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Do you believe parapsychological powers exist? Premonitions, telepathy, etc.
  • Take a hit from the Stannis Baratheon crack pipe

  • I might “save up” to buy a steam deck OLED 🙄
  • Stop lying android is bad at emulating ps2

  • I might “save up” to buy a steam deck OLED 🙄
  • I think YouTubers hype retroid up but then again they aren’t dismissive of the quality PS2 runs at, one reviewer said they max out at 50fps for all titles on PS2 and all the reviewers I watched said there’s lots of tinkering involved in order to get it to play how you want it to. But I had no idea it was this abysmal, you’ve probably saved me 200$ because I was close to getting one last week

  • I might “save up” to buy a steam deck OLED 🙄
  • PS3 would be cool also ps2 and game cube, so I think steam deck is worth it because I can emulate but also play games from current gen

  • I might “save up” to buy a steam deck OLED 🙄
  • The allure from the retroid is its size because I can shove it in my pocket and play it at work whereas the steam deck I would need to keep at home. I’ve also heard there’s a few issues with the retroid, notably screen ghosting and a pink hue instead of whites which is concerning and quite common

  • I might “save up” to buy a steam deck OLED 🙄
  • It doesn’t support emu deck so I don’t wanna

  • I might “save up” to buy a steam deck OLED 🙄

    I need a decent handheld for emulation and I think steam deck is the best choice out of all the options available, the other option I had in mind was the retroid pocket 4 pro but for that price (200 dollars) I might as well save up for another week and get a steam deck (500 dollars).

    My problem is I don’t really like spending money at all, I have three issues with spending

    1.) Money makes me horny

    2.) Money can go to my savings account where it would be safer

    3.) Stannis Baratheon crack pipe

    I have been enjoying my miyoo mini plus but the system maxes out at PS1 and ideally I want to be playing PS2 emulation

    First human case of avian flu in Texas raises alarm
  • I hope it turns people into human bird hybrids like the Corvians in DS3

  • US sends troops & weapons to Taiwan. Is it preparing war on China?

    Start coming to terms with your inevitable premature death

    Can anyone help me with adding arcade games to Miyoo mini +?

    I got my mini+ yesterday and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it but I’m kind of stuck when it comes to adding arcade games. I’m using mame2003+ and I extracted the files for the game I wanted to play (Bosconian) but I’m having issues, when I extract I get a bunch of bin files and other number like file types, I really don’t get what any of it means or how I’m supposed to add arcade games to the miyoo. I’m using internet archive for the mame2003+ roms, bsconian is bosco.

    Other than difficulties with setting up and converting file types, I am pretty illiterate in language as well as computing, I’m having a lot of fun with handheld emulation it almost feels like it’s gonna become an addiction as I’m already looking into getting a retroid pocket 4 pro

    it's really funny how Dark Souls is known for its bombastic orchestral boss tracks and then the final fucking boss of the first game's could be a track on C418's Volume Alpha
  • I disagree.

    Sekiro has one of the best ost’s out of Ffromsoft’s soulsbourne’s in my opinion, Owl (father), it’s my favorite OST FS has ever featured in a game, the lyrics too are mind numbing, “slime on your head Nickelodeon time” makes me cry anytime I hear it

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    I’ve stopped caring about climate change
  • Climate heads in shambles, fake news haters stay hidden behind upvoting negative comment

    Me: 😎

  • Elden Ring Trailer | Shadow of the Erdtree (cotd)

    yet to receive a release date.

    How much should a pre roll cost

    I’ve ran out of weed so I’m buying a 10 dollar pre roll here and there and I was wondering what a standard price you’re willing to pay is. Personally I don’t see an issue with a ten dollar pre roll it’s good value considering 1/8th is 30 or so dollars

    Do you think Epstein was paid off to take his own life?

    Think about it.

    The guy was FUUUUUCKED and his world was crumbling down around him. He knew a lot of wealthy people in power, do you actually believe they didn’t pay him off to die? No doubt they paid him millions to take his own life, anyone in his position I feel would do this.

