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The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law
  • The challenge, demand satisfaction
    If they apologize, no need for further action

  • xkcd #2941: Cell Organelles
  • Antivirus is not enough! Use Protegent!

  • Bought a Bang & Olufsen MX 6000 for 65€ and hooked up my mini laptop to it

    I‘ve set the resolution on Windows to 1280x960 for the TV (4x the 320x240p resolution).

    I wonder whether i should try a different resolution. Or whether Project 64 needs some adjustments.

  • Babe wake up, NCD's Pride flag just dropped
  • Is there a line representing the tunnel system the Hamas uses?

  • Danke für nichts, ZDF
  • Du bist im Rat von Europarat, aber wir gewähren dir nicht den Rang „Europaratler“.

  • xkcd #2933: Elementary Physics Paths
  • We would do that of you didn‘t keep stringing me along!

  • Never normal
  • But what face should OP pick? I guess there‘s only one way to find out! (prepares double slit experiment)

  • NSFW
    Stay on the designated path
  • Never knew Madame Vastra had OnlyFans

  • Bottoms up!
  • Daj boze!

  • Old XKCD, still relevant
  • Remember: Just tell tar to Xtract Z File.

  • Ripperonis
  • (frame shift drive charging)

  • Tasty
  • (snaps gummigoo out of existence)

  • Warum Wissing Fahrverbote ins Spiel bringt
  • 🎶 ICH WILL 🎶
    🎶 Ich will dass hier nix passiert 🎶
    🎶 ICH WILL 🎶
    🎶 Ich will dass ihr Abgas reduziert 🎶

  • How is the hydrogen made?
  • Didn‘t we have a process to electrically synthesize hydrogen out of water?

  • realistic community chest card
  • I prefer the 32 bit signed integer underflow in my favor.

  • Probably shouldn't be talking to The rapist
  • Me: 🎶 Welcome home! I‘m gonna make you wish that you‘d stayed gone! 🎶

  • Weed
  • You don‘t get it. Moses just beat the enemies with the stone tables to really hammer in the rules. It‘s not his fault the people are dying of the injuries.

  • Life? What do you mean? This ain't life, it's surviving
  • I‘ll make my own meaning of life. With blackjack and hookers. You know what? Forget the hookers!

  • once in a lifetime
  • Same as it ever was

  • Are long-running telenovela / soap drama shows getting more dramatic over time?

    Hello lemmings,

    I am not exactly a fan of soap dramas, however through regular visits at my moms place i end up watching these shows (specifically the german shows "Alles was zählt" and "Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten").

    Until this year, the drama was worth it because Doctor Who aired inmediately after and i think Donna Noble, Martha Jones, Clara Oswalt etc. are much more entertaining.

    Over time i've noticed that the plots have become much more dramatic. Schemes have become much more schemey, crimes have been commited and became more crimey and the drama has become seemingly constantly more dramatic.

    Now my question is: Am i mistaken with my impression? Is there a name for this drama creep? Does this also happen to other long-running soap dramas where you live?

    Xbox 360 DVD drive not working

    Hello people,

    i have recently purchased an Xbox 360 and it turned out that the drive didn't work at all. Initially i was facing the issue that the tray didn't come out at all. I managed to fix that by cleaning the drive belt.

    But now i found out that the drive doesn't read any disc whatsoever.

    When i insert a disc, the disc makes some grindy noise, followed by the motor spinning up and turning off again. This pattern repeats 2 more times before the Xbox gives up.

    I cleaned the laser lens and performed the pot tweak (i went down to 3 kilo ohms resistance) and so far these measures didn't help.

    What i didn't do so far was messing with the puck on the top of the lid (it's still on there so i think i don't need to fix it) and adjusting the laser rails (frankly i don't know how to level it properly).

    How can i proceed further to fix this drive?

    Feedback and Suggestions Time!

    Hello people,

    c/daria is only a few days only, perhaps not even a week. But we're close to 30 subscribers and looking at the upvotes, i think we may have some regulars here 😊

    All this not standing on our necks is working out!

    I would like to get a bit more activity and perhaps interactivity into this community to make it more inviting for more people (especially potential refugees from r/daria over on Reddit because u/spez keeps standing on everyones neck).

    So i would like to hear some suggestions and feedback from all of you about how i can make this community better.

    Also i would like to bounce an idea of a rewatch monday where we watch an episode every week and talk about it together and laugh and share our favorite moments.

    ICYMI: There's a podcast about the show Daria called "Morgendorks"

    Morgendorks is a podcasts run by our hosts Rob and Nissa and takes a deep look at every episode of our favorite show.

    The podcast is available on the following platforms:

    Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Google Podcasts:

    And various other platforms.

    Who's the worst character in your opinion? And why is it often Tom?

    I personally like him. He's a chill guy that doesn't stay mad when Daria messes up and Daria grows as a person during their relationship. They have a common sense of humor and i enjoy watching them spending time together.

    Spoiler for the show finale "Is it College yet?"

    I found it sad that they couldn't go to Bromwell together and i found it sad that Daria broke up because she expected their different societal class to start becoming a hurdle during their time at their respective colleges. It was good to know though that Jane and Daria would spend their time together in Boston.

    I really liked all characters but if i had to pick a worst character to save my life it would be Charles Rutheimer for frankly obvious reasons.

    What are your favorite episodes?

    Hello c/daria followers,

    i figured that i would try to bring some life into this sub by making a post to talk about our favorite episode. I tried to ask Jake Morgendorffer Business Consulting to get some tips to boost this community but for some reason i couldn't pull his number up on Google.

    So anyway: What are your favorite episodes of Daria and why are these episodes your favorites?

    Display issue when setting the language to german

    Hey devs,

    So as i mentioned in the title, the captions for the inbox and the bookmarks look weird when i set the apps language to german.

    I suggest setting a minimum font size if AXML happens to allows it.

    MyFairJulia MyFairJulia
    Posts 20
    Comments 450