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What small tiny app have you found that not many people know about
  • This is the most addictive thing I've done in a while. It's rare to find something where just two clicks can help in a bigger project, and at least where I live there are thousands on tiny dots to check

  • What small tiny app have you found that not many people know about
  • I've just finished making my Streetcomplete account! And I've got some work around me it's gonna be fun

  • What small tiny app have you found that not many people know about
  • It works really well and has been my go too for studies last year

  • What small tiny app have you found that not many people know about
  • A daily use of me, it's perfect as it is

  • What small tiny app have you found that not many people know about
  • Wooow! Now that's a fun and useful game like I've been searching for a while! Downloaded count me in!!!

  • What small tiny app have you found that not many people know about
  • I've been eyeing walkspace since I discovered it on lemmy, it's just that because it's in Beta waves, I know when I'll get access to it, my hype to try it out will be gone. And I won't use it :/ so I'm waiting

  • What small tiny app have you found that not many people know about
  • Indeed! I geocache and didn't know about it! Downloaded! I'll be running it to try!

  • What small tiny app have you found that not many people know about
  • I used to use it a few years ago! Then I forgot about it, and now I'm just using Obsidian, but it's a fun way to think about our days

  • What small tiny app have you found that not many people know about
  • Wow, I am, impressed to see something like this exists

  • What small tiny app have you found that not many people know about

    I'm curious to discover more stuff that exists in the App realm, there must be some small indie apps we don't know about everywhere

    People that went to Paris, what did you think of it?
  • I will add, do try the baguette, in any "Boulangerie" you want. Something that does not look that hard, yet I miss or is not the same when anywhere else

  • People that went to Paris, what did you think of it?
  • Not at all asking this being stuck in Parisien transports

  • People that went to Paris, what did you think of it?

    Pretty straightforward question! I know a lot of people went to Paris for the Olympics this year, and I wondered what you thought about it

    What's A Piece Of Software You Could Never Do Without?
  • Yep, today I'd say obsidian and syncthing, they're the bread and butter of my life right now. Although it feels sad and weird to see the small app I discovered 2 years ago starting to enter the «selling template» and «enhance your experience» that notion also took a few years ago «althought it's a completly different company culture»

  • I hate excel so much
  • God is Excel good, and I feel like I've barely touched the VBA part making buttons for my colleagues to get to certain parts of the Excel instantly. It runs well, and gets so much information out in a unique way, Speinkled with functions that run well . And it runs quite fast for something that can do so much

    I'd say it's the task you do on it you dislike, not the program

  • Stormgate developers say they want to lower the RTS skill floor, not the skill ceiling: 'It's okay to be a high-skill game'
  • Really impatient about this game and what they are offering, it just needs, to boom when it starts, enough for it to have new player, enough for inexperienced players to play inexperienced players. A safe place from the StarCraft players

  • weird looking gear
  • Hey guys! The Steve Jobs your looking at here is the owner of the website: where you can see al lthe fun mods the guy did to a headphone to make it sound different. The following text is from mister Pud here explaining what this headphone is:

    A "Helmholtz resonator"is that thing when you blow on a Coke bottle and it plays a low pitch.

    The pitch can be tuned by adjusting its dimensions. Ol'Thumby (The headset on the photo -Kyoyeou) has a resonator tuned to 60hz (Bass territory -Kyoyeou) with the "neck" radius of 50mm (same as the driver I'm using).

    If you're interested in trying something like this yourself, there are Helmholtz resonator calculators online, or ask ChatGPT to help you calculate. Here's the calculator I used:

  • weird looking gear
  • Honestly if I was wearing a HD700 an Audeze headphone (why would you do that) I think there is more chances your neighboor with his airpod max will have their stollen first

  • weird looking gear
  • So like, he made the thing for it to resonate more the sound you get when you are blowing slightly in a coke bottle to give you an idea. But just constantly

  • 9.4GB Twitter(X) Data Leaked - Over 200 Million Records Exposed Online
  • Well, text is very very small. Make a Notepad doc with your username, phone number, email and your data you'd put on a social media and check the weight and then divide 9GB by it!

  • Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam
  • That's awesome!!! For the cost of 50$ too! Tech is growing so fast

  • "Contributing time, money, and volunteer hours to creaet a world that works for everyone" - Google... Meanwhile Project Nimbus Continued Commitment to Education and Equality -

    Discover how is committed to creating education & inclusion opportunities to close the opportunity gap through funding & employee support.

    Continued Commitment to Education and Equality -

    Meanwhile Google:

    I was working on CSR for google heh, funny

    >Be a DM - have your vision destroyed

    >Be a DM

    >Make the Bad guy of the Region a Merchant that sell useful stuff with a trade-off

    >Create connections with the players so that when they discover he's the bad guy from the start they are shocked

    >Have your players try and steal all his stuff and start the fight with the Bad guy in his Dangerous Form 3 sessions ahead of what you predicted

    >They just wanted the Kart to make it easier to travel around

    How do you know if you have a Habit?

    I, am trying to understand if I have habits. My definition of a habit is: "Something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it" from the Harvard Dictionary

    And It might look weird written here, but, I am not certain I have Habits. The most classic example is "Brush your teeth every night and morning", but I don't see myself naturally going to do it and most of the time I forget this and can't seem to do it everytime a lot. So I can't take that as an example of a Habit.

    I eat everyday. But I don't naturally go unconsciously eat every day. I forget every morning to eat, which makes me hungry at 12h, and at night I go est because I feel in my belly I need food, or because my Girlfriend is angry I didn't eat yet very late because she asks me almost daily.

    Hell I adore coffe, but in the morning I can just fully not think about doing a coffee. And I do take a coffee almost daily but because I think about all my pack of coffees that I putted behind my monitor with my grinder. It's not a "natural thing I go do"? Because I can forget it if there is no joy stimuli for a coffee.

    Ok last thing. I try to go swimming, but it's because my girlfriend reminds me I really wanted to delete my belly, or because I think about my ideal me being more in shape and less tired everyday (which I've seen results on that part before stopping for no reason 2 weeks). When I go to the swimming pool, I put my stuff in the same area of Lockers, not always the same but the same area because I won't forget. And I then go put my towel near the exit of the pool to dry myself when getting out of the water. Are those two things habits, or are those things logical choices that make sense in the current situation and I am overthinking this?

    This is the longest question ever, but yeah, what's a Habit I think, I've been running the question in my head for a few weeks now

    Update: Start Giving Flyers, it was a scam (shocked pikachu face) Full discussion with ex-"boss"

    So I made a post a few days ago, where I felt weird about a job offer I found, but it was finally someone that wanted me to work for them, so I went to meet the person. Thanks to people here reminding me to record everything I have the whole discussion by text but also recorded everything when I meet this person (And the audio quality is good and we see their name and face in the video! Woohoo!) Since Saturday I went around the cities around and took off all the paper advertizing on the walls for this company

    Not going to lie I am quite sad, I really want to work and tired of not getting answers when I am highly motivated

    So, Here is for your fun, all the messages with this POS, I don't know if we have a Community for Scammer posts so I am posting here!


    ! (Yes, you read well SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS, whaaaat is this guy taking)









    My last two messages wrote: "The number you have dialed is currently unassigned. Make sure you have the right number and try again." I was really lucky to wake up at the right time where he wrote to me to copy paste the text and make it look like It was a machine responding.

    Starting Giving Flyers Tomorow, if there is no Contract to a Work, It's Not Binding is it?

    It's a student job. Only 3 hours a week, and i'm gone (already wow) from the uk in 3 months and hte pay is around 7.5 pound an hour. The money from the events go to the people in the community in need. But I am a little uncertain about that as they are not working with an association specifically (uncertain?)

    Now there is no contract, I'm meeting the guy at Asda tomorrow where he'll give me the flyers and the pay is in cash.Which means to me if I'm not wrong that there won't be any contract? So if I don't get paid for my work, or I learn anything shady about them (I checked already, no red flargs except their major event last year didn't do so good), I can just leave right?

