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Absentee landlord cries after finding cannabis grow-op in his rented home, warns other kulaks
  • Good 'un, PK... landlords get the shaft for bein' a semi-feudal rentier class... Classical Economy 101...

  • Absentee landlord cries after finding cannabis grow-op in his rented home, warns other kulaks
  • Oy, cant, ye need a loiscence for it, as a business.... (for professional reasons: I am not British nor informed in its laws)

    Cannabis and the majority of its derivative substances (cannabinoids) are Class B controlled drugs in the UK under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. It remains a serious offense in the UK to possess, supply, produce, import or export cannabis except under a Home Office license. The licensing regime that applies to cannabis-related products is complex and specialist advice should be sought in relation to detailed requirements.

    Anyways, srsly, how would ye deal with marijuana anyway?

  • Absentee landlord cries after finding cannabis grow-op in his rented home, warns other kulaks
  • Why did the guy even used his fucking FAMILY house to become a landlord?

    Is he stupid?

    Remind me again when John Barilaro, former governor of NSW, rented his house to friendlyJordies?

  • NSFW
    [CW SLUR] Nick Fuentes' BADASS security
  • An example of a roblox player, like this? (This is a slender)

    Not like:

  • NSFW
    [CW SLUR] Nick Fuentes' BADASS security
  • The guy with the sword or the guy with the SStache?

  • Went to pride for the first time.
  • If they actually did things (other than sell newspapers, splinter into smaller groups, and criticize AES) I would support them.

    Then they'd just be normal Communists...?

  • NSFW
    [CW SLUR] Nick Fuentes' BADASS security
  • Wdym? This guy does not look like a bacon hair or the classic noob-style player ... which one, a slender {random roblox trend}?

  • NSFW
    [CW SLUR] Nick Fuentes' BADASS security
  • Which guy is green shirt? They're mostly wearing dark...

  • Dynamic between Hezbollah and Lebanese government?
  • Of course... and how is Hezbollah doing with it?

  • Liberal democracy is dictatorship of capital
  • Charming Owl, how'd ye find Yogtho's password?


    Idk about you but which important part of Capitalism was developed during this period... cuz England, by this time, still contains significant semi-feudal elements...

    Tis the period of manufacture that I've heard of, in Capital Vol. 1, right?

  • Questions about the "Holodomer"
  • I've a dozen links to throw to you against the concept of a Holodomor, want some?

    My disorganized links

    Holodomor myth

    BadEmpanada The Holodomor Genocide Question: How Wikipedia Lies to You - Bad Empanada ( Sequel Response video: I've Been DEBUNKED - My Response on the Holodomor Genocide Question

    William Randolph Hearst who owned St Donat's Castle near Cardiff. The newspaper magnate was obviously taken by Jones's accounts of what had happened in Ukraine and invited the reporter to the US.

    Years of Hunger

    This has to made very clear: The Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33 did in fact happen. The point of contention is that it was not a result of intentional genocide.

    1. Then why did it hit parts of Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, Poland and the EASTERN part of Ukraine where there was and still is a major Russian population?

    2. Why did Stalin then send aid from the other republics to relieve the famine?

    The Uk.S.S.R. received from other republics more than 320,000 tons of grain, in other words, nearly twice as much as the republic ‘exported’, and was authorised to use (from both internal and imported sources) some 520,000 tons of grain as seed, about two‐thirds of total seed loans for the entire Soviet Union.’

    1. Every single source claiming it was an intentional genocide goes back to literal fascists. The Hearst Press run by William Hearst, at the time even known as America's #1 fascist, whose newspaper was bought by non other than Nazi Germany in 1935. They used photos from Thomas Walker who was apparently in Ukraine in 1933/4 though his American colleague in Moscow, Louis Fischer, did some digging and found out he had never passed anywhere near Ukraine and the photos he used were edited photos of people dying in the civil war era famine and WW1 famines. Some photos not even from Russia but from Austro-Hungary.

