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Teams apparently can't call when using Firefox
  • They don't support Linux applications, they don't support the main Linux browser. They don't want you to use Linux

  • Is torrent-csv dead?
  • For self-hosted is a very good and new alternative, has DHT crawler, and has an active development

  • Manjaro OS
  • It works for me, I have KDE version. I have AUR apps, SNAP (VSC works better in snap than flatpak), official repo apps. I have not had any errors in the 6 months I have been using it.

  • What will you do once windows 10 is deprecated and you have to update to windows 11 or 12?
  • In my windows 10 server change to Ubuntu. In my personal pc continue using windows 11 or 12 when release

  • Help me choose a distro, please!
  • Manjaro, a stable descendant of Arch Linux. It has stable updates every week (more or less). You can select your favorite DE, kernel version, it is updated for optimal gaming performance, easy to install like Ubuntu. If you miss any app in the Manjaro repos you can always download it from **AUR **(Arch Community Repo), **Flatpak **or **Snap **by activating it easily from their app store.

    Yes, it is similar to Endeavor OS, but I think Endeavor is more like an easier version of Arch, but just as edgy with updates and the instability that comes with it.

  • Fox11 v2.1 (Firefox 117 support) GitHub - Neikon/Fox11

    Contribute to Neikon/Fox11 development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - Neikon/Fox11
    Fox11 v2.1 (Firefox 117 support) GitHub - Neikon/Fox11

    Contribute to Neikon/Fox11 development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - Neikon/Fox11
    Firefox 117.0 released
  • 117 deprecate appearance: -moz-win-borderless-glass what is the alternative now ?

  • What are your favourite add-ons/extensions on Firefox?
  • I have this css theme and this is my config if some one is interested

  • Firefox is now beating chrome in sunspider benchmark A View to a Better, Faster Web – These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 143 – Firefox Nightly News

    Highlights Mozilla published its standards position on the Web Environment Integrity API proposal draft put forward by the Google Chrome team. A new version of Firefox View is in ...


    Fox11 - add support to Adaptive Tab Bar Colour addon

    publicado de forma cruzada desde:

    > Download from or

    Is there a website that unifies lemmy and mastodon?
  • Thanks, I didn't know it. I will take a look at it

  • Is there a website that unifies lemmy and mastodon?

    Is there a website that unifies lemmy and mastodon?

    Brave will not add Web Integration support
  • You can enable PWA in Firefox, try with this

  • "Progress"
  • More trees, more happiness

  • DeArrow extension for YouTube that makes thumbnails bearable
  • the permissions control is done by firefox, and as you can see in the add-ons settings it only asks for access to this list of websites

    Access to your data from sites in the domain
    Access your data from sites in the domain
    Access your data from
    Access your data for
    Access your data from

    and optionally the user can give you access to all sites but it is not necessary. This can be changed but in that case firefox will warn you that the plugin requires new permissions.

  • Fox11 - theme with auto-color, Mica, auto-hide nav-bar support and Edge/Chrome restyle 2023

    publicado de forma cruzada desde:

    > publicado de forma cruzada desde: > > > A Firefox CSS themes with auto-color, Mica, auto-hide nav-bar support. Inspired in firefox-one , Edge/Chrome restyle 2023. > > > > > > > > > > > > ! > > ! > > !

    Fox11 - theme with auto-color, Mica, auto-hide nav-bar support and Edge/Chrome restyle 2023

    A Firefox CSS themes with auto-color, Mica, auto-hide nav-bar support. Inspired in firefox-one , Edge/Chrome restyle 2023.

    ! ! !

    Is Flatpaks the future for Linux?
  • Yes, I looked for the zsh problem and found the solution, I also looked for the git-flow problem. But this one seemed more complex to solve with the solutions I found, and I had no more time. So I opted for the quick option which was to install the snap version and everything flowed smoothly until today.

  • DeArrow extension for YouTube that makes thumbnails bearable

    publicado de forma cruzada desde:

    > publicado de forma cruzada desde: > > >

    DeArrow extension for YouTube that makes thumbnails bearable

    publicado de forma cruzada desde:


    What obscure about:config settings would you recommend changing?
  • toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets ⇾ True

    to load CSS themes that make Firefox, your Firefox

    Here a theme's collection

  • Is Flatpaks the future for Linux?
  • I recently installed Manjaro, and tried to install VSC.

    In the official repos there is only a free version called Code with which the synchronization failed, and I could not synchronize my settings and plugins. I tried with the Flatpak version and although the synchronization was working, the interface was inconsistent and using zsh from my distribution and not bash in the integrated terminal was complex. Then I gave up when I saw that I could not get a Git-flow plugin to work because although I had it installed, VSC did not see it.

    Install the Snap version, the interface is consistent and 0 problems.

    So I think it's not a bad thing to gradually move towards more contained apps like snap or flatpak, but there is still a lot of work to be done to make them fit all needs.

  • Firefox now has speed parity with Chrome on the Speedometer benchmark

    publicado de forma cruzada desde:

    > Thought I'd never see the day when Firefox would match Chrome on Speedometer. > > There's also a few other benchmarks got a sizable boost. >

    Neikon Neikon
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