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Could bipolar people also be 'on the spectrum'? I had a natural birth (oxygen could have been cut off to my brain during birth?)
  • Getting tested and diagnosed at any age can be of extreme help.

    You don't don't want to find yourself in a situation like a job where you know you are capable of fulfilling your requirements,but are unable to fully do so without accommodations. Accommodations, once established, further extend the range of your daily efforts. BUT, they take a diagnosis and time, so start sooner rather than later.

    Worst comes to worst, you find out you're not autistic and can have help with your other issuers.

  • Prominent Android manufacturers commit to supporting phone software for 7 years
  • Well if they would think more than 1 financial quarter ahead of things, they'd realize that they will lose customers to competition, thereby ruining both device sales and data gathering profits.

    What shocks me, and I do mean shocks me, is what this line of thinking implies. Is the data google (tries to) gather from me really worth more $ than, say, an average of 350$ each year? Cause thats just 1 phone every 2-3 years and I'm looking into a tablet, and wearables eventually. I refuse to believe any knowledge about me is unique and valuable enough to beat that, and it seriously confuses me.

  • I need to wake up early
  • Look up the PineWatch. Its as affordable and Open Source as it gets

  • Is it a sweatshirt or a jacket?
  • Just hoodie.

  • Amazon Workers Say They Struggle to Afford Food and Rent
  • He asked agood question you hush!

    I will be taking this for myself tho tyvm

  • Is it a sweatshirt or a jacket?
  • Ugh, I spent entirely too much time arguing this when I was still in school, ironically the most time we spent arguing with men that were more than twice my age and felt way too strongly about this.

    This is the right answer and I will not be taking any questions: 🙃

    • If it comes as a set with matching bottoms(or a gold chain) = Tracksuit/Sweatsuit

    • Light single layer + hood = hoodie

    • Light (single layer) + zipper/buttons + no hood = Jacket

    • Light (single layer) + knitted = sweater or sweater jacket if it opens

    • The other lighter layers with no hardware are just pullover

    • Heavier outterwear = Coat

    Thank you for coming to my TED Talk

  • Quantum internet draws near thanks to entangled memory breakthroughs
  • Well, with quantum internet, your browser history will exist in a superposition of both cleared and full of porn, each moment when showing someone your screen will be filled with tension. The only way out of that tension will be either to collapse the function by butt fucking, or inquire the state of their browser history.

  • Name a Superhero you just can't stand
  • Eh, people only fawn over him because RDJ is just perfect in the role, and in a way marked his comeback from some really public struggles.

    Chris Evans is great (and a huuunk!) but he's was/is much younger and plays the role of Government-BrandedHeroWhoIsBasicallyJustSoldierWhoAteHisWheaties.

    Chris does the job well, but I mean, RDJ kills, and IMHO is a massive reason marvel got to continue making movies.

  • There are almost 40 different humanoid robots in development, and open-source tech, and makers of specialist components, are making it easier than ever for other people to make them.
  • We need only fear if we do not reward courage and integrity and foster their development in our children.

    So..... I'm somewhat fearful.

  • Google has an idea to prevent phone scams, but it'll mean allowing its AI to listen in on your calls
  • I hope this isn't enabled by default.

    I don't need Google's help keeping my phone from getting spam calls.

    I've had the tiny modicom of mindfulness required to keep myself from sticking my number everywhere. I can't believe this isn't curriculum for public schooling at this point. Spam calls should and could be a problem that dies with the earlier generations of cell phone users.

    Part of the issue is the government's doing yes, but, the lack of laws protecting Cell phone users from spam calls does NOT mean we'll always have bunches of spam calls.

    I very, very, rarely get spam calls. I'm talking like.... maybe one every 2-3 months.

    I've had this same number since 2006, so its not like its new. I've just always avoided putting my number into forms/profiles of any kind until I've actually weighed the need to do so. Sure, its meant that I have declined many conveniences and have occasionally been made fun of or "missed out" over the years, though I'd say less so as I've aged.

    I just treat my phone number with the same guardedness as I do my routing and accounting info.

