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Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • Too afraid or too ashamed to call Putin directly?

    I think Russia has the pull here. Just say, Iran, no air defense systems for you if you attack. And Iran will need Russian air defense systems to defend against American and Israeli air strikes.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • An Event can only happen when Hexbears are not observing it.

    The very act of observation from Hexbears prevents the Event from occurring, but rest assured, that merely delays the inevitable, for there will eventually come a moment when the grand total of observer on Hexbear drops to zero. Even just for a second. It is only then, that the Event will physically manifest itself in our universe.

  • Can Ukraine Find New Soldiers Without Decimating a Whole Generation?
  • The land in Ukraine aren’t meant to be held physically. They are just vehicles to launder money around and suck in the money from naive investors.

    In other words, it’s a scheme where the plan was always to run away with the money and never intended to actually hand over the land to you. It’s great to do so in a war-torn country where laws could no longer be enforced, the perfect place for shady businesses to happen.

    This is also why the Republicans are so desperate to stop the war in Ukraine, because the Democrats are absolutely running wild with the money laundering there with dozens of billions spent in Ukraine over the past two years.

  • Can Ukraine Find New Soldiers Without Decimating a Whole Generation?
  • I know about the Reddit Brigade, but I meant the actual neo-Nazis from the US and Europe who trained with the Azovs during the Ukrainian Civil War back in 2014-15. Did they volunteer and got de-nazified as well?

  • Russian airstrikes destroy Kyiv’s largest power plant | CNN
  • Putin to Lukashenko yesterday:

    Putin: In the energy sector, unfortunately, we observed a series of attacks on our energy facilities and were forced to respond. I want to emphasize: even for humanitarian reasons, we did not carry out any strikes in winter, meaning that we did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without power supply. But after a series of attacks on our energy facilities, we were forced to respond. But I repeat again: if everything comes back to solving those issues that we talked about initially, and they are related to energy issues, including the solution to one of the tasks that we set for ourselves, and this is demilitarization. First of all, we proceed from the fact that in this way we influence the defense industry of Ukraine, and directly. But if we do move on to some conversations, to resolving all issues in other ways - well, of course, as I have said many times, we are ready for this.

    I think that they - the opposite side - to a certain extent painted themselves into a corner when they refused to negotiate in the hope of defeating Russia on the battlefield, inflicting a strategic defeat on it. Now they understand that this is impossible, they refused to negotiate and are now in a rather difficult situation. Our goal is not to put everyone in a difficult position; on the contrary, we are ready to work constructively. But of course, there can be no imposition on us of any position that is not based on reality.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • that’s all stuff that anyone with half a functioning brain should be able to predict (so, not liberals).

    I beg to differ. I remember a few of us spending a lot of time during the first 6-9 months of the war reassuring people that no, Russia isn’t going collapse, no, Russia’s economy is not failing, no, Russia isn’t losing just because they are retreating from Kharkiv etc. just so people can see the outcome today as we were predicting then, all based on materialist analysis.

    I think Hexbear in general really came around to the current position that most are holding today, after about 9 months or so when it became clear that Russia wasn’t failing, just as people have been predicting on the news mega.

    My lesson from all of this is that propaganda works on all of us (no matter how resilient you think you are to it), and when you find your faith shaken (which happened to me numerous times), only with theory and methodically applying them can one start to have a clearer understanding of what the heck is actually going on, and through that, see a path forward without falling for the propaganda like many others. It is a scientific approach to seeing the world.

  • From Haymarket's intro to State & Revolution
  • This kind of takes pretends as though the USSR existed in a vacuum.

    The revolutions that the Bolsheviks had attempted to inspire across Europe had failed. The Spartacus uprising in Germany ended with the KPD leaders brutally murdered by Freikorps hired by the social democrats.

    A new form of violent counterrevolution specifically designed to defeat Leninism, known as fascism, had succeeded in Italy, and was gaining momentum throughout Europe especially in Germany.

    Yes, please tell me the USSR - that just came out of a bloody civil war - could somehow magically defeat these reactionary forces that were fully intended to smash the world’s first socialist state without taking precautionary and the necessary steps, however brutal that might be