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sweet dreams
  • Thank you very much for the thought out explanation, i think im beginning to grasp the concept. To summarize to make sure:

    • accelerating mass causes gravitational waves
    • two bodies orbiting eachother are also accelerating towards eachother by virtue of centripetal force.
    • the energy to generate this wave is stripped directly from the kinetic energy of the system, causing the orbit to decay.

    So the comparison to atoms releasing EM energy is a bit more apt then I initially thought. Thanks again!

  • sweet dreams
  • The passage of time is always consistent for the observer, in that a clock next to them will always tick at the same interval. The tidal wave planet from Interstellar is a good example of this, in that only a short time had elapsed for the people on the surface, but back home on earth over 20 years went by. -Edited, didnt explain correcty the first time

  • sweet dreams
  • Could you explain what you mean by "emitting gravitational radiation"? Gravity is how we perceive distortions in spacetime, the strength of which being determined by the mass of the objects. I understand that orbits can "decay", but that is not the same as radioactive decay.

  • What is the answer?
  • I've come to realize that everyone is a product of their environment, in both setting and the human body that your conciousness resides in. You might be saying, "duh, you big dumb idiot", but after REALLY absorbing the concept, I came to realize that people only ever do what they're "programmed" to do. Its really helped me exercise empathy and reduce my level of frustration towards the people I encounter as I go through life. It's also helped me be more introspective and suss out the origins of my own behaviors and ways of thinking.

  • Anon doesn't like any web browsers
  • Could you fill me in as to why Brave is only advertiaed as secure? I understand the ads/crypto thing, but if you arent opted into that and just block the ads, is there anythimg else? I also understand its a Chromium browser, but that doesnt mean google has their hooks in it (necessarily).

  • history's mysteries
  • To me it looks like something you'd use to easily make a Monkey Fist for throwing line to/from a pier. Though I guess that doesn't make much sense appearing in mountainous regions, unless they were made in the mountains (proximity to ore?)

  • [Weekly thread] What have you been watching this week? 25th of April
  • I've been going through Battlestar Galactica for the first time. I'm really impressed so far, I was honestly expecting something much cornier, but the production value is solid and the acting isn't half bad either!

  • [COMIC] Any comic book fans in here? American Vampire is a great one! American Vampire Series by Scott Snyder

    Collected editions of the comic book series created by Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque, originally published in single magazine form as American V...

    Didn't see any posts about it in here yet so thought I'd share!

    Looking for advice in switching my Plex/*darr/etc from Windows to Linux?

    I've been considering a switch to Linux for my main rig, which also runs my Plex and associated services. Does anyone have any advice for me regarding distro, tool compatibility, similar tools to consider while switching, gotcha moments, losses in key functionality, etc. Any advice appreciated!

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