  • Title this
  • Ethel and her friends love getting together every Tuesday for Canasta Night

  • I'm scared I won't find a job or/and housing anymore.
  • I was exactly where you're at about a year ago friend.

    What ended up happening?

    I did come out

    I was rejected

    I did lose my job (not due to bn trans tho)

    I was hospitalized

    I was kicked out of family's house

    I did become homeless

    But in the days since?

    I don't live a pretend life anymore

    I don't live in ignorant/hostile areas anymore

    I don't have anyone left to hide from

    I don't overeat as much anymore

    I don't use tobacco as much anymore

    I am on significantly less medication

    I have less depressed days

    I have met a wonderful partner

    And things continue to be on the up and up. I'm soooo close to being housed finally (Would appreciate anyone's help who can), and I'm employed, and on HRT, and just better.

    Trust me, even if it looks like things can and will get worse, you'll pull through. And, if its safe enough to do so, living as the person you truly are makes life sooooo much better, even when the current situation isn't.

  • Proxy Raye: an alternative frontend for adult websites
  • I fucking love the name.

  • EMF Protection Costume Design for becoming (Rule)r of all porn after the flare strikes.
  • Thats exactly what it is!

    The modern day attire for defense is sooooo much cuter than bland old chainm***!

  • The New Propaganda War: Autocrats in China, Russia, and elsewhere are now making common cause with MAGA Republicans to discredit liberalism and freedom around the world
  • I mean, its effective in its spread and ability to gain momentum at every opportunity, so its benefiting a select few at the moment, but...

    Just like cutting costs and underfunding upkeep of a business "makes" money until there is nothing left, if conservativism reaches a broad enough population like it intends to, it will eventually backfire. Cause unlike a company you can just leave/divest from, you can't just up and leave the world (yet) for greener pastures.

    Hopefully we don't have to wait until the earth has nothing left to give, and instead finally eat enough of the rich that they can't make a comeback.... hopefully

  • The New Propaganda War: Autocrats in China, Russia, and elsewhere are now making common cause with MAGA Republicans to discredit liberalism and freedom around the world
  • I mean, its not really. Unless you consider MBA's to be clever... incredibly shortsighted regardless of how conservative a person is if you ask me.

  • Utah fields nearly 4,000 “bogus" reports in first week of trans bathroom ban
  • It helps with my dyslexia, you hush now

  • A conversation with my wife
  • Its not a death sentence though. Surgeons are quite adept these days.

  • A conversation with my wife
  • Bad news girlfriend, it is useful. The more you have to work with, the better.

    I too am pissed.

  • Hmmmm

    I guess googleads sucks even more than I thought

    Love the app! Bought the adfree for reddit, plan on buying this one too once I move out of my car.

    Those who hold/held out hope for the acceptance of a loved one: How do/should you let go of it in a healthy way?

    Found out tonight that my mom is in the hospital and been diagnosed with late stage lung cancer. I've been low contact with her since shortly after coming out. It sounds like they don't expect her to leave.

    After some consideration I decided to ask for the help I need. This is my Gofundme, please do not feel obligated to click or donate. - Blåhaj Lemmy After some consideration I decided to ask for the help I need. This is my Gofundme, please do not feel obligated to click or donate. - Blåhaj Lemmy

    After helping some others on here, I realized its both OK, and a good idea for me to ask for help with my current situation. I’ve posted some details about my situation before, but I tried to write a more concise explanation on my fundraising page. Thanks for even bothering to read this, and for any...

    After some consideration I decided to ask for the help I need. This is my Gofundme, please do not feel obligated to click or donate. Donate to Trans-refugee trying to get a hold of life in a new state., organized by Kora Hendley

    I'm Kora (she/her), a silly and fun trans woman from the "swea… Kora Hendley needs your support for Trans-refugee trying to get a hold of life in a new state.

    Donate to Trans-refugee trying to get a hold of life in a new state., organized by Kora Hendley

    After helping some others on here, I realized its both OK, and a good idea for me to ask for help with my current situation. I've posted some details about my situation before, but I tried to write a more concise explanation on my fundraising page.

    Thanks for even bothering to read this, and for any help you may be able to give. Thank you 💜💜💜

    KillingAndKindess kora


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