled, and then went “boogaaboogaaa” and raised my arms. Poor little black bear went running off and kept looking back.

    And my kids had a really cool story about when their dad chased away a giant scary bear.

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