    1. The actual causes are as follows:

    -Kulak sabotage(From Professor Scuman who was actually in Ukraine at the time says: "Their [kulak] opposition took the initial form of slaughtering their cattle and horses in preference to having them collectivized. The result was a grievous blow to Soviet agriculture, for most of the cattle and horses were owned by the kulaks. Between 1928 and 1933 the number of horses in the USSR declined from almost 30,000,000 to less than 15,000,000; of horned cattle from 70,000,000 (including 31,000,0000 cows) to 38,000,000 (including 20,000,000 cows); of sheep and goats from 147,000,000 to 50,000,000; and of hogs from 20,000,000 to 12,000,000. Soviet rural economy had not recovered from this staggering loss by 1941. ... Some [kulaks] murdered officials, set the torch to the property of the collectives, and even burned their own crops and seed grain. More refused to sow or reap, perhaps on the assumption that the authorities would make concessions and would in any case feed them. The aftermath was the "Ukraine famine'' of 1932--33 .... Lurid accounts, mostly fictional, appeared in the Nazi press in Germany and in the Hearst press in the United States, often illustrated with photographs that turned out to have been taken along the Volga in 1921 .... The "famine'' was not, in its later stages, a result of food shortage, despite the sharp reduction of seed grain and harvests flowing from special requisitions in the spring of 1932 which were apparently occasioned by fear of war in Japan. Most of the victims were kulaks who had refused to sow their fields or had destroyed their crops.")

    – Frederick Schuman, quoted in Douglas Tottle, “Fraud, Famine, and Fascism: the Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard,” page 93-94. Share this:

    -A drought hit Ukraine 3 years in a row (in his A History of Ukraine, Mikhail Hrushevsky, described by the Nationalists themselves as Ukraine's leading historian, writing of the year 1932, claimed that 'Again a year of drought coincided with chaotic agricultural conditions'.

    Professor Michael Florinsky, who struggled against the Bolsheviks during the Civil War, noted: `Severe droughts in 1930 and 1931, especially in the Ukraine, aggravated the plight of farming and created near famine conditions'. )

    -The third cause of the famine was a typhoid epidemic that ravaged Ukraine and North Caucausus. (Dr. Hans Blumenfeld, internationally respected city planner and recipient of the Order of Canada, worked as an architect in Makayevka, Ukraine during the famine. He wrote: `There is no doubt that the famine claimed many victims. I have no basis on which to estimate their number .... Probably most deaths in 1933 were due to epidemics of typhus, typhoid fever, and dysentery. Waterborne diseases were frequent in Makeyevka; I narrowly survived an attack of typhus fever.'

    Horsley Grant, the man who made the absurd estimate of 15 million dead under the famine --- 60 per cent of an ethnic Ukrainian population of 25 million in 1932 --- noted at the same time that `the peak of the typhus epidemic coincided with the famine .... it is not possible to separate which of the two causes was more important in causing casualties.')

    -The fourth cause of the famine was the disorder provoked by the reorganization of agriculture and the equally profound upheaval in economic and social relations: lack of experience, improvisation and confusion in orders, lack of preparation and leftist radicalism among some of the poorer peasants and some of the civil servants. (Hans Blumenfeld gives, in his autobiography, a résumé of what he experienced during the famine in Ukraine: "The famine was caused by a conjunction of a number of factors. First, the hot dry summer of 1932, which I had experienced in northern Vyatka, had resulted in crop failure in the semiarid regions of the south. Second, the struggle for collectivization had disrupted agriculture. Collectivization was not an orderly process following bureaucratic rules. It consisted of actions by the poor peasants, encouraged by the Party. The poor peasants were eager to expropriate the kulaks,'' but less eager to organize a cooperative economy. By 1930 the Party had already sent out cadres to stem and correct excesses .... After having exercised restraint in 1930, the Party put on a drive again in 1932. As a result, in that year the kulak economy ceased to produce, and the new collective economy did not yet produce fully. First claim on the inadequate product went to urban industry and to the armed forces; as the future of the entire nation, including the peasants, depended on them, it could hardly be otherwise .... `In 1933 rainfall was adequate. The Party sent its best cadres to help organize work in the kolkhozes. They succeeded; after the harvest of 1933 the situation improved radically and with amazing speed. I had the feeling that we had been pulling a heavy cart uphill, uncertain if we would succeed; but in the fall of 1933 we had gone over the top and from then on we could move forward at an accelerating pace.' )

    And to top it all off here's what the Ukrainian nationalist Isaac Mazepa had to say about it

