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Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • Someone explained it to me this way:

    If knife is a newest feature, then

    • cutting edge has newest features
    • bleeding edge bleeds from knife cuts, because it doesn’t have the newest features.

    Any snapshot distribution by definition is on bleeding edge.

    Any rolling release is by definition on the cutting edge.

  • Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • I usually go for gnome regardless of distribution. I have old laptop that i use to try distributions occasionally.

    Same hardware, same desktop, same encrypted drive, same BTRFS choice, different responsiveness at times.

    Systems heavy on flatpak tend to be noticeably slower.

  • Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • I had sluggish experience with SUSE. Updates were slow. Installation was very slow.

    Starting apps was not as snappy.

    Promise of snapshots was great, but not unique.

    Overall slower than my regular distro experience killed it for me.

    I simply asked myself: will it bug me every time I use the laptop? The answer was yes, and decided to end it.

  • Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • Installer is a big part.

    2nd biggest part is how system is configured.

    Debian is not afraid to create its own version of default configuration. Take some mail software as example.

    Arch on the other hand is most likely just going to ship original application configuration.

    Debian might be nice and easy, until configuration change is necessary. Suddenly, original application documentation doesn’t apply. Debian documentation may be obsolete or absent. And that is the beginning of reading all of the configuration files. Normally, it is not a problem until something like email system configuration is necessary.

    That’s when Arch philosophy of making fewest changes to software comes to shine. Original documentation usually works and applies well.

  • Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • Years ago major upgrades and to lesser degree even minor upgrades made me to give up trying to keep installation running. I don’t even remember if it was Red Hat or Debian.

    Eventually I realized, that I like running newest version of Desktop and I ran into cases of getting frustrated with lack of newer versions, which had fixes for issues I ran into. Then I realized that best wiki was not a snapshot distribution.

    In the end I tried rolling distribution and remain happy for years.

    Debian or derived distribution is easiest to get google help for and it is the simplest choice for me, when running on the cloud.

    Although, Alpine is pushing through containers quite forcefully.

  • Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • KDE was far less stable for me compared to Gnome. In the end, my patience with KDE lasted for 1 week.

    KDE is more exiting and familiar, but it had no tangible advantage in the end for me.

  • Thoughts, tips, and customization of fzf for old-school CLI enjoyers?
  • I don’t get the question.

    I usually use vscode to work with files. It has excellent remote editing over ssh. For example, I have large private collection of markdown notes that is kept on remote server.

    At work I deal with large GO project that targets Docker images and my setup is:

    • windows 11 laptop
    • WSL Debian with full systemd integration installed (that’s the hardest part)
    • visual studio installed on windows, I have no development tools on windows: no docker, no git, no GO compiler
    • debian on WSL has all the dev tooling: git, go lang, ssh server is turned on

    My workflow is to start Debian WSL and forget about terminal. Start vscode on windows, connect to Debian over ssh, open project directory. Work on project without ever leaving editor, use built in terminal in vscode. Fish runs inside vscode. Editor is primary. Fish is secondary and it excels at recalling history.

    Use each tool for what it was designed. No terminal will ever match my productivity in vscode. Vscode has all the fuzzy search built-in.

    I used to use vim for heavy coding, but abandoned that route 20 years ago. I am still able to use vim for quick short changes in config files, but anything serious is handled with visual studio code over ssh.

    Primary vim scenario:

    sudo vim /etc/config-file-name

    Vscode 1st approach is a modern day version of emacs approach Or vim with plugins. Only difference is vscode is actually low effort to get started on new machine, low learning curve, low maintenance effort unless you have sunken months into your terminal editor and refuse to abandon your investment.

  • Moscow stock exchange stops trading in dollars and euros
  • There are valid concerns of economic overheating from huge internal investments.

    Russia is experiencing standard consequences of rapid economic expansion: salaries are rising up, labor market is constrained.

    One negative point is high interest rates, which are held high to slow down economic expansion.

    Sanctions have impact, but the impact is falling very far from expectations.

  • Moscow stock exchange stops trading in dollars and euros
  • Chinese currency took 53.6% of all Russian trade in May of this year.

    Compare this with just 1% 2 and a half years ago in the beginning of 2022.

    Russian financial system is already prepared for this scenario and absolutely no serious impact is expected to occur.

    These events (sanctions and switch in trade) will simply accelerate transition of Russian economy away from dollar in the trade.

    Russia and China already use each other’s currency to settle trade between each other. World manufacturing and world resource store are now exclusively connected and now fully control internal inflationary pressures.

    EU and US are not able to control price inflation and are forced to guard their economies through additional tariffs. For example, recent introduction of tariffs on Chinese made electric cars demonstrates loss of competitiveness of western economies. Cars are complex products that require a lot of energy to produce. As a result they are a good subject to aggregate economic efficiency.

    if this continues China and Russia may be able to dictate the rate of currency inflation in the non-dollar space (read BRICS future currency control).

    dollars that used to work inside Russia-China trade space are continuing to get pushed out into the dollar space and causing upward inflationary pressure on the dollar. This forces US Fed to keep pumping freed up dollars from the dollar system through elevated interest rates to keep inflation down in the dollar space.

    There are 1st signs of economic slowdown in US and fed is currently unable to react quickly due to the need to pump excess liquidity from the dollar system.

    So, all this impact on the dollar for a questionable impact on Russia.

  • Thoughts, tips, and customization of fzf for old-school CLI enjoyers?
  • Fish is all I need for daily CLI. It is zero customization effort for me. Spend your time on productive side, not fzf your shell history.

    Keep bash as default root shell and just start fish manually when using root. It is for cases when linux panics on boot.

  • Test Kualk
    Link test

    URL was supplied for lemmy docs to see how it gets displayed.

    Request for browser based podcast player

    Preferably working well on iPhone.

    Server hosted or not.

    a massive raid of Geraniums has begun on Ukraine Slavyangrad

    Now, apparently, a massive raid of Geraniums has begun. The strike is expected both in Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya and Kharkiv oblasts and, for example, in Kiev and Kiev oblast TECH in Starokonstantinov. -The building itself was destroyed by a hit from our Caliber at the beginning of the Norther...


    Now, apparently, a massive raid of Geraniums has begun. The strike is expected both in Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya and Kharkiv oblasts and, for example, in Kiev and Kiev oblast

    TECH in Starokonstantinov.

    -The building itself was destroyed by a hit from our Caliber at the beginning of the Northern Military District.

    —At the same time, we can observe work on the restoration of aircraft equipment on the site in front of the remains of the building.

    -Let me remind you that the Su-24M is the most formidable aircraft in the country 404 today, because it can carry Storm and Scalp missiles.

    -The Ukrainian Air Force has about 10-12 live such aircraft at its disposal, and about 100 more in storage.

    Active work continues on enemy airfields.

    During the night, Mirgorod, Dnieper, and Kirovograd were hit.

    According to sources on the ground, both the runways themselves and the aircraft in storage are being broken up.

    Everything that could fly, as always, is taken out of attack during launch. @Slavyangrad

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