    Hey UKCasual, Would Any of You be Searching for a Part Time Employee! (Post will be deleted in one week)

    Hello UKCasual, I'm currently looking for part-time job for 20 hours and thought that some of you might be searching for someone or know someone in need of a person. I am highly motivated and truly eagered to work and in action. It would be a pleasure to discuss this further if you are interested. I am able to Remote-Work if needed!

    I'll be deleting this post in one week; it's temporary. My goal is simply to find a job.

    PS: If the work attire requires me wearing a Dress Shirt, please tell me, as I'll need to buy new ones

    I have tried the PERi-PERI Chicken i've head a lot about since I arrived n the UK, I have to say I thought there was more for 9.25 Pound

    So I went to try Nando's in the UK, because I've heard a lot about PERi-PERi Chicken in the least months I went there and I have to say I was confusd on what I received for the price

    The Image I clicked on:

    !What I clicked on

    Now the Burger was insanely good, but wow prices are so high here, I fought 9.25 pound was a full meal

    Getting a Diagnosis in the UK

    Hello, I've decided to finally get the answer, and go get tested, someone posted a comic of @cypopps a few days ago here and I read all their creations because it connected a lot with me. But I am a bit lost in how to find where to do a Diagnostic in the UK, I see the word "Assesment" and "Diagnostics" which seems to be two different things? The Places in my region do "Assesments" some mostly for kids, other for Young Adults which Is what I found I fould The Assessment Team near me, but it seems crazy to me. Does it actually cost 2500 Pound to get tested? It costs 40 Euro in France

    I thought it would be faster in the UK to get tested from what I saw in the UK compared to France but I am confused on the Wording and the Price

    How are 144hz screen possible?

    Had this reflection that 144hz screens where the only type of screen I knew, that was not a multiple of 60. 60 Hz - 120hz - 240hz - 360hz

    And in the middle 144hz Is there a reason why all follow this 60 rule, and if so, why is 144hz here

    What is your favorite passive agressive insult to send in chat?

    The type of thing where someone in a general school chat promotes something like the nft collection they are minting and you want to passively aggresivelly respond

    What's your favorite Enigma / Riddle / Sentence Puzzle?

    Tomorrow is a big event at my university. I'd like to make a fun thing where the people of the Board Game society I am in can try to find me for a riddle, kind of a Where is Waldo in a place where there is a crap tone of people to find the NPC that'll give them a Riddle (Maybe something to win? No idea how I could do that detail)

    I wish we could delete all achivements for a game easily - The story of the evolution of a gamer

    Recently I've been playing Payday 2 again. A game I discovered when I was 13 years old, and played with my 10-year-old brother. (30 Juin 2015 to be precise, but who counts) We didn't have any money (and our parents didn't want us to play violent games but play nice games [and watch Jason Bourne with them after hum hum] but found the demo of Payday 2 super fun, and played the 2 missions over and over again. One day we discovered online that we could have a plugin, that would give us access to the locked weapons and masks in the Payday 2 demos, and the fun quadrupled for us! Years passed, and we had this thing called Christmas money, we bought with it Steam card, and bought a cool game called "Payday 2" not the demo. (22 January 2017 to be precise, but who counts) Well it turned out that what we found fun in the game was just trying cool guns, and stupid builds, and making masks. And we downloaded cheats for the game again, not to ruin the fun of others, but to unlock what we found fun in the game and have a good time.

    Recently (7 years later wow) we wanted to play again, and discovered that there was a "Carrier mode" to help us choose missions, (something we rarely did before because there was too much choice, we instead played basically the same heists we knew because of the fear of choosing), And we are having a blast rediscovering a game we love (With the cool masks that never disappeared yay) but I do feel personally bad for seeing "1302/1328 Achievement" I never did all of those, I randomly clicked a button in English I did not fully understand one day and got all of those. I looked how to delete them, you basically have to do them one by one and I feel a bit bad, because I'm not part of those "7% of people that finished the [Dodge This] achievement, I don't even have the weapon. It's dumb but it makes me a bit sad that's all. Wish we could delete all of them in 4 or 5 clicks.

    PS: If anyone has a way to see how much time you have played a demo, I would love to know, I'm curious if I've played more the Demo than the real game as of now
