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In 'Abandonment of Public Education,' Louisiana to Allow Tax Dollars to Pay for Private Schools
  • This is just segregation 2.0. the deal is you get a voucher you can take to a private school.

    The quiet part is that these schools have curriculums that are filled with your usual religious dogma and demagoguery. The biggest benefit being no inconvenient dark skinned people or español.

    Vote Democrat people!

  • Do you like olives?
  • Rotted fruit in a barrel of brine. Our ancestors did what they had to to get by, but it's a different age now.

    Like the French and snails. Don't tell me that's fancy eating. Twas a plate developed by and for starving fucking peasants. When do you eat a snail? When the alternative is somehow worse.

    Olives are barbarism.

  • Beauty queen

    Sorry to flood y'all with photos of the same cat. I have time on my hands for a bit and have been posting daily. If you guys get sick of it let me know and I'll cool it.

    This is Miss Caligula, we call her calie or just kitty for the most part. I found her as a stray kitten a few years ago. She's the most social cat, will go on walks with you and involve herself with most activities. I swear sometimes she understands English.

    Great mouser, horrible birder (thank God). I know there's a lot of good reasons to keep cats indoors but she was not having it. We try to keep her collar on when she's outside. Such a good kitty

    Hopes of Gaza ceasefire rise as Hamas delegation arrives in Cairo
  • No elections because Hamas wouldn't allow any form of democracy. I know people are (rightfully) focused on Israel right now, but let us not forget what massive pieces of shit the Hamas leadership is. As far as I can tell this is the exact situation they were aiming for. Endless war. A situation we (as Americans or just humans in general, take your pick) have been, are, and most likely will continue to enable and inflame.

    Same as it ever was

  • Dignity and fluff in the cool light of morning.

    First survey of the bird feeder/breakfast supervision. Such a helpful kitty.

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