Nah man, that title still goes to Joe Rogan every damn year.
Like, you have higher survivability odds in the back of the plane
But when you're sitting in the front during a crash the snack cart comes by one more time.
a pacifist as the paradox of tolerance is a difficult thing to have to come to terms with and I'm fundamentally a flawed human being
Don't think of it as a paradox - tolerance is a social contract, once you break the terms you're no longer protected by that contract because accepting that would nullify the contract for all of us.
Und habt vielleicht ne saubere Hose an, wenn ihr die Tür öffnet. Der verurteilende Blick der Elternbegleitung weil ihr in der schmutzigen Jogginghose und den Chipskrümmel im Decolleté rauskommt, könnt ihr euch so ersparen.
Entschuldige mal. Das ist mein Halloween Kostüm!
Erinnert mich an eine Anekdote über Timothy Leary, den LSD Papst. Die Polizei stand vor der Tür und Mr. Leary hat diese nur mit einem T-Shirt bekleidet geöffnet und mit seinem im Wind schwingenden Penis lautstark verlangt zu wissen was man den wolle. Die peinlich berührte Polizei bat Mr. Leary wohl mehrmals sich doch bitte eine Hose anzuziehen und bekam jedes Mal die vehemente Antwort: "Absolutely not! You're in MY house!"
My girlfriend and I are talking about this, I want her to keep her last name, I want to keep mine, but I also want to share a last name with my future children.
I'm the last male with that last name, which is very unique - basically everybody with that last name is related and we can track it at least 400 years in the past and I want my children to be part of that history. But I also want my girlfriend to have the same, like having our children be connected to her family history as well. So we will combine our names to not sever those connections.
Only part of contention is which name comes first, I like it alphabetically which would put my name first, her first and last name are alphabetically following letters (like A-B eg. Anne Barn or Chloe Detmer) which is also nice, so I am torn about that question :D
The grandmother of a friend always used to say - wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one is filled first.
Boost for lemmy doesn't show profile pics and usernames all look the same so I might have overlooked where you said that. Also your comment I replied to reads like that wasn't the case. I apologize for the mix up, but still feel your hostility is unwarranted and will now disengage.
So, what's your plan for the election? Not voting, sitting in a corner yelling "it's unacceptable!!!"?
Or voting the lesser of two evils and working to better the system?
The democratic parties of 1920s Germany also were full of racists, antisemites and union busters, but not voting or worse voting for the NSDAP only achieved one thing - the Nazis power grab.
So what's your plan?
Bieber is German for beaver. Finally someone made the connection.
I least they were dead? That's a courtesy some of Weinstein's and Epstein's victims had to take in their own hands.
Yeah and sometimes it just rubs off on each other, like I was never the gardening guy but her enthusiasm about it was infectious and now I find myself getting excited about how many tomatoes a single plant can grow or what beautiful colors the tiny corn poppies can produce.
And the other way around - a friend gave me a 'Quark' shirt for my birthday and my girlfriend said 'ugh ferengies are so ugly, couldn't he have given you a Spock shirt, I like him more' and I was soooo proud of her.
You just learn to enjoy their excitement about their boring shit until you start to share the excitement and you start to enjoy the thing too.
Ich habe mich immer gefragt was Leute online gegen Religionsunterricht haben, weil ich nämlich genau so einen Unterricht hatte wie du ihn hier beschreibst.
War zwar immer noch etwas auf der christlichen Seite die gute Frau, hat aber meiner Meinung nach einen guten Abriss zumindest der Weltreligionen gegeben und auch die interessanten Parallelen zwischen diesen gut aufgezeigt und behandelt.
Aber Religionsunterricht in der Schule nur als Verlängerung des Konfirmandenunterrichts, da teile ich die Ablehnung mancher, hat in staatlichen Einrichtungen nichts verloren.
Ich glaube schon, aber wenn es Suppe regnet, was machen wir dann mit den Löffeln?
Made myself some ham and mountain cheese panini sandwiches.
Still no relevant response to what I pointed out, buddy,.
Nope, not what we were talking about mate. Op said:
That's not outrage being directed at the perpetrator, it's outrage being directed at an entire demographic of people of which the perpetrator happens to belong.
You said :
It's not in the article, it's in the comment you were replying to. What am I missing?
So don't try to move the goalposts just because you talked shit, I'm sick of this bullshit.
We were talking about why a, admittedly monstrous, rapist needs to be used to demonize a whole demographic. You pretended like that wasn't in the article, I proved it was, that is the fucking conversation we're having here.
Oh I don't know maybe the first three words?
Or the next three words that follow
the MONSTER migrant
Instead of maybe "the rapist", no we got to tie in that he is a migrant in all caps, at every possible turn.
Also further down referred to as
the migrant
Oh and also let's rope in some unrelated burglar who also happens to be a migrant.
All very easy to spot so I figure you're not really asking in good faith, just like someone who has an agency in "just asking questions" would do.
European red squirrel, northern Germany.
We live right next to a park, where a tree grows partially over our balcony, so the little one can safely come and go. Over the past weeks she's gotten more curious and has been exploring every corner of the balcony, she's also gotten more comfortable with our presence.
A few days ago we were having tea outside and she joined us briefly, so we put out some hazelnuts and she returned immediately from her lookout on the tree.
First she checked from a safe distance.
She then brought the nuts into several hiding spots around and returned again, at this point she really started to muster us. She then made a big jump right on to our table, ran across it until she sat 30cm in front of my girlfriend and stared right into the camera, that's where we took the title picture.
The photo is slightly out of focus because she ran up to us so boldly, we couldn't turn the zoom down quickly enough.
After that photo we put the camera down, to enjoy the moment more, she ran around us a little bit and then retreated back to her tree.
It seems like we made a friend that day, she comes by periodically, we bought more nuts and although she is careful around us, she accepts our presence. We can move slowly and also talk normally, just fast movements makes her a little skittish.
So greetings from Hazel to all of you, we wish you and your squirrel friends a merry autumn!