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What is your favorite operating system and what do you like about it?
    1. No one said linux doesnt work, the Person just said this is one point why He uses Windows.

    2. Building your own Software is definitely exaggerated.

    3. My graphics applications dont work properly (Affinity Suite), my Video Tool barely works although its supported natively (davinci), my DAW (maschine) and my music Hardware (maschine mk3) dont work at all. Installing my vsts is very Tricky (aome dont work at all). My cloud storage has no linux Client (proton drive). This is just the most important stuff for my use case, which keeps me from switching to Linux.

  • What is your favorite operating system and what do you like about it?
  • How is thst wrong? I second this, and 1 and 2 are the reasons i am not on Linux yet wirh my main PC. Win 11 runs without issues for me, i cant install Essential Software and Hardware thag i use on Linux and Apple is expensive and i really dont like the Windowmanagement and some other Quirks of macOs. btw i use all three of them, win 11 on my main pc, linux on my old laptop and macOS at work.

  • Baldur's Gate 3 is defying game industry trend-chasers — and is being rewarded for doing so | Windows Central
  • The cool Thing about playing with Controller is, that you can play it like a 3rd Person game, which is a cool option to experience the gane in a different way. But yeah problem is that all the skills and spells are not as essy to manage as with Mouse and keyboard.

  • Used Windows today since months
  • I also use it since win 95. And really gad no Problems over the last years. Maybe the start if win10 was a little rough but after that no issues.I have used it for All kind of stuff: gaming, graphics 3d and 2d, game dev, programming, a lot of music production, writing and just tinkering around. I am no admin though, so i have no opinion on that. The only Thing where performance was bad, was on my old laptop which i Switched to Linux, but on my main PC no complaints. I do wish to switch to Linux at some point but right now some Software and Hardware i use just isnt supported, so there is really no good reason to switch now.

  • Used Windows today since months
  • Well there is a lot to critizise on Windows, but to be honest i didnt have any Problems with Updates, crashes, installing Software and drivers or anything Else on Windows in years. Even upgrading from win 10 to 11 caused no issues. I do want to switch to Linux when the Hardware and Software i need is eventually supported, because i dont like all the privacy issues on Windows, but from a Performance and stability point of view i really cant complain about Windows at the Moment

  • Car companies like Honda, BMW, and Hyundai are banding together to build an EV-charging network bigger than Tesla's Supercharger empire
  • With the App i can use the chargers. Its the App of a lange energy Provider in germany. With this App i can use all These 250k + chargers. Additionaly i have a card that i can use for starting the charging process, if i am somewhere with no mobile Internet Connection. On top of that i always pay the same price per kw/h no matter if i use a charger in germany, Italy, Sweden etc.

  • Twitter’s new X logo wasn’t made by an in-house designer. It’s from an old podcast
  • Thats true but anyway it doesnt make sense do trash a Brand that has becone verb, has its Logo on Millionen of Websites and is refered to by probably every news Website in existence. Imagine if McDonalds changed their golden M to a gray O.

  • RIP Twitter’s iconic bird logo
    1. They still kept their Brands for those products. Its still google and not alphabet search.
    2. The fact that most people call These companies Google and Facebook Shows how hard it is to rebrand
  • Deutsche Regierung umgeht Twitter-Beschränkungen
  • Achso, ich will gar nicht irgendwie unfreundlich klingen. Es geht nir nur ein wenig auf die Nerven. Ich möchte ja wechseln, aber das ist objektiv betrachtet nur mit Einschränkungen möglich. Teilweise bin ich bereit für Kompromisse, aber was sowas angeht wie meine Maschine mk3, auf die werde ich auf keinen Fall verzichten. Und die linux community ist da oft einfach nicht ganz ehrlich zu sich selbst ubd wechselwilligen. Oft wird da behauptet, daß swi alles ganz easy und es gäbe super Alternativen usw. Aber das stimmt oft genug nicht oder nur Teilweise. Damit tut sich die linux community meiner Meinung nach keinem gefallen wwiö es falsche Erwartungen weckt. Und dann sind die Leute die linux mal ausprobieren schnell frustriert, weil vieles dann doch nur mit großem Aufwand und oft nur Teilweise möglich ist.

  • Deutsche Regierung umgeht Twitter-Beschränkungen
  • Ich habt bitwig, das wäre nicht das Problem. Mein Problem ist vor allem maschine bzw native Instruments. Ja das geht scheinbar mit yabridge , aber erstens wird auf der yabridge Seite gesagt, dass die aktuellen Versionen von zb native access nicht funktionieren und zweitens kam mir die Installation wieder furchtbar komplex vor. Bei Windows klicke ich "install" und kann mich aufs wesentliche, das mukke machen, konzentrieren. Letzten Endes funktioniert meine Maschine mk 3 aber halt einfach nicht unter linux und damit hat sich das thema eigentlich auch erledigt.

  • Deutsche Regierung umgeht Twitter-Beschränkungen
  • Habs ausprobiert, gab nur Probleme, unter anderem beim medienimport, ich habe dann recherchiert und bin auf zahlreiche Beiträge und Videos gestoßen, die die gleichen Probleme geschildert haben.

  • Deutsche Regierung umgeht Twitter-Beschränkungen
  • Klar geht alles, aber: Nein , gimp ist kein adäquater ersatz für Photoshop oder affinity, genauso wenig wie inkscape ein Ersatz für Illustrator ist. Das gleiche gilt für Video Produktion bspw mit davinci. Das betrifft meistens den Funktionsumfang der bei linux open source Optionen geringer ist, und immer die UX die vergleichsweise katastrophal ist.

    Das gleiche betrifft musikprouktion, ja es gibt ganz nette open source DAWs für linux und gute vsts(wobei es hier eher um gute synths geht, bei sample basierten vsts biste bei den free Sachen ziemlich aufgeschmissen), aber qualitativ kommen die nicht an die proprietäre Software von Arturia, native Instruments, ableton und Co heran. Hinzukommt meine hardware DAW die linux einfach nicht unterstützt. Ich bin nicht bereit, meine Sammlung teurer hard und software in den Müll zu schmeißen, um auf Alternativen (wenn diese denn überhaupt existieren) minderer Qualität umzusteigen.

    Nichts für ungut

    Bzgl android: ich brauche halt android auto.

  • Considering switching over to Linux. My main concerns are with Music Production (Native Instruments, Bitwig, Arturia etc.)


    atm i am considering switching over to linux on my main pc. I have some experience with different distros ( i have fedora on my laptop) but i am not sure if it is really worth it. I mainly use my PC for Music Production, some Gaming and graphics stuff (Affinity Suit).

    For my music production i use a lot of stuff from Native Instruments. I have a Maschine mk3 as my hardware DAW (in combination with Maschine Software) and NI Komplete with lots of vsts. I also have some Arturia vsts and vsts from smaller companies (all paid). My Software DAW is Bitwig (wich has native Linux support). After some research i found out that there are ways to get at least some software from NI running with yarbrigde, but this does not account for my Maschine mk3 and seems very tedious and unstable. Also it is suggested that i have to use older versions of my software as the current version of Native Access does not run at all. I am willing to put in some effort but all of this seems a little bit too much. I also found out that you can run windows in a vm and give it direct access to hardware so i could Use my Maschine mk3 and all of the software of course. My main concern with this is, that i will end up using windows anyway so why bother switching to linux if it is basically just a host for Linux in this case.

    Do any of you have experience with the soft and hardware i use under linux? Or maybe some suggestions how i could solve my problems? Is running windows in a vm a viable solution or should i just stick with windows? Any input is welcome and much appreciated!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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