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About the us election
  • Wow this screenshot of four people with the same opinion talking to each other in an echo chamber has really changed my mind. Thanks, internet!

    When I was a teen protesting the Iraq war (which Biden supported, btw) we couldn’t imagine anyone worse than Dubya. Now we have Trump. Still probably not responsible for as many dead as Bush, but one could argue he’s worse on the domestic front. Now Bush hangs out with Ellen and we all laugh at his paintings like he’s a harmless old man.

    So, join me in a thought experiment. Ten years from now someone comes along who’s worse than Trump. Are you going to be telling me I have to vote for Trump because this other person is so much worse? Democrats scream about how great the economy is, but for whom? Not for me or anyone I know. Biden enacts these limp-dick half-measures that satisfy neither the right nor the left. He’s a bad politician. Period. His one job is to convince constituents to re-elect him. He can’t even accomplish that. But since his opponent is awful I have to vote for him. Fuck that.

    Who was president when abortion was stripped of federal protection. Who was president when we started funding not one but two proxy wars overseas? Inflation. Shrinkflation. Student loans. You can bandy about all the google searches you want, the proof is in Americans’ day-to-day lives. Page one of the Dems playbook is to say, “Oh dear we wish we could help, but those pesky Republicans…!” And yet when they had control of the Exec and the Legislative branches in Obama’s first term, what leftist utopia did they create?

    Read the transcript of Biden’s most recent Time interview. The whole thing. The man doesn’t complete a single thought. And we on the left love to shit on Trump (rightfully so) for talking like an incoherent hospice patient.

    Palestine is merely the latest in a long long litany of disappointments, blunders, and outright betrayals (see the railworkers union-busting). If Biden was my employee I’d fire him. If he was my boss I’d quit. But he’s just my president so I’m not voting for him.

  • SoulCaliber II - Nintendo GameCube
  • I’ll always remember being 14 and going to get my pre-ordered copy of SC2. It came with a free t-shirt. They hand me this shirt which is just a giant picture of Ivy wearing basically nothing. The look on my mom’s face lol

  • Alex Jones says Infowars could be shut down within hours
  • Yeah he does an emergency broadcast at least once a fuckin month. Just like Trump raised over 38 mil after his convictions. It’s all a con job. To take a page from Knowledge Fight, the media really needs to learn how to cover ol’ AJ.

  • WTF Joe...
  • From the party that brought you “we wish we could do something but the republicans won’t let us” comes “the republicans are worse, so what we’re doing is the best you’re going to get.”

    Maybe we need another four years of Trump. Either way, fuck em, I’m not voting.

  • Students walk out during Jerry Seinfeld’s commencement speech at Duke
  • The “one issue” happens to be supporting a genocide, so it’s kind of a big one? I haven’t seen anyone calling him right-wing, but you can bet if cops were firing rubber bullets at peaceful student protesters under a republican administration, every lefty from NY to LA would be wringing their hands and crying “fascism”. The times they are a-changing my friend. It’s not just about left or right, and I’m glad these kids understand that.

  • A couple uncommon PRS Hollowbodies

    This is my 2008 PRS Hollowbody II singlecut and my 2006 PRS McCarty hollowbody doublecut. Both were purchased second-hand within the past six years.

    The singlecut was originally offered through the PRS Artist Package and I’ve only ever found one other guitar like it on the internet. Last year I finally pulled all the piezo electronics and had it completely rewired as a regular passive guitar. Aside from that, it’s all stock.

    The doublecut was a prototype produced before the hollowbody was officially offered as part of the McCarty line, or so I was told.

    Both of these guitars are remarkably similar. Playability is absolutely off the charts, and I enjoyed the singlecut so much that it was pretty much-love-at-first-sight when I found the doublecut a few years later. They are the lightest damn guitars I have ever played; both weigh in at about 5lbs. The weight makes all the difference in the world during long-ass bar gigs and weddings. Tonally, they’re way more percussive than a Les Paul, but incredibly versatile nonetheless. The way the top is braced to the back allows you to crank the gain on your amp/PA without having to worry about the feedback issues typically associated with hollowbody electrics.

    Hands-down, these are two of my most prized possessions. I never post pics of my instruments to normal social media because I worry about theft, so I decided to do this little write-up to help grow this new (to me) community.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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