How horrifying. I would never
Damn, wish he had had shittier doctors
I haven't come across this before, but that's incredible. Really beating the r/jailbait rap
The Sotadic Zone. That little bit of trivia has been firmly lodged in my brain since I learned of it
Two Worlds was wild because you could enter console commands on the Xbox 360. And it was heavily recommended to do so if for no other reason to turn off the grass and improve performance. Fun game, jank as hell
Edit: Right, the main question. Yes! Please give us these write ups!
The replies are absolutely wretched. How does anyone spend time on that site?
But but but! You're forgetting the Senate pastafarian!
Comrade, if you're going to use this poem, please do not omit the original first line.
"First they came for the Communists, And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist."
Ah hell yeah
It's even worse because a lot of the Labour campaign staff hopped across the pond to do a shit job for the Dems as well
I'm looking forward to this set as well. "We used magic to shoot ourselves into space" will always have me on board
20 yards of silicon wafer, I would assume
It must end the same way
Please let the USPS pigs get into a shootout with the local pigs
I have also enjoyed your hypothetical
The Square-Enix forecasting model
Oh you like Woke and DEI? Name three of their songs