    Bought a Nintendo switch, without a doubt the worst purchase decision I have ever made

    I bought a switch because I wanted to fit in with everyone else and play party games with friends (fuck family). I played Mario party and I had a good time, it was fun and the RNG was great I had never in my life played a game where it didn’t matter how well you did it could all fuck up at the end which happened MULTIPLE times. I don’t know why I bought a switch because I realized later I could have just purchased the joy remotes for a disgusting 70 dollars but instead I went to my friends house like a fucking doofus showing up with a Nintendo switch under my arm and the device literally dropping onto the floor after it came loose from the dick. “You don’t need to use yours” my friend laughed “we just need one” are you fucking kidding me? “Then why the fuck did you tell me to get one?” Mood changed instantly, not my fault.

    I wasn’t having fun at all, I was just thinking “I spent 300 dollars on this piece of shit, that’s 4 grocery shopping days, that’s more clothes, that’s this that whatever anything but this piece of filth Nintendo switch you fucking losers go soy over. So every time it’s my turn I angrily play and I make sure people know I’m angry, it got to a point I rolled so poorly I threw my joycon and left the couch, everyone went quiet but I didn’t give a fuck. One of my friends who has a romantic interest in me (not reciprocated) started rubbing me on my back, “bad day?” They said and I just felt even more angry but this time the anger was directed towards them. “I know you like me but I don’t like you” I said, they cried, left, don’t care, I spent 300 dollars on a piece of shit I’m never going to use.

    None of my friends know how to navigate around me so it always feels like they’re hostages trying to ease their way out of the situation where they have a gun pointed at them, it’s pretty selfish of them considering I was the hostage and they were the shooters shooting me with “buy switch” or “Zelda is a good game it’s just like dark souls” or “get one it’ll improve your mood” has it fucking really? Has it improved my mood? What would improve my mood would be if someone paid me 300 dollars to piss shit and set the switch on fire and then throw it at someone playing happily’s head, that would improve my mood. Instead I have to use my adult fingers to navigate around a tiny ass “controller” it’s a fucking joke, just to have fun… your idea of “fun.”

    I get Zelda because if it wasn’t clear already I am a dickhead, “it’s like dark souls” that one prick told me, wrong, nothing like dark souls why did I listen to this prick? My life is like dark souls because I have people laughing and lying at me, I’m always losing my SOULS because some MERCHANT “”friends”” tells me to buy this item because it will improve my VITALITY what a load of bullshit. Zelda sucks it looks like a unity project some kid made on the school computers, the story is literally “we repackaged the first game and sold it to you again because you are a loser and keep paying us money.” Tale as old as time for all Nintendo games tbh, smash, Metroid, Mario, Mario kart, sonic, Zelda, insufferable pokemon. I see a lot of people on hexbear talk shit about funko pops as they should, but the moment you condemn pokemon they go off on you like you killed their family. What the fuck, really?

    I’ll give it away

    How many of you *actually* believe Ruzzia is winning this war?

    By all western accounts (might as well say most credible) Ukraine is without a doubt winning this war, there is no denying how substantial the Russian losses have been not just in sheer numbers of those killed on the frontlines but even more so those who have been impacted by the western imposed sanctions which can be removed if Russia removes themselves from occupied Ukraine. I think there have been 14 million Russian deaths as a result of this war and only 4000 Ukrainian deaths - that number includes victims of war (may they rest in peace).

    I just want the hexbears to enlighten me - they make bold claims but never follow up with any sources, they constantly repeat the same whataboutisms without acknowledging material reality around them, you can keep retracting your arguments anytime you are proven wrong but this playdoh act can only go so far - if you “”communists”” (hate typing that word) actually had an ounce of care for humanity, wouldn’t you be opposed to the Ruzzian invasion of a sovereign nation such as Ukraine? Let me paint a picture for you - you children might understand this more if I speak in your terms:

    If you claim Israel (which is a real country by all historical accounts), that they have no right to be on alleged stolen Palestine land… why do you not come to the same conclusion when it comes to Russia and Ukraine? Oh, another example, why would you not vote Biden who is by no means a great candidate but by choosing not to vote you allow a fascist (antithesis of communists) into power? Don’t you think you have a moral obligation to vote out fascism every time?

    I don’t know, though- I’m just a person on the interweb- my opinions are correct and backed by the smartest minds in the west, I do not have to listen to any of you so don’t expect much engagement from me in the comments - thanks!

    Cheap Television

    I've started using my loft bed and I need a tv to fit on it, maybe bigger than 32 inches but if you have anywhere I can find a really cheap tv that would be cool
