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A lioness in Kenya took a camera with a selfie stick from a tourist and ran away
  • Wonder how they retrieved it. In any case, really neat footage.

  • Back from fishing!
  • What did you catch? :)

  • Is there an auto hide read feature?
  • Go to Settings -> General -> Show FAB (floating action button). The action button has options including hide read. You can freely move the buttons

  • what is your currently using lemmy frontend website and why'd you use it
  • On mobile. I switch between Sync and Connect. Voyager is a close second. The other android apps don't fit my visual or functional needs as well.

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yes. It usually happens when I play too many hours in a day. When I go to bed it is like the game is burned into my brain that is connected to my REM sleep. So during tte REM episodes I am either still playing the game or have become the character, usually playing the same scenario over again. It's usually a raid boss or something that I am learning and/or playing too much with multiple characters.

  • What should I be aware of before a road trip?
  • Always carry a bit of cash just in case you run into trouble in between places that uses/has access to credit cards or online cash app transactions. I use something similar to this:

  • Man pulled over for driving with massive bull riding shotgun in Nebraska Man pulled over for driving with massive bull named Howdy Doody riding shotgun in Nebraska

    Holy cow! A man in Nebraska was pulled over for driving down a highway in a compact car with a massive Watusi bull sitting in the passenger seat.

    Man pulled over for driving with massive bull named Howdy Doody riding shotgun in Nebraska

    Even better - The bull's name is Howdy Doody.

    Video in article made me smile.

    What quote from a movie is instabtly recognisable?
  • You can't handle the truth!

  • Do you use a desktop, phone, or both?
  • Laptop for school, work, games. Tablet for movies, reading, browsing internet. Phone for communication, portable internet browsing and reading.

  • Gamers. What was the game that got you into the hobby?
  • WoW - just prior to BC release

  • When eating at home, how do you cook your hot dogs?
  • Preferred options

    1. Grilled
    2. Broiled
    3. Microwaved
    4. Boiled
  • Do you still write notes with pen and paper?
  • Yes, at work. Healthcare --> HIPAA All notes shredded at the end of the shift or whenever the patient no longer is on your unit.

  • Deleted
    Settle a Debate?
  • Left pic. Period.

  • Can you post your political views in the form of a rhyming poem?
  • Hypocrisy is rampant, my last nerves are plucked.

    Both parties with grifters. Our system is fucked.

    Mentalities of greed: I got mine, fuck you.

    Just toxic words, the politicians spew.

    No true efforts in fixing our country,

    Their only interests are control and money.

    Our country is in deep need of healing,

    Putting out the emotional flames we are feeling.

    Hoping the people can come together,

    To make our future brighter and better.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Don't forget Connect for mod tools

  • When you scroll too far on Lemmy and accidentally find yourself in the news bot instances.
  • Why am I sticky and naked? Did I miss something fun?

  • Re: Federation, if you report someone is that info public, like your votes are?
  • I know the mods of a community are able to see the user who reported Pretty sure info is available to admins. However, I have not seen evidence of that info accessible to the general public.

  • what are your opinions on
  • I have an account there and the only downsides are image uploads are limited to 100kb.

    I also sometimes have an episode where it doesn't communicate as quickly with other instances as another instance would. Example: I posted something from my account to a community earlier today and it took several hours to upload there. (When viewing from the .world or SJW instances, my post wasn't there for several hours). I have had this issue before with different instances but the posts/comments eventually find their way to the right place.

    Otherwise, it's a solid instance with great uptime. Updated with new releases quickly. The owner takes a very active role in maintaining a secure and reliable server. It is federated with a high majority of instances (including Of all the instances I tried out through the last few months, it is one of my top picks.