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Someone mentioned how homeless people are to americans what roma are to europeans and it stuck with me.
  • I worked with a bunch of Roma on the hop farm and they were honestly the best people I've ever worked with. There was a really strong culture of sharing food and Jan found me a banger of a VW Passat for only £500. Jan would disappear off into the woods every lunch and forage tons of cob nuts and apples and we'd all chow down together. Farm owner treated them like shit though which was fucking typical.

  • What is gravity?
  • From my understanding MOND has some pretty big hurdles to overcome as a model. When speaking to my PHD friend he still feels it's hammering away at a model to further fit observations; it might prove useful but is certainly no smoking gun for us to wave a flag that we're onto something. It's a 40 year old concept that hasn't born much fruit yet.

  • Redditors are the dumbest, most credulous people to ever walk the earth
  • Yeah there's some ideas about there clearly being a difference in that the brain isn't feed-forward like these algorithms are. The book I Am a Strange Loop is a great read on the topic of consciousness. But I bet these models hit a massive plateau as the pump them full of bigger, shitter data. Who knows if we'll ever achieve any actual parity between human and ai experience.

  • Remember me comrades!
  • Wow that was definitely an enlightening read on the etymology, so the word was fucked from the get go haha..

    Sean O’Conaill (1976) - 'I would not suggest such a thing were it not for the Whatabouts. These are the people who answer every condemnation of the Provisional I.R.A. with an argument to prove the greater immorality of the “enemy”, and therefore the justice of the Provisionals’ cause: “What about Bloody Sunday, internment, torture, force feeding, army intimidation?”. '

  • Remember me comrades!
  • I know it gets used like shit but do you think there's any utility in the term 'whataboutism' if the definition is strict? Like I always understood it to be pointing out ludicrous pontificating about things that'll never happen. Obviously that's not how it's used at all in reality and your description is much more apt.

  • “Hire me”
  • Ok I've edited the singular mistake in reading you talking about 2 years and attaching that to your other point in your previous comment. Way to pick out the singular thing whilst ignoring every other point I made. I'm still saying two days is absolutely possible and achievable for a chunk of devs with experience. What the fuck are you even arguing against?

    You turn around and shit all over the OP and call him pretentious for saying he learned it quick and accuse him of not really understanding react with literally no evidence. I'm saying you're a giant egotistical prick for saying that.

    And wtf is wrong with your reading comprehension? You're literally missing the other half of my sentence, that yes a bunch do it in a week and I've trained people who do it quicker. That's my entire fucking point that you can't seem to acknowledge.

  • “Hire me”
  • Now you're just being a pedant. Why argue with me about the differenc between 6 days and 2 days? Why have this ludicrous accusation that the other guy definitely doesn't have a good mental model of react and you definitely do? Your entire argument is hinged on calling out the guy for claiming he thinks react was pretty easy to pick up. Why are you arguing with me then when I'm saying it's possible if your position is that it's also possible too if not "plausible." Although I really don't take much weight in your assesment at this point. I tried to give my two cents on the scenario in which I see people pick up react quickly while you're busy calling out this random dude for it not being plausible. Again, it's pretentious. You're not an authority, I have 4 times the experience with react professionally with 2yrs as technical manager and training react devs. I know wtf I'm talking about. There are plenty of people who can learn it in a week whilst you're talking about [ok not years but suggesting that he won't have it down and it takes longer to get a model] and a few I've seen do it quicker. I think you're mixing up actual Dev experience with understanding a UI framework.

  • “Hire me”
  • Idk man, I lived and worked through all the changes to react and had a good amount of experience with state based programming before that. I definitely know several people who would laugh at the complexity of hooks and the react life-cycle. There's some gotchas but nothing that's out of this world.

    So yeah I think it's possible for a highly experienced developer to have React mostly down in two days. I just straight up disagree based on my experience. I suggested 5-6 for a reasonable average for someone with 5+ years of good experience in that general domain. My apprentice was mostly a python Dev too and he was better than my colleage of three years after a few days.

  • “Hire me”
  • I have nearly a decades experience and react can definitely be learnt in a few days. I say maybe 5-6 on average if you dedicate yourself to it and have a good chunk of development experience already under your belt. My 18 year old apprentice had it mostly down by the end of an afternoon. Although he is exceptionally talented.

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