    "At first there were disturbances in the kolkhosi [collective farms] or else the Communist officials and their agents were killed, but later a system of passive resistance was favored which aimed at the systematic frustration of the Bolsheviks' plans for the sowing and gathering of the harvest .... The catastrophe of 1932 was the hardest blow that Soviet Ukraine had to face since the famine of 1921-- 1922. The autumn and spring sowing campaigns both failed. Whole tracts were left unsown, in addition when the crop was being gathered ... in many areas, especially in the south, 20, 40 and even 50 per cent was left in the fields, and was either not collected at all or was ruined in the threshing."\_wtlUup8Pei3LnuPB-BGf6MRpiEr7UledZcaZKqGhi1o4x37Z26pw](

    "In Search of a Soviet Holocaust. A 55 year old Famine Feeds the Right" Village Voice, 1988

    “Grain Crisis or Famine? The Ukrainian State Commission for Aid to Crop-Failure Victims and the Ukrainian Famine of 1928-1929.”

  • Ángeles Flórez Peón, Spanish Civil War’s Last Militiawoman, Dies at 105
  • May a thousand paths grow from whence hers comes to a finale...

  • What the hell is "cumtown"
  • All you should know is that they like to say removed shit....

  • Louisiana passes into law that the Ten Commandments must be posted in all school classrooms
  • I think that's the reason why I can forgive a lotta Catholics, cuz a lot of them are likely from the Global South and not that wealthy, while not being the same with Protestants (Protestantism and Western Ideology have now intertwined in my mind to hell)

    That being said, I may give too much benefit of the doubt to them....

  • Louisiana passes into law that the Ten Commandments must be posted in all school classrooms
  • Oh come on... of course, it doesn't change my main point, but it makes me damn this country for its WASP identity further more, even if the Catholics there support this theocratic decision...

  • Yoon declares 'demographic national emergency,' vows all-out efforts to tackle low birthrate
  • This is not socdemmery, at least in its good sense (no labor unionism encouraging this, it seems)

    This is the desperate cry of rightists, at tumblin' birth rates...

  • This game gave me PTSD 😩
  • spoiler

    Of course it's fuckin' Spec Ops...

  • Bit idea: Americans make aliyah to Britain (England, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man only)

    I mean, come on, man.... (No Norn Iron, let alone republic of Ireland, 'Irish'-Americans are too annoying)

    T'was not until the early 19th century when yer dialects and identity were separated...

    Any current living Anglophone country close to either socialist, anti-imperialist, or anti-imperialist socialist governance?

    I swear, it'd be nice to see a major player with that language advantage... the only thing is, will it live long? I hope it can use its voice against the U.S and U.K empire...

    Age is on my mind.

    From 0-45 years of age, I consider anything that qualifies in that, young...

    Further from that, and you're very old...

    Other than that, it's funny to think that:

    one, the leading figures of the counterculture were born from the Silent Generation (1928-1944), rather than the Baby Boomers (1945-1965).

    i.e. Abbie Hoffman and Bobby Seale, born in 1936

    Jerry Rubin, born in 1938

    two, anyone I've known that was born in the 1970s, will soon be beyond over 45 years of age...

    lastly, it's 2024, more than 20 years after the 2000s...

    P.S I'm not that old, I'm just thinking of the timelines, yk...

    "Squatters have taken over Gordon Ramsay's restaurant in London and are threatening legal action" Squatters have taken over Gordon Ramsay's restaurant in London and are threatening legal action

    Metropolitan Police in London told BI they're "aware" of the situation at Gordon Ramsay's restaurant and will "take action when appropriate."

    cross-posted from:

    > Lmao... all because of a legal technicality, the squatters actually have the right to kick anyone intruding out on the property, including the landlords... > > That being said, the ones squatting over there are the camden art cafe is there > > Bonus: if you want a laugh, watch this normie chud {Ali Koca} 's take on it and watch him seethe... > > " " > + add > " /shorts/vfWGo-cld3A " > >

    Critical support to the squatters in Gordon Ramsay restaurant Squatters have taken over Gordon Ramsay's restaurant in London and are threatening legal action

    Metropolitan Police in London told BI they're "aware" of the situation at Gordon Ramsay's restaurant and will "take action when appropriate."

    Lmao... all because of a legal technicality, the squatters actually have the right to kick anyone intruding out on the property, including the landlords...

    That being said, the camden art cafe is there

    Bonus: if you want a laugh, watch this normie chud {Ali Koca} 's take on it...

