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  • Y

    However if the next election ends up being something similar to the current one where it becomes another a vote not for X means a vote for Y, I'm going to vote Z regardless of the potential outcome it's the only way to actually make change in our system it just requires people actually going through with the threat of not voting X or Y

  • This elevator reuses floor numbers
  • This is a super simple setup, the elevator has both a north and a south door. but the ground floor (0) only has a north exit meaning that they never added a ground south floor. but they wanted aesthetics over functionality so instead of having an empty button slot and moving everything up, they changed the number so the south wing starts at 1 and north wing at 0

  • Why must it be at 4:00pm?
  • No yea I totally understand why it happens, it's just from a consumer POV it's super annoying that it does. It basically forces the consumer to either take the day off, or to try to have it planned on an already scheduled day off and just do nothing that entire day.

    It used to be you could just call and they would give a limited time slot and you would just need to make sure someone was there at the scheduled time, now it seems everyone's underhiring to maximize profit(somewhat understandable needs to make money somehow idle techs = loss salary) and techs are being forced to double or sometimes even triple dip.

    If it was properly formatted, the type of service call would be known ahead of time. Investigative type calls would be separated from actual work calls. a visit to see why the internet is down should not be coupled with service calls that require delayed work, if they show and it's an easy fix then sure but, something that would cause a tech to miss their second service window should be a "hey, I believe X is the issue, but we need to schedule to have someone fix this..." or better yet.. if you know that the person will be the third or fourth stop that day, not tell the consumer "yea the window is 8-8 could show up any time" that way the customer can do something on the day off. No point in having the person wait for a morning slot if it is likely not going to be available early morning.

    I would rather get given a percise time slot, and then get a call saying "hey im running early do you have the ability to be there earlier?" then wait all day and then around 6:30 PM they decide to finally show up. Waste of the consumers time.

  • Lemmy World outages
  • I think one of his accounts was, basically he got banned for community squatting and then due to it vowed to ruin the platform, his first attempt was spamming a bunch of long domains, but that got automated out as someone released a tool that allowed you to give a token and a username and it just nuked every community that person owned. It wouldn't surprise me if it was the same guy.

  • Why must it be at 4:00pm?
  • lol 4 PM, I wish it worked like that.

    I only get the "Your scheduled call will be between 8 AM and 8:30 PM, please be available during that time frame. Please note, due to increased call volume we are unable to designate anything other than a time block for the call, thank you for your understanding." BS. Same with ISP/service tech installs and shipping packages.

  • Lemmy World outages
  • as much as I wanna jump on the spez evil train, I think a more likely trail is that kid who got banned for community squatting, he found that they automated away his ability to just spam create dumb communities so now he's likely just paying someone to DDoS the platform. He has a youtube channel, it's really sad. All his videos are worthless acts like "hacking" (more like exploiting) websites that he thinks are popular/makes views. He even has a video on how to speedrun getting monetized on youtube in the event that your channel gets banned/demonetized. It's super shitty.

  • sustenance
  • This is me. I LOVE baking but, I severely lack the motivation bake, its so time consuming when there is other things you could be doing lol

  • Looking for Entry Level with Experience
  • honestly thats not bad compared to some. I saw an internship yesterday that had a salary range 120-160k and required 12 years of experience with a masters. I had to double check that it was actually an internship cause holy cow

  • The steam main Window is now also the launch window, thus you cannot browse steam while launching a game.
  • I'm not sure how I did it but, my steam opens in windowed mode, It might be grandfathered from the previous UI though cause I don't see where I could have set that up.

  • Minecraft's recent EULA changes place heavy restrictions on Java servers
  • I had never heard of it so i just went and tried it, the mods for it are super buggy but, base game was super flushed out and functional. It's not minecraft, so it's a little to get used to but, it works amazingly.

  • What are your thoughts on bots and people posting only news articles on lemmy?
  • so far I've seen some bots post articles that setup some pretty decent conversation. I am slightly annoyed that it floods but, I just keep my sorting by stuff that's hot and it's usually good.

  • How does Amazon/Audible know my country with VPN and private browsing on?
  • yea that was my next question, if the title was actually available in the country selected, I had that issue with Netflix searches constantly

  • How does Amazon/Audible know my country with VPN and private browsing on?
  • oh sorry if I was unclear, yea since it's still a different account I would need to login when I change regions as well, I can't change halfway through.

  • How does Amazon/Audible know my country with VPN and private browsing on?
  • that's similar to how I do it, change the region and then pay, but some items I've noticed block sale if the originating payment method is in a different region

  • How does Amazon/Audible know my country with VPN and private browsing on?
  • Aside from device ID, or maybe if you're using a billing address as something from Australia, I can't see how they would be, you've stated location services are off, VPN will mask the ip.

    I didn't even need to use a VPN in my cases between Canada and the US, changing to an account that was in the region that allowed the purchase was all I had to do.

    That being said if I changed my Canada account to use the billing address of my US residence instead of my Canadian residence when on the Canadian region, I would get region locked I found, so if you have a primary payment method on file using your AU address you could try temporarily removing or modifying it to have a different address

  • How does Amazon/Audible know my country with VPN and private browsing on?
  • As someone who jumps between the US and Canada (since on the border) I've found that, Amazon will block purchases from Canada to the US and visa versa, it doesn't care about ip, it uses your accounts region, Canada and US have seperate regions in your account settings that you need to do. Sadly this means you would need two different accounts. One for CA and one for US. It's likely the same deal with audible

  • Minecraft's recent EULA changes place heavy restrictions on Java servers
  • judging a quick read of that, it seems most if not all of the changes only apply to commercial use(thankfully), they even specify it under the personal use area,so that makes me feel a little better. That being said I made it to no name brands such as mods with branded automobiles before my ADHD brain lost interest as well

  • Trying to jump over a bench and falling like an inflatable skydancer
  • I could hear that potential snap even without audio... ow x.x

  • The steam main Window is now also the launch window, thus you cannot browse steam while launching a game.
  • the new steam sucks hardcore. I hate everything to do with it. It's buggy, it lags, you can't use themes, it crashes randomly, it memory leaks. Heck it was suck bad performance that they pushed the beta back multiple times before finally releasing it and its still not ready.

  • is it possible to make a bathroom humid enough to conduct electricity?

    Someone I know has a bathroom that is not GFCI compliant, and I was wondering if it is possible to have a shower that's humid enough to allow electricity to transfer, or would at that point would the air be inhospitable to breathe in.

    Pika Pika
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