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Helldivers 2 has limited player counts to stop server crashes
  • The game has a global war that is going on. Every game adds or removes capture points from the world you fought on.

    They could have let you play without that but everything is tied in including your player advancement.

  • response to recent trends rule
  • It was going before that.

  • wet rule
  • Then the wet is oily.

  • Escape From Tarkov is adding vaulting, revised recoil, and new guns
  • They could release a sp version or coop version. It would get everyone i know to play again. We didnt stop because of content. We stopped because blatant cheating and the dev saying it wasn't true for years.

  • Life is just a bright shiny day
  • It doesnt have tolbe a petshop...

  • Life is just a bright shiny day
  • Close, its bank fraud

  • Relatable in any time period
  • If you please!

  • What the Hell Happened to my Cookies?
  • There is a hole if you look close enough...

  • On culinary crimes
  • Macncheese isn't a big thing in other countries. Now cheesy potatoes with raisins!

  • [I ate]Shawarma platter
  • What is the purple shit? Those gummy worms look lit!

  • I should buy a lottery ticket
  • Caught covid in line at the gas station for a lottery ticket :(

  • Capitalism Breeds Innovation
  • I love having all of these because if my wife wants x fast food I get x chicken sandwich all in one stop. Some of them are much much better than others. If you add "spicy" to it then the whole tier arrangement changes as well.

    But I really dont see why anyone is complaining that more places have good chicken sandwiches. Seems like an odd things to hate on IMO.

  • Comment chain becomes unreadable with depth
  • Brings a tear to my eye!

  • Comment chain becomes unreadable with depth
  • Oh man do I have news for you...

  • Over a quarter of Lemmy users use Sync (based on a poll)
  • Your opinion matters! Yea the ads suck but if you like how smooth the app is you can get rid of them for a very small fee. But if you are happy with another ap, Connect, more power to ya!

  • Shines the name, shines the name of Rodger Young

    Not a good meme I know but just finished Starship Troopers for the millionth time. My father died 20+ years ago... The one thing I really want!

    Looks like this might be a thing now!

    Glad ljdawson is going to try to make this a thing!

    >ljdawson > >My plan is to get an MVP out in the next 3-6 weeks. > >What should make the first release?

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