    " "

    • add " /shorts/vfWGo-cld3A "

    cross-posted from:

    > P.S I need better shitposting abilities, pls help me, is my first time

    "Postlethwayt", is that an actual name or not?

    ctrl + 4 "Postlethwayt" ___

    Why is it that approval ratings aren't used as the method of electing politicians?

    It's just a simple yes or no, whether you think at least one or more of the candidates on your ballot list shares a lot of your concerns, beliefs, et values to at least vote for them

    If you don't approve any of them, just don't mark them, and write down "I don't like any of these candidates" as a reason

    I don't like "first past the post" for this reason... it just perpetuates the idea of "spoiled" votes...

    Havana (Syndrome) song quarantined

    Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Alternatively, find out wha... quarantined

    Source: rare reddit W

    I know the news about it is old, but this is some good shit, especially about recent updates on the syndrome being possibly fake

    Anyways, here goes the song

    > Havana, ooh na-na

    > Got a pounding headache in Havana, ooh na-na

    > They're studying my brain at CDC HQ in Atlanta, na-na-na, ah

    > Oh, but my headache's from Havana

    > It was created by the Cuban Bruce Banner

    > Havana, ooh na-na

    > It started with that chirping noise

    > (Might just have been crickets)

    > But I think it was Castro playing with his new toys

    > (felt like - shots in the double digits)

    > Felt like a jackhammer in a minute

    > That summer night in June

    > And the Dr says it was a microwave

    > It got me feelin' like…


    > I knew it when I felt it, the Cubans turned me into a hot pocket

    > Got me feelin’ like AHHH, AHHH-AHHH-AHHH-AHHH-AHHH-AHHH-AHHH

    > And then I left the island, I had to go

    > Oh na-na-na-na-na

    > Havana, ooh na-na

    > Got a pounding headache in Havana, ooh na-na

    > They're studying my brain at CDC HQ in Atlanta, na-na-na, ah

    > Oh, but my headache's from Havana

    > My headache's from Havana

    > Havana, ooh na-na

    > (Epstein)

    > Just graduated, fresh on campus, mmm

    > Fresh out Langley with no manners, damn (Fresh out Langley)

    > Bump him off if he talks, like a traffic jam

    > Hey, I was quick to pay that dictator for Uncle Sam (Here you go, ayy)

    > Back it on me (Back it up)

    > Shawty cravin' on me, get to eatin' my propaganda for me (for me)

    > They waited on me (And what?)

    > Shawty coupin' for me, got the mercenaries for me (Wait up)

    > This is history in the makin', homie (Homie)

    > Point blank, close range, that Lumumba (Tah, tah)

    > If it was a coup, that's me (That's me)

    > I was gettin' mula, baby

    > Havana, ooh na-na

    > Got a pounding headache in Havana, ooh na-na

    > They're studying my brain at CDC HQ in Atlanta, na-na-na, ah

    > Oh, but my headache's from Havana

    > My headache's from Havana

    > Havana, ooh na-na

    > Ooh na-na, oh, na-na-na (Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh)

    > Give me money like...

    > Ooh na-na, oh, na-na-na (Yeah, babe)

    > Give me money, money, money like...

    > Ooh na-na, oh, na-na-na (Yeah, yeah)

    > Give me money, money, money like...

    > Ooh na-na, oh, na-na-na (Yeah, babe)

    > Give me money, money, money

    > Hey, hey...

    > Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh (Hey)

    > Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh (Hey)

    > Give me money because of Havana...

    >Havana, ooh na-na

    >Got a pounding headache in Havana, ooh na-na

    >They're studying my brain at CDC HQ in Atlanta, na-na-na, ah

    >Oh, but my headache's from Havana

    >My headache's from Havana

    >Havana, ooh na-na

    >Oh, na-na-na (Oh, na, yeah)

    >Oh, na-na-na

    >Oh, na-na-na (No, no, no, Give me money)

    >Oh, na-na-na

    >Havana, ooh na-na

    "Everyone is NOT equally vulnerable to propaganda" a part 2 to another Hexbear's post Masses, Elites, and Rebels: The Theory of “Brainwashing”

    I’ve become very skeptical of the concept of “brainwashing.” Over the past few months this skepticism has boiled over into open and explicit disagreement with even well-meaning pushers within the Marxist-Leninist corner. I often find it difficult to explain concisely why it is…

    Masses, Elites, and Rebels: The Theory of “Brainwashing”

    So I've heard of a previous post from which reminded me of this article from Red Sails...

