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The least nazi defending terf
  • to be fair, this is just general lib shit. like, you'll find a shittonne of people who are 100% "trans rights are human rights!!! ^_^ (but we need to fund the police, blow up muslims, and protect nazis UwU)"

  • I love when things are named exactly what they do
  • you don't have a seperate brush for each tooth? fucking commies smh

  • NSFW
    [CW: Penis talk] Completely normal - Ai
  • i love that the CW is "penis talk" not bugs or anything. which implies that this is just a normal part of life for people with dicks... scared

  • Always the same countries
  • because they have spent approximately 0.5 seconds of their lives thinking about foreign policy. they simply Do Not look at this

  • Honestly can't even hate these articles, they keep giving me good ideas
  • harold-manic jesus fucking christ

    what is the point of a federal government if not to set regulations and minimums like that (obviously the purpose of the US federal governemnt is to serve the bourgeoisie, but goddamn how does it get away with being so much more mask off than all the other bourgeois states)

  • Honestly can't even hate these articles, they keep giving me good ideas
  • Workers who receive 11 to 15 days of PTO each year

    in amerikkka you're allowed to give your emplyees 11 days vacation per fucking year?? land of the free lmao amerikkka amerikkka amerikkka

  • General election latest: Rishi Sunak announces 4 July vote in Downing Street statement - BBC News
  • why is he doing it early? i figured the tories were desperately holding on and hoping something big happened to give them some chance of winning, but i'm pretty sure the tories are as fucked as they always were thonk

  • Nazis' anonymous
  • idk, i know this is probably happening on twitter for sus reasons, but in practical terms this seems like a straight upgrade? tumblr lets you hide your likes and thats great - i don't neccessarily need people who i want to have genuine conversations with exposed to my piss kink lmao, or to see that i'm into [name of trashy tv show here]. if anything this will improve engagement because you're not making a Statement everytime you hit the little heart button. generally more privacy is more good isn't it?

  • 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
  • "actually political power grows out of the barrel of a ballot" - president Mao mao-wave

  • Even The g@mer hates g@mers.
  • it costs $130

    false, it costs $0 pirate-jammin

  • We live in a class society.
  • middle class earners spend like lower-income workers

    i love that they won't even refer to middle class people as workers - they're "earners" as if theyre bourgeoisie lmao. we can't let the various proles start getting the idea that they're all on the same team! porky-happy

  • They're Confucinizing our children!!!
  • i genuinely do not have a single higher goal as an academic than being able to conduct at least some of my research in china (well, aside from stopping climate change, but lets be real i have by far the best chance of doing that there anyway). xi please confucinize me powercry-1 xi-plz

  • You thought keir starmer was playing, huh?
  • its middle class suburban paranoia, the 24 hour news cycle, and racism, thats it.

    i've recently moved to a large city from the countryside and my grandma is terrified of me getting stabbed. no one she knows has ever been stabbed, but it's on the news so it must be happening every day. its just what those hoodied youths get up to. the thing is i'm the only young person i've ever known who carries a knife - i always have, i'm from a fucking farm. it's a knife that's literally illegal in my country, we just don't have cops nearby.

    the real kicker: SHE gave me that knife when i was fucking 13

    doesn't amerikkka have something similar about how every street corner in detroit/chicargo/wherever is swarmed by teens who are Definitely smoking fentynol? its those same PMC delusions, but with violence instead of drugs. if ALL violent crime were eliminated, the news would just turn to some other shit to rile people up over.

  • Web publishers brace for carnage as Google adds AI answers
  • yeah same. we have an AI assistent now and every meeting has a 'gentle reminder' that the sales people and devs and tech support etc etc should be using it. they're never specific about what we should be using it for and the one time i touched it it didn't seem like it even had access to our documentation.

    is it really that simple? this is a massive capitalist company, surely they have to understand that they should be acting to improve their material conditions? random libs not understanding shit is fine, but i thought the actual capitalists themselves understood capitalism. exchanging material wealth for like cyberpunk vibes or whatever is genuinely insane.

  • Web publishers brace for carnage as Google adds AI answers
  • why? genuinely who does this help and how does it make google money? it seems like they're paying for the energy for ai content in exchange for absolutely nothing

  • How did you know if you were trans (or if you were cis)?
  • i wanted to be a boy when i was younger, in fact i was certain that i was. i was offended at the idea that i should be on the girls' football team, because obviously i couldn't hit a girl. i wanted to be a cowboy or a wizard or a scientist. i wanted a wife. i wanted to have a beard when i grew up (so that i could be a wizard). i remember my mother losing her mind when i referred to "the other boys" in my school, and i didn't really understand why adults kept saying i was a girl or wanting me to dress like one. in my 5th grade class we came up with the (probably transphobic now tbh) idea that i was a spy going undercover as a girl to find out what they got up to on their group bathroom trips. etc etc

    but then i read Stone Butch Blues and realised that people like me exist and always have; i'm allowed to be a woman and love women, i'm allowed to be a woman and be as masculine as i like, i'm allowed to be a woman and not dress/act/talk/etc "like a woman" because there is no such thing. i'm allowed to be a woman and a scientist (and now i am!!). women like me have a history and it is proud and long and badass - and no matter what the world says there is fucking nothing wrong with being a part of it.

    plus i realised that as long as i am clockably afab (which, for me, will likely be forever), i will experience sexism and be oppressed in the same way and by the same mechanisms as all other women. medically and legally, i will always be oppressed the same as women. there is no reason for me to distance myself from people who experience the same injustices as me.

    (i still want my beard and superhero muscles but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ its not worth me figuring out how to get on T and spending the money and stuff. i'm just gonna go to the gym and try to learn how to love my body the way it is (which i'm certainly getting better at; nothing about the way i am makes me lesser or less masc or more deserving of objectification etc etc - society is just sexist))

    i'm cis. i didn't want to be a man, i wanted to be a fucking person, we just live in a society where women are often denied that and i was too young to understand and reject sexism. feminism hexbear-lesbian

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • oh no sorry comrade, i was trying to imply that thats the yt people converting to harass one another for being yt lol

  • Does anyone have any good SQL resources?

    I've never touched SQL but some friends said that its a language you can basically learn in an afternoon, so I put it on my CV and applied to some jobs that say they want SQL lol. But now I've actually gotten an interview and I'd like to not get caught out as bullshitting - is it as easy as my friends say and do any of yall have some good resources about learning/using it? In the past I've had pdfs that take you from nothing to profiecency in a language and I'd love something similar, but now that I've graduated I don't have access to stuff like that anymore. I have a shittonne of experience in python if that helps (although at a glance nothing i'm seeing online looks much like python, but i'm told that you can implement it through python or something?)

    Most stuff I can find quickly either try to make you pay for it or they're videos instead of text and that doesn't really play well with the adhd. Do you guys have anything? Thanks for the help scamming a corporation comrades !meow-hug

    fucking christ i hate the middle class

    like i know these people are technically meant to be our allies because they don't own the means of production, but how the fuck do you spend more than my family's annual income on fast food? how are we meant to find common ground with people who are able and happy to do this? !visible-disgust

    edit: turns out this is a repost. sorry. but still, i standby my disgust

    Lerios Lerios [hy/hym]
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