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Sure about that?
  • Well, for a lot of neurodivergent people it's actually a part of who we are, not a condition we have, so even though you might not like it doesn't mean it's wrong. Personally I hate people telling me that I have autism and ADHD. I am both those things.

    This article explains it quite well and even though it's about autistic people it goes for ADHD people as well.

  • Stuck, stuck, stuck
  • It does present differently, partly because of societal pressure but also partly because of hormonal setup. That's the reason why it was thought for a long time that ADHD and Autism was less prevalent in girls. Luckily, this perspective has changed which led to a lot of late diagnoses for women.

  • Immunität von AfD-Abgeordnetem Gnauck aufgehoben
  • Was mich daran am meisten irritiert: der wurde vom Geheimdienst der Bundeswehr als extremistisch wegen fehlender Verfassungstreue eingeordnet und ihm wurde unter anderem das Tragen der Uniform und das Betreten von Kasernen untersagt. Wieso darf der dann im Bundestag sitzen? Muss er da nicht auch einen Eid auf die Verfassung ablegen?

  • Police raid far-right German MEP’s office in China espionage probe
  • Pretty much, yes. He didn't know anything and if the authorities had told him he'd have fired the guy but instead the authorities waited until the European election was close so they could make him out to be the bad guy.

  • [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?
  • I have no issues with veganism but I do have issues with being attacked because I'm not vegan. I've been attacked for using cow milk even after explaining that I can't use plant milk because of sensory issues.

    Funnily enough, just like you said, I know vegans IRL who would never behave that way and of course I accommodate their dietary choices when I'm in charge of food.

    I think it's mostly an Internet thing when you just see the loudest minority instead of the more quiet majority.

  • Abortions in first 12 weeks should be legalised in Germany, commission says
  • No. It's decriminalized within the first twelve weeks after having a counseling session with an acknowledged center. It's still technically illegal though and until recently doctors were not even allowed to mention on their homepage that they performed abortions

  • New UN report outlines the ‘Anatomy of a Genocide’ in Gaza
  • Targeting civilians is absolutely not okay. Targeting military assets after warning nearby civilians is absolutely fine, as far as prosecuting a war goes.

    Well, we do know by now that according to Lavender the death of 10-15 civilians for a low level Hamas fighter is tolerable, for high level commanders 100 civilian deaths are still just fine. Also, Lavender prefers hitting apartment blocks because the targeted people are easier to find when they're with their families.

  • BKA-Chef Münch warnte im Bericht aus Berlin vor wachsender Gewaltbereitschaft von links BKA-Chef zu Tesla-Anschlag: "Zuspitzung der Bedrohungslage"

    Tagelang konnte das Tesla-Werk nach dem Anschlag auf die Stromversorgung nicht produzieren - die Bundesanwaltschaft ermittelt. BKA-Chef Münch warnte im Bericht aus Berlin vor wachsender Gewaltbereitschaft von links.

    BKA-Chef zu Tesla-Anschlag: "Zuspitzung der Bedrohungslage"

    War ja zu erwarten nachdem es in den letzten Tagen um Rechtsextremismus bei der Polizei ging.

    Bundesverfassungsgericht streicht NPD-Nachfolge-Partei staatliche Finanzierung Bundesverfassungsgericht streicht NPD-Nachfolge-Partei staatliche Finanzierung

    Der früheren NPD wird die staatliche Parteienfinanzierung gestrichen. Das entschied das Bundesverfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe. Die Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD), die sich inzwischen in "Die Heimat" umbenannt hat, sei darauf ausgerichtet, die freiheitlich demokratische Grundordnung ...

    Bundesverfassungsgericht streicht NPD-Nachfolge-Partei staatliche Finanzierung

    Das könnte auch eine Möglichkeit für das Vorgehen betreffend die AfD sein.

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