    So far, only a few people have mentioned Red Sails in that previous post, though with a different, but relevant article, but none have mentioned there its most famous article "Masses, Elites, and Rebels"

    (Note: this has been posted a bunch of times on this community, you better read it, it's a short one)

    I will let a few excerpts speak for themselves

    >“Brainwashing” as a political theory breaks society down into three mutually-exclusive camps: 1) a group of elite manipulators, 2) vast masses under their control, 3) a rebellious group of enlightened critics (to which the person launching the accusation of “brainwashing” implicitly always belongs, since they are neither unaware of it nor abetting it). An unstated premise of this political theory is that what determines which of these camps any individual belongs to is a mixture of intellectual enlightenment and moral purity.


    > I am going to argue that this narrative is nonsense. It tries to pass off as universal and eternal something that in reality is particular and ephemeral. In short: Westerners aren’t helpless innocents whose minds are injected with atrocity propaganda, science fiction-style; they’re generally smug bourgeois proletarians who intelligently seek out as much racist propaganda as they can get their hands on.


    >The prevailing populist narrative grants the People (of the West) moral innocence by attributing to them utter stupidity and naivety; I invert the equation and demand a Marxist narrative instead: Westerners are willingly complicit in crimes because they instinctively and correctly understand that they benefit as a class (as a global bourgeois proletariat) from the exploitation enabled by their military and their propaganda — organs of coercion and consent. [6] We’re not as stupid as we’re made out to be. This means that we can be reasoned with, that there is a way out.

    Admittedly I am !smuglord about this....

    But pls, make this a primer on the side bar of this comm, many ppl need to see this

    March of The Jobless Corps - Daniel Kahn and The Painted Bird March of The Jobless Corps - Daniel Kahn and The Painted Bird

    From Daniel Kahn & The Painted Bird's album "Lost Causes" available as Oriente Music's RIEN 77 at Original Yiddish song by Mordechai Gebirtig, written ca. 1930 in Krakow. English by Daniel Kahn, 2009. Arrangement by Michael Winograd/Jake Shulman-Ment inst...

    March of The Jobless Corps - Daniel Kahn and The Painted Bird

    cross-posted from:

    > Einz zwei drei vier > > Note: > > I'm surprised nobody here on this instance has posted this song...

    Yosl Ber - a song about a soldier Yosl Ber / A Patriot

    Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises Yosl Ber / A Patriot · Daniel Kahn · the Painted Bird Partisans & Parasites ℗ 2009 Oriente Musik OHG Released on: 2011-01-14 Auto-generated by YouTube.

    Yosl Ber / A Patriot

    Nothing political - prbly me

    Lemmy lib at work, against Assange

    Here's a beautiful turn of words I also saved. >Your conspiracy falls apart when you look at Chelsea Manning, she was sentenced to 35 years, got the government to pay for her transition, her sentence was commuted after 7 years, and she went on to cuckole Elon Musk.

    CW: SA


    >Assange raped two women, used his propaganda outlet to push conspiracy theories and hid in the only embassy that would take him. Later he was kicked out of the Ecuadorian embassy for using it to collude with Russia to influence the US election. ___

    What's a thing in pop culture that probably came directly from the base (unconsciously)?

    No need for ideological and government ops (at least not yet), just a good misdirection of ideas from an unwitting person or grifter, that were decidedly purveyed around western liberal mass media, at face value or manipulated beyond originator's intent.

    I don't wanna hear shit like "1984". Those were made with the intent to be blatantly anti-communist and pro-western

    An example would include the Stanford prison experiments

    >It turns out that the cruelty exhibited by the guards was not spontaneous. On the contrary; the guards were coached beforehand by Zimbardo. And some of the prisoners have admitted that the distress they exhibited was faked.

    (Note: lemme guess, someone gonna @ on how I'm ironically use pop culture to debunk pop culture. Yes, we do live in a society...)

    Nonetheless, this study was one of many that solidified "human nature is inherently evil" sort of shticks...

    Lemmygradwontallowme Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]

    I am the crab that pinches your butt, Dirt Owl


    Edit: to libs wondering around, yes, I'm a hexbear user, but one with a bit of liberal courtesy if we must interact yet...


    Posts 81
    Comments 1.6K