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Exclusive: Galaxy Watch 7 comes with a lovely surprise [32 GB storage]
  • I don't know how much my Watch 5 has, but I download my Spotify playlist to my watch so I can listen with Bluetooth headphones from my watch without needing my phone on my pocket, mostly for walking or yard work.

  • Blizzard just revived Diablo 4 with a list of changes so massive that it's practically a new game
  • Right? It's like they forgot how to balance and think this is what people what.

    I'll never forget the tone deaf "Do you guys not have phones?" because that always reminds me of how out of touch they are with their customer base.

    Of course we have phones. Of course a lot of us would love a Diablo game for mobile. Of course at the time everyone was waiting and expecting news of a new main game in the series. Despite probably the higher game sales and larger fanbase of Diablo 3, I still feel like (or at least hope) that the general consensus is that Diablo 1 and 2 are seen as better than 3 (and now 4).

    If they had released a remastered 1 and/or 2 for mobile, I would have easily tossed them a few bucks for it or even each. Instead I played Immortal for a couple weeks until I got bored and gave them no money, but that doesn't fucking matter because 1 dumb mother fucker is all it takes for the company to look at microtransactions as the profitable Holy Grail.

    They no longer have to make games for their majority fanbase, only a select few. And if you charge for the game AND microtransactions? Well that's even better.

  • Locked
    Diablo is dead - I would like to shutter this community.
  • I've enjoyed the other games having played Diablo I the most. I played the open beta for IV and pretty much got bored with it before the beta even ended. Never did buy it. I figure I might pick it up if/when it's in sale for under $20 or so to at least get the story.

  • Adding TV to bedroom without using mainstream smart device
  • I picked up an Onn 4k streaming Box from Walmart for $20 that uses Android TV. It supports Bluetooth for mouse and keyboard and with a usb hub can handle additional usb ports.

    Also supports more advanced tinkering if you'd like to sideload apps such as SmartTubeNext for ad and sponsor blocking on YouTube.

    I think you might also be able to load a third party launcher to de-google it more, but I haven't tried that yet.

  • Experimental Video Game Made Purely With AI Failed Because Tech Was 'Unable to Replace Talent'
  • I mean that's already happening at some big companies now.

    Will it last? My guess is no, but they'll enjoy saving the money that they would pay human beings in the mean time.

    My hope is just that they'll suffer losses due to a drop in product quality and start struggling, but let's face it, the big tech companies are almost never the ones' that are actually hurt by their decisions.

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