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Disable read post decreased opacity
  • hey, unsure if you're describing the issue I was having, but here's the theme I adjusted to make Infinity for Lemmy match default Infinity for Reddit.

    you can add the theme under the theme menu in settings (I think you have to copy the theme to your clipboard first)

    apologies if this doesn't address your issue.

    EDIT: Just had a look at your screenshot and it's exactly the issue I had. if you apply the below theme, it'll fix the opacity change

    {"archivedTint":"#FFB4009F","authorFlairTextColor":"#FFEE02C4","awardedCommentBackgroundColor":"#FF242424","awardsBackgroundColor":"#FFEEAB02","awardsTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","backgroundColor":"#FF121212","bottomAppBarBackgroundColor":"#FF121212","bottomAppBarIconColor":"#FFFFFFFF","buttonTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","cardViewBackgroundColor":"#FF242424","chipTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","circularProgressBarBackground":"#FF242424","colorAccent":"#FFFF1868","colorPrimary":"#FF242424","colorPrimaryDark":"#FF121212","colorPrimaryLightTheme":"#FF0336FF","commentBackgroundColor":"#FF242424","commentColor":"#FFFFFFFF","commentIconAndInfoColor":"#B3FFFFFF","commentVerticalBarColor1":"#FF0336FF","commentVerticalBarColor2":"#FFC300B3","commentVerticalBarColor3":"#FF00B8DA","commentVerticalBarColor4":"#FFEDCA00","commentVerticalBarColor5":"#FFEE0219","commentVerticalBarColor6":"#FF00B925","commentVerticalBarColor7":"#FFEE4602","crosspostIconTint":"#FFFF1868","currentUser":"#FF00D5EA","dividerColor":"#FF69666C","downvoted":"#FF007DDE","fabIconColor":"#FFFFFFFF","flairBackgroundColor":"#FF00AA8C","flairTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","fullyCollapsedCommentBackgroundColor":"#FF21C561","isAmoledTheme":false,"isChangeStatusBarIconColorAfterToolbarCollapsedInImmersiveInterface":false,"isDarkTheme":true,"isLightNavBar":false,"isLightStatusBar":false,"isLightTheme":false,"linkColor":"#FFFF1868","lockedIconTint":"#FFEE7302","mediaIndicatorBackgroundColor":"#FFFFFFFF","mediaIndicatorIconColor":"#FF000000","moderator":"#FF00BA81","name":"Indigo Dark","navBarColor":"#FF121212","noPreviewPostTypeBackgroundColor":"#FF424242","noPreviewPostTypeIconTint":"#FF808080","nsfwBackgroundColor":"#FFFF1868","nsfwTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","postContentColor":"#B3FFFFFF","postIconAndInfoColor":"#B3FFFFFF","postTitleColor":"#FFFFFFFF","postTypeBackgroundColor":"#FF0336FF","postTypeTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","primaryIconColor":"#FFFFFFFF","primaryTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","readPostCardViewBackgroundColor":"#FF242424","readPostContentColor":"#FF979797","readPostTitleColor":"#FF979797","receivedMessageBackgroundColor":"#FF4185F4","receivedMessageTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","secondaryTextColor":"#B3FFFFFF","sendMessageIconColor":"#FF4185F4","sentMessageBackgroundColor":"#FF31BF7D","sentMessageTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","singleCommentThreadBackgroundColor":"#FF123E77","spoilerBackgroundColor":"#FFEE02EB","spoilerTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","stickiedPostIconTint":"#FF0336FF","submitter":"#FFEE8A02","subreddit":"#FFFF1868","subscribed":"#FFFF1868","tabLayoutWithCollapsedCollapsingToolbarTabBackground":"#FF242424","tabLayoutWithCollapsedCollapsingToolbarTabIndicator":"#FFFFFFFF","tabLayoutWithCollapsedCollapsingToolbarTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","tabLayoutWithExpandedCollapsingToolbarTabBackground":"#FF242424","tabLayoutWithExpandedCollapsingToolbarTabIndicator":"#FFFFFFFF","tabLayoutWithExpandedCollapsingToolbarTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","toolbarPrimaryTextAndIconColor":"#FFFFFFFF","toolbarSecondaryTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","unreadMessageBackgroundColor":"#FF123E77","unsubscribed":"#FF0336FF","upvoteRatioIconTint":"#FF0256EE","upvoted":"#FFFF1868","username":"#FF1E88E5","voteAndReplyUnavailableButtonColor":"#FF3C3C3C"}
  • WoW Servers - a community to discuss WoW private servers
  • Hell yeah, I haven't played WoW in ages and reckon a private server would be a good way to get back into it. Subscribed!

