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Just to get a second set of eyes on it, that's all.
  • Suspicions about JFK's assassination are actually some of the more "acceptable" conspiracy theories to believe in, in the US. However, I think Lemino's recent video has shown the online community that there really isn't much, if any, room to argue that it wasn't Oswald.

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  • They're likely living in a Piedmont city (we've got a lot of transplants moving from up north) — Raleigh would be my guess. Believe it or not, this state has several diverse cities.

  • Tankies reaction to Beehaw removing itself from Lemmy -- "When you adopt an anti-communist stance, you pave the way for unhealthy social trends to takeover" also apparently Beehaw are fascists?
  • Tankies have an incredibly black and white view of the world. Anyone that isn't with them is a fascist. It's also why they can't accept that their favorite authoritarians have practiced imperialism, oppression of minority groups, and lots of killing. "Stalin believed in the same economic policy that I do, so therefore he never did a bad thing."

  • What programming languages aren't too criticized here?
  • C# doesn't have a big spotlight on it like Rust or Python, but it is a popular and very unhated language. It's a good language that is regularly improving and has phenomenal documentation. Seriously, I've not gone to Stack Overflow for anything C# (outside of third-party libraries) for years; Microsoft's documentation gives me everything I need.

  • Who is a Youtuber you find to be overrated ?
  • Their videos about the immune system are really good and educational (according to me, who has no idea if they're just making shit up). But pretty much everything else they make is just pop science.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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