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Thoughts on selling trump/biden merch to cash in on the democracy grift?
  • The online market for swag with stuff printed on it is massively oversaturated right now. The get rich quick grift economy has moved from drop shipping electronics to drop shipped printing.

    There are a bunch of online print shops that will take an image file, print it, and ship it to a customer for you. There are also data services that scrape Etsy, eBay, etc, then sell sales data to other sellers. So even if you make a unique design that sells, competitors will steal them and be selling them for less almost immediately.

  • we are going to see more boomers being scammed than ever thought possible
  • A lot of young people are getting caught in sex scams. They get flirted with on discord/social media, get invited to Skype calls where they engage in sex chat. Then they get told by the "father" that the person was underage, and if they don't send money they'll send the videos to the police and their family.

  • Deleted
    I can't visit my uncle, and I don't know how to break it to him.
  • Say those 4 reasons to him and be firm in your decision. Do exactly what he's doing to you in forcefully saying you ARE going.

    When my father was near the end of his life, he was like that. Using the prospect of his dying to kind of try to guilt me into committing more than I was willing to. He was a bit of a prick and would take offense if I wasn't careful in how I turned him down. When I was younger I didn't give a shit and let him be angry, but I didn't want to be on bad terms with him because it was clear he was dying.

    Of course you don't owe anyone any explanation and it would be perfectly reasonable to just say no and leave it at that. But I think you can turn him down in a way that preserves your relationship, if that's what you want.

    Start off by telling him that you've thought about it but you aren't going. He'll want to know why, respond with a reason he cannot counter argue. For example if you start with the concern about the cost, he could counter by saying, "I'll help you pay".

    You don't want to let it turn to a debate or argument, so if he tries to, don't engage. Just say you're sorry but you've already decided.

    If he tries to guilt you, call him out on it.

  • Applied to more than hundred jobs last night, and already five rejections...
  • I did home renovation work for like 8 months. Some of the people in the crew practically destroyed their bodies doing that work for 20+ years. One of the drywall guys would have to use his left hand to loosen his right's grip on the knife because it would get locked up. There was another guy that was maybe 45-55 that walked hunched over like a 90 year old man.

    I actually liked the work compared to other jobs I'd had, but the "work through the pain" culture was so toxic. Everyone would act like working hurt was both mandatory and something to be admired.

    It's fine to be proud of being a hard worker, but being proud of destroying your body for a boss that wouldn't give a shit if you died is sad.

  • I can smell whenever my neighbors are smoking meth and I won’t do anything about it BECAUSE IM A DECENT FUCKING PERSON!
  • If the buildings vent stack is operating properly smells shouldn't be coming out of the drains, no matter how much they pour down it.

    If the vent stack is clogged or insufficiently sized, air could be forced up through the traps, but you'd be smelling sewer gas too. It's a really rank smell you'd notice, so I think the polysytrene smell is probably coming in some other way.

  • I've been unemployed practically my entire life and I don't know what to do about it
  • I'm kind of in the same boat. I haven't worked in over 10 years, but my disability benefits were taken away. I've applied for reconsideration and then appealed when that was denied because I can keep the benefits going while I wait for that to play out.

    My current plan is to get a shit job just to have something to put on a resume. Places like fast food and convenience stores will hire anyone who has a pulse and can make change. Maybe you can try something like that? I'm trying to stay positive about it by telling myself it'll be temporary.

  • "I felt really safe around him" lol
  • Every 20 minutes isn't really that surprising, especially when you've got the money to buy it. You're already coming down from the peak about 5 minutes after a hit. There's a bit of a tail, but I've seen plenty of people hitting the pipe the second they start coming down, and those people didn't have millions of dollars to buy more.

  • ...and coconut!
  • I'm pretty skeptical of the value of these LLMs, but Google's isn't even good enough to call it half baked..

    These models are ultimately crap in my opinion. They're not optimizing for intelligence or correct answers, they're optimizing for seeming correct and intelligent. All the feedback they get from users is uninformed, you only ask an LLM what you don't know.

    I used to think these tech companies knew what they were doing, at least somewhat. It's just a bunch of business dipshits running from fad to fad burning tons of money until they fall backwards into a business. Then they monopolize it and enshittify it.

  • If you have roms/isos/etc of retro games. Please look after that shit and don't lose it.
  • If you go the VPN route make sure you do a leak test( before you start downloading stuff. If you pass those tests you're safe.

    You can definitely get PSX games from torrent sites, I just checked and they've got a ton.

    Real-debrid is cheaper and easier to setup safely for a beginner. It's basically just a service that downloads torrents(and those weird paid download sites like nitro upload) for you. You submit the torrent file or magnet link to their website and it gives you a direct download link. Since you aren't sharing pirated files with anyone, there's no chance of getting copyright warnings. There are also a bunch of streaming apps(stremio is the best) that work with real-debrid to give you a Netflix like experience for pirated movies/TV with little effort.

