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It's been a year since I joined the Fediverse
  • A lot of our accounts are gonna be 1 year old in similar times. Mine is on 11 June.

    Learnt a lot of open source stuff in the meantime!

  • A sign that appears to explain how shopping works
  • I'll take this bomb

  • Switched to linux before it became mainstream
  • I didn't even backup. I just went for it

  • Switched to linux before it became mainstream
  • I use Linux cuz I was bored one summer

  • Reinventing the wheel
  • Just don't listen when you talk. That will also stop them from stopping you.

  • Facts.
  • You've awaken the inner Asian within me and I will rip you apart if you dare trash talk about rice.

  • How do you recover from seeing something awful on the Internet?
  • Keep thinking about it until it's not weird anymore

  • I don't feel so good, man
  • ι˜Ώε‘— is awesome.

  • Talking about your hobbies
  • Well I will chat about weather and climate with anyone

  • toxic help forum
  • What's wrong with Inkscape? It's meant to be a vector graphics editor

  • What would you do if you could unconditionally duplicate yourself?
  • Implement my list of ideas. Although it is pretty likely we will end up watching YouTube videos together

  • Button Rule
  • cuz you can only die once anyway, so you will end up with a chance approaching 100% of getting the money

  • After almost 28 years, Super Mario 64 has been beaten without using the A button
  • If you haven't, I highly recommend watching the TTC 0xA stars

  • It seems like a lot...
  • The best is don't smoke at all

  • Rule
  • Kappa is U

  • rip harambe
  • Not anymore there's a blanket

  • vampire rule
  • Because not everyone is comfortable with swears

  • Refreshing
  • Wario Ware

  • It's coming back to me
  • Yes. My dad is still using Yahoo mail

  • Pulseaudio sink name for default

    I have 2 physical output devices, say "speakers" and "headphones", and I frequently switch between them.

    I also have a script that creates 2 virtual sinks for voice call and game by loading module-combine-sink twice on "speakers" and "headphones".

    It works, but it's annoying that every time I want to switch device, I also need to mute the other one.

    Ideally, I want to use module-remap-sink instead, remapping the 2 virtual sinks to the default one. This is where I'm stuck. What do I put in for master?

    You can drive for 1 minute in Hong Kong and cross a district. Your mind cannot comprehend this.

    Alt text: A planned driving route on Google Maps, crossing the Wan Chai district in 1 minute.

    Pipewire freezes after initial login or screen blank

    For a few months now, Pipewire has been acting in weird ways. Before I upgraded to Plasma 6, after a screen blank (not suspend) no media can be played. For example, YouTube player is in the loading state for a long time, eventually playing without sound, VLC doesn't start for a few minutes.

    I have to restart the Pipewire Systemd service to fix it. This restart process takes much longer than usual (<1 seconds). Sometimes it takes up to 5 minutes.

    Now with Plasma 6, it also does the same after the initial login. I'm guessing this is because Plasma ignores some KWIN_X11_* env var?

    However, if I restart the Pipewire service prior to playing any media after login or screen blank, it takes <1 seconds and everything plays correctly.

    This seems to be the problem with the HDMI audio only, as switching to the USB headphones (before screen blanks) prevents this from happening.

    How should I start troubleshooting this? What other details should I provide?

    I need a Fediverse slogan

    I'm working on a presentation about the Fediverse, and would like to end the presentation with a slogan. Any ideas?

    Edit: I probably should've specified more stuff. This is an informative presentation, not persuasive, and I don't plan to get into the enshittification. Ideally I don't want to include any corporations.

    Edit 2: My title is "The Future is Everywhere"

    The universe runs on capitalism

    Matters are not evenly distributed.

    Edit: lol this is as controversial as I expected

    Does wind power cause visual pollution in your opinion?

    I remember reading somewhere (probably my high school textbook) that one of the reasons people don't like wind power being built is they cause visual pollution.

    In my opinion, I think it would be pretty cool to just look out my window and see a giant windmill there, the opposite of visual pollution.

    How do you pick your games?

    I had a moment to think about why I like certain games, and I have figured out some criteria for myself,

    1. Vibrant colours
    2. Simple/Cartoon-ish looks
    3. Mid/High level of complexity in mechanics

    That's why my current favourite game is Splatoon 3, followed by Minecraft, and the list consists mostly of Nintendo games.

    What's your criteria?

    [News] Splatoon 1 is not dead! OatmealDome (

    [Splatoon 1 / Mario Kart 8] Online services for these games will resume on Aug 3 at 1 am UTC. A software update will be required. Nintendo notes that online play may be permanently shut down in the future if it continues to be difficult to keep the services running.

    According to OatmealDome, online services will resume on Aug 3 at 1 am UTC.

    [Fan Art] Woomy and Glub

    Context: A Firefish user accidentally sparked this trend and it made its way across to Mastodon.

    You can grab the vector art here! SVG: License: CC BY-NC 4.0

    My artworks are mostly synced up with my Mastodon account, but if you would like to follow me it's

    [Image] Undercover W

    I'm now an S+4 Undercover Brella player!

    [Fan Art] Two Inklings - A Splatoon Nintendo Switch Theme Pack

    You can install this with NX Theme Installer on a modded switch! This is uploaded the Themezer:

    [Fan Art] Sweet Dreams

    SVG: License: CC BY-NC 4.0

    NorthWestWind NorthWestWind

    I code stuff. I draw stuff. Hongkonger πŸ‡­πŸ‡°

    Posts 18
    Comments 364