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Mozilla is adding tab grouping, vertical tabs, profile management, and local AI features to Firefox
  • Yeah I hopped back over from Edge when the manifest v3 stuff came out, and the two main things I miss are proper profile management and vertical tabs - I've been using to get around it currently, but having a native implementation to both issues will be a massive (and recently rare) Firefox W.

  • Microtransactions...
  • It's funny how when this was released, people were massively up in arms since it was 'only cosmetic' - then we saw what these companies would do with PvP games and P2W microtransactions, so people had to turn around and beg for them to return to being purely cosmetic additions...

  • Budget Night Thread
  • I highly doubt the economists in Treasury were advocating for this. It's 100% a political decision.

  • Fallout 4 Fans Are Begging Bethesda To Stop Updating The Game
  • Too bad, you get a battlepass instead!

  • Does Arkham Knight get better?
  • Arkham Knight is decent except for the batmobile sections - as others have already mentioned.

    I'd still argue it's better than Origins though. From memory, memorising all the different toolbelt skills isn't really necessary - you can definitely get through the game by just abusing jumps, cloak and counters - some special enemies might need a specific ability to make vulnerable, but the game normally warns you the first time you fight them, so I don't think it ever feels too overwhelming - it just feels like a lot if you run through it very quickly.

  • Recommend me a music streaming service?
  • To be honest, I still rate Youtube Premium - the bundle that includes Music and ad-free Youtube is just too good a deal, even with the price hike. Some of the alternatives may be a bit cheaper, but you end up paying more if you still want to hang onto ad-free YT.

    Given you said budget isn't an issue, I'd personally still stick with YTM, but I haven't personally had any issues with its radio function, and while I don't listen to much Aussie stuff, I do have pretty esoteric tastes and it's generally pretty decent.

  • Vanguard just went live and LoL players are already claiming it's bricking their PCs
  • This is why I absolutely refuse to install Valorant (and now LoL) - I could somewhat understand if an anticheat refused to boot up the game in question if something triggered it, but it going massively outside of its scope and wantonly disabling or killing other processes is just nuts to me.

  • If you were to create a Fediverse server, with frontend being plan simple HTML only, what programming language and stack would you choose?
  • If I really hate front end, but still want a lot of the responsiveness of a SPA, I'd have to give ASP.NET Blazor a serious thought.

    It's largely all back end driven, with the dynamic elements driven via webassembly that pretty much works like black magic.

  • What are some good Firefox extenstions that work on mobile?
  • Is there any reason to use the Bitwarden Firefox extension rather than the app?

  • Let's discuss: Metroid
  • Have to disagree with you on echoes - I loved the game, but IMO it was much easier than Prime 1 - the most difficult boss was the probably the boost guardian midway through rather than any of the endgame bosses. The ammo system made the standard power beam too centralising which was boring, and the dark world damage just served to slow the player down, since the light fields regenerated your health.

  • Got a Switch today, need some recommendations.
  • No one's suggested it yet, so I'll say Fire Emblem: Three Houses - lots of gameplay hours, especially if you want to go through each of the four storylines, albeit can be a bit repetitive getting to that point.

  • Why still using the imperial system?
  • You do you, but if you're reverting to binary to explain how simple it is to add values together, I think you've made a wrong turn somewhere.

  • Why still using the imperial system?
  • Those are so easily commensurable! It's 1 and 59/64 obv.

    I legit can't tell if this is sarcasm.

  • Your 4G phone could be impacted by 3G shutdowns this year. Here's what to know
  • What's more interesting about the shutdown is how this might affect IoT devices that rely on 3G - e.g. Canberra's public transit system uses the Optus 3G network to enable its MyWay card system - once it goes down, what will that mean for commuters (especially given that Transport Canberra doesn't accept cash on buses since COVID).

  • After Payday 3 Flops, Starbreeze Removes CEO And Looks For 'Different Leadership'
  • Here's another example where trying to chase the live-service money train has just ended up with a subpar product that people abandon or avoid almost instantly.

    Unfortunately I suspect the wrong lessons will be taken away from this as well - e.g. the console/PC gaming market is too fickle, etc.

  • Electric car sales are booming in Australia, but it's not where you think it is
  • Yeah I don't understand the premise of the headline either - unless it's supposed to be some slight on 'inner-city lefties', being the only ones who could possibly want an EV...

  • I didn't read the TOS for Baldurs Gate 3 until now
  • With GOG, you could theoretically download the offline installer, give that to someone else and then ask GOG support to remove BG3 from your account, and be fully abiding with the EULA conditions.

  • This is painfully true
  • Lazy Web devs who took the 'mobile first' mantra to mean 'mobile only' 🙄

  • Starbreeze admits Payday 3 is massively underperforming
  • Holy shit, it's actually impressive to tank that hard - not cresting more than 1000 concurrent players in over a month, and hasn't been able to beat 5000 since November... I know people love throwing the 'dead game' meme around prematurely, but if this isn't dead yet, it's definitely got one foot in the grave.

  • Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back
  • Good luck getting any reform done within America's FPTP by going 3rd-party.

    Politics is a battle of inches, and you need to walk before you can run, or else 3rd-parties are doomed to irrelevance forever.

  • Alternative frontends?

    I was wondering whether there's any appetite to host alternative frontends? I've been using Alexandrite a bit recently, and really liking it (though would be more comfortable sending my login credentials directly to instead of hoping everything's legit), and some other servers are hosting that or something like Voyager for a mobile-first iOS-styled interface.


    The yes pamphlet: campaign’s voice to parliament referendum essay – annotated and factchecked The yes pamphlet: campaign’s voice to parliament referendum essay – annotated and factchecked

    Pamphlets written by politicians and published by the AEC have put the official case for a yes and no vote. They were not independently factchecked before publication, so Guardian Australia has added notes to the full essays to help you make better sense of them

    The yes pamphlet: campaign’s voice to parliament referendum essay – annotated and factchecked
    Paradoxvoid Paradoxvoid

    Canberra local, lover of all things geeky

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