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Oh hi!
  • Soon!

  • What is Saddam Hussein doing on my handlebars?
  • I think he hides in them

  • I consent!
  • painless¹

  • Oxygen
  • I heard it kills thousands of people every year! We must stop this!

  • Fish rule
  • Yellow is no color! Its made of green and blue!!

  • Good night's sleep rule
  • You can install bug nets yourself easily. There are some from tesa, its the net and a roll of velcro-like tape. I love them.

  • After waiting over twenty years, I finally have The Abyss in 4K
  • There is animal cruelty in this movie. Could never enjoy it because of this one scene.

  • Just wanted to share this simple way to use kaspersky for free
  • Hell it even saves the system after being infected, I am told this by 2 friends and my brother.

    No. Once a System is infected you cant trust it anymore no matter what you do. There are many FUD (Fully Un Detected) viruses out there that cant 100% surely be found. You dont know if the found virus has infected the machine with some of these. Its a big red flag that this option is available in kaspersky. Save your data and set up a new system is the only correct, nearly 100% save option.

  • YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps
  • 30 seconds arent that bad.

    I once was forced to a five minutes video. Five minutes of pure cringe can feel like hours.

  • "Labour Market"
  • I think that should be your choice. I just think 20h should be enough to make a living wage.

  • "Labour Market"
  • Im with you, but 35h a week are way too much also. At least you should get a really good wage for that much time.

  • "Labour Market"
  • Labour is fine. Just not 40, 50 or 60 hours a week. 10-15, maybe 20 hours should be way enough to live a worryfree life. Change my mind.

  • walkable cities mean sittable cities
  • What about shitable cities? We need more free toilets!

  • Kellogg’s CEO advice to cash-strapped shoppers: Let them eat Corn Flakes for dinner
  • Thats Kelloggs too but without the name. You cant get rid of greedy Corporations because they are their own competitors after buying them.

  • Antrag zum AfD-Landesparteitag in Rottweil: „Chemtrails versprühen verbieten!“
  • Ist vermutlich so ähnlich wie die Genderthematik, die politisch nur durch AFD bzw CDU am laufen gehalten wird. Schön gegen Windmühlen kämpfen solange es Wähler bringt.

  • meow_irl
  • cat and CAT

  • Ahh yes negative people
  • Someone is dead i guess

  • How did you get your username?
  • My xbox Gamer tag was oXOrangeBudXo because i was very cool and unique and just started smoking weed. I then went normal and was OrangeBud in different ways. Then Orange because i didnt smoke anymore. And then PixelOrange because i like the pixels. And if that name is taken, its PixeIOrange with upper i.

  • Kribbelnder Körper am Morgen

    Hallo, ihr.

    Vielleicht könnt ihr mir weiterhelfen:

    Seit einiger Zeit kribbelt mein Körper nach dem Schlafen. Es ist ein angenehmes Kribbeln, wie beim Aufwärmen der Hände nach einer Schneeballschlacht. Es beginnt 1-2 Minuten nach dem Aufwachen, egal wann ich schlafe, und bleibt ca 20-30 Minuten. Das ganze fing vor ca 2 Jahren an, erst vielleicht 2 mal im Jahr und jetzt ist es nach jedem Schlaf. Es wird intensiver über die Zeit. Kann es mit einer gesünderen Ernährung zu tun haben? Habt ihr ne Idee, was das sein könnte? Gehe natürlich noch zum Arzt damit, aber wenn ich schon weiß was es ist, muss ich nicht erst umständlich erklären.

    Danke für eure Aufmerksamkeit.

    Was sind das für Brudis, die mich da regelmäßig besuchen?

    Muss ich mir sorgen machen? Nen Kammerjäger holen? Können die von nem Nachbarn rübergekommen sein?

    Hab im letzten halben Jahr ca. 3 von ihnen gefunden.

    (warum ist meine wand da so blau? Ist im rl nicht so)

    First mm always faulty?


    I cant get my Anycubic Kobra 2 with Klipper to print correct. The first mm of each layer are faulty, resulting in a bad tooth in gears.

    I tried to slow down the print, tried to minimize/deactivate retraction, fiddled with z offset and first layer height, lowered bed temp, altered the extrusion rate. Nothing works. Everything else seems fine, slim z seam, nice walls, no over/underextrusion.

    Anyone got a hint how i could fix that?

    Edit: I cancelled that Print, the Problem is only in the first tooth:


    the tooth in the marking should look like the ones above it.

    Strings in holes?

    Hello fellow withprinters. Whats happening here? Stringing is not the problem, if i print string tests, they are good. Its only in holes, the walls wont stick. Any suggestions for a fix?

    Edit: Found the problem. The temperature sensor was faulty. Changed it and now everything is fine.



    Was macht WD40 da mit meiner Spritze?

    Ist erst ca 2 wochen da drin. Zersetzt sich das Plastik? Läuft das ganze irgendwann aus?

    3D Printed full mechanical clock

    I just want to brag a bit. Printed on an Anycubic Kobra 2. Runs without much problems. At the moment 10 Days on a single winding, tweakble up to 32 days. The weight is from another wooden self build clock.

    Edit: cant i upload videos?

    Edit 2: (12$)

    Edit 3: I just printed this clock, i didnt plan it myself if this is unclear...


    Mein erstes maimai, seid gnädig.

    Flipping Anycubic Kobra 2 Heat Bed Platform

    Would this be a good idea? The bottom surface of the printed things would be way more flat. Anyone tested this? Any reason why i shouldnt test it?

    What happened?

    Should i worry? Any suggestions for a fix? Didnt find anything because i dont know what search terms to use...

    Edit: Thanks for your responses. I talked to my brother, he told me the retraction speed was too slow (25mm/s), i changed it to 40mm/s and realized i activated the wrong printer profile. Silly me. Ill do a test print now. Ill look into your suggestions if this wont help.

    Where to fnd special 3d .stls?

    Hi. Anyone has an idea where i could find 3d printing files? Im searching for a tourbillon clock that costs 25$ on legal sites and since im a bit clueless about piracy lately, i have no idea where to look beside pirate bay and boerse...

    Why are there loads of unnamed bluetooth devices around me?

    I live in a big city in the center. When i activate "Show bluetooth devices without names" in the developer settings of my android 13 phone, there appear loads of this devices. I have no clue what they are. Does anyone know? Are that the bluetooth nanobots of the vaxxinated people? (/s to last question!)

    PixeIOrange PixeIOrange
    Posts 13
    Comments 209