  • Mastodon thread where a lib shuts down after getting owned
  • I was arguing with someone in Tiktok comments about this. They were saying I want gay people to die because I don't support Biden. Later in the argument I asked what Biden has done to protect gay people and they said something like, "He can't do anything because of Congress and the Supreme Court".

    I'm astounded by these people who believe voting is the only thing we can do to affect our government, while simultaneously believing that you automatically need to give that vote to a party that doesn't do anything for you.

  • I have no more words for the NY Crimes at this point
  • Most police/emergency radio systems are trunked now, requiring more complex hardware to listen in. It makes using these apps a more compelling option, even though they're charging money for(or inserting ads into) what is essentially public information.

    More and more police agencies are encrypting their radios, so this will all be gone soon enough.

  • Is propane or charcoal grilling better?
  • Charcoal is much better in my opinion.

    I realize a big part of the experience of grilling is just cooking outside, but to me grilling on propane is basically the same as using the broiler on my oven.

  • ByteDance would rather shut down tiktok than sell it
  • Yeah, I don't think the algorithms are the valuable part of social media sites. It's the active users that make up the network effects. Meta has likely already figured out the algorithms already, Instagram reels is struggling because creators go where the viewers are and viewers spend the most time on the platform that has their favorite creators.

  • Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • I was friends with a guy that had a really bad addiction to WoW and later similar games and ate only fastfood and snack cakes. He got frighteningly skinny after a few years. He was so locked into the grind that he wouldn't eat because that would involve logging off for long enough to go buy food.

    He would game non-stop all night only coming out of his room to use the bathroom. His sleep schedule would revolve around server downtimes and zone resets. It was really sad, the last time I saw him he was working at a supermarket and looked so scrawny, pale and unhealthy.

  • Just got Horizon: Forbidden West on pc
  • I remember enjoying the first one, but this one feels tedious. Fighting the machines is still pretty good, but the story is more of the same, presented poorly. The climbing is just stupid, things that look easy to climb are impassable. It's like they wanted to have an Assassin's Creed style vertical element, but didn't want to spend the time to design a vertical world.

  • Ex-British intelligence officer jailed for 13 years for attack on NSA agent Ex-British intelligence officer jailed for 13 years for attack on NSA agent

    Joshua Bowles, 29, repeatedly stabbed the United States NSA officer who was working at British intelligence agency GCHQ.

    Ex-British intelligence officer jailed for 13 years for attack on NSA agent

    >Joshua Bowles, 29, repeatedly stabbed the unnamed woman, who was working at British intelligence agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), in March near its base at Cheltenham, England.

    >Following his arrest, Bowles told the police, “The target was selected for employment at the NSA.”

    >“Due to the size and resourcing, American intelligence represents the largest contributor within the intelligence community, so made sense as the symbolic target. I consider GCHQ just as guilty.”

    >Judge Bobbie Cheema-Grubb said on Monday that Bowles had carried out a “politically motivated attack” that was driven by “anger and resentment” towards GCHQ and women.

    >He had researched the attack online beforehand, including studying the American “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski, who mounted an anonymous bombing campaign from 1978 to 1995.

    >Bowles also looked up attacks on women and white supremacy.

    >In one of his police interviews, Bowles said: “The system is rigged. I believe the intelligence community helps ensure this rigging, this view has been reinforced by my time working at GCHQ.”

    >Penny also said Bowles described himself as a “terrorist” after the attack, saying to one witness: “I make a pretty s*** terrorist, don’t I?”

    Have you ever worked a job that you felt was morally wrong? What was the job and what was it like?

    I'm watching Telemarketers and it's reminding me of shady jobs I've had in the past.

    I worked for Rent-a-Center doing collections. It's a place that preys on the poorest people in America, getting them to pay extortionate interest on rent to own furniture, appliances and electronics. We had customers who would end up paying thousands of dollars on a couch that wasn't even new when they got it. Even worse was people who would hit hard times and get their stuff repoed and end up with nothing to show for thousands of dollars in payments.

    My job was to learn when these customers got paid, or when they got their disability or welfare check and hound them over the phone or in person. If they didn't pay, I'd be sent out to knock on their doors. If that failed I'd be sent to repo it.

    It was a soul crushing job. I've had shit jobs, but I'd never had a job that made me feel like I was doing harm to people before. Some of my coworkers would deal with this by demonizing the customers, acting like they were all deadbeats who deserved to get fleeced. Others would blame the customers, saying shit like, 'Anyone stupid enough to buy here was going to get ripped off by someone, and it might as well be us'.

    I couldn't do that, so I started getting fucked up at work like Pat Pespis. I started pretending to do my job, dialing the number and then hitting the flash button and faking the calls. I'd get sent on a repo and my coworker and I would go out to eat or to the mall and pretend they wouldn't answer the door. I expected my collection stats would fall low enough that I'd eventually be fired, but they barely moved at all. It turned out that hounding people to pay a bill wasn't actually doing much.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    LanyrdSkynrd [he/him]

    Cracker-ass drunk loser who forgot he added this bio while shidding out his doodoo ass

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