  • Android Lemmy app list
  • Maybe give Infinity for Lemmy a shot! I don't have a tablet to test on at the moment but I recall Infinity for Reddit (which this is a fork of) supporting tablets.

    Some minor bugs but development is moving quickly. Bazsalanszky is doing an incredible job and I'd personally consider the app to be in a usable state for the average Lemmy user already :)

  • 8BitDo Retro Mechanical Keyboard
  • Nothing leading up to this point could have clued me in to the fact that I exist in the timeline where a retro controller manufacturer also makes a mechanical keyboard

    and that I'd like it

  • Deleted
    Request: Invisibility of my content is okay, but removing it is not okay.
  • If you check the modlog, your post was removed for breaking rule 7 which is "No memes allowed as posts".

  • Quiche
  • my grandfather would post this to facebook...

  • Welcome to the Infinity for Lemmy Community!
  • Thank you for your hard work! This is incredible!

  • I never buy video games on day 1, but I made an exception for Remnant 2
  • hello fellow patient gamer šŸ«”

  • purrderous intent

    We accidentally took a picture with the flash which may have contributed to his desire to kill


    *Permanently Deleted*
  • YESSS Loop Hero is so gooooood

  • How is anyone supposed to work under these conditions?
  • You have a new job now, human. Provide attention and food. Do not be distracted by your previous job.

  • I never buy video games on day 1, but I made an exception for Remnant 2
  • Oh for sure! I absolutely adore smaller bugs!

    An example in Remnant 2 I can think of off the top of my head is that when you go to revive a teammate, both yourself and the teammate say "Thank you" which has led to some hilarious moments. I also enjoy trying to think up reasons why the bugs might happen (reviving a player puts the downed player into a "reviving" state, maybe it accidentally puts BOTH players into the "reviving" state?).

    My main issues with it are the performance issues. Even extremely beefy computers seem to require DLSS enabled in performance mode. I like my bugs to be at a smooth framerate, damn it! šŸ˜†

  • they call it gen z c++
  • šŸ¤“

  • I never buy video games on day 1, but I made an exception for Remnant 2
  • Apologies if this doesn't fit here, I'm just obsessed with it at the moment and have no one else (except bf) to talk about it with lol

  • I never buy video games on day 1, but I made an exception for Remnant 2

    ... and holy hell is it so much fun. I sat down and played it with my bf for 4 hours last night and it felt like no time went by at all.

    I've never been so engrossed in a game like this so quickly. I'm normally terrible with souls-like games (Dark Souls, Elden Ring, etc) and quickly rage quit. But this game is different somehow?

    It runs like crap though which is probably not unusual in games released recently... not a fan of that personally.

    Has anyone else here played it? If so, what did you think?

    So, how many communities have you blocked?
  • none!

    ...cause blocks NSFW completely hehe

  • This is Noki
  • hello Noki ā¤ļø

  • Streeeeeetch!

    Our little Gingi having a nap after a big stretch. Do not touch his tummy or you will lose a limb...

    Wireless PCsā€¦
  • Imagine if the keyboard was integrated in the case so you wouldn't have to carry one around with your portable PC! I reckon we've got a revolutionary idea going here

  • Our beautiful boy just after waking up

    His name is Gingi (Gingerninja) and he is a sleepy boy šŸ˜Œ

    Has anyone made a community focused on graphic design yet?

    Or communities somewhat related to graphic design (stuff like crappydesign, for example)

    Pretzelise Pretzelise
    Posts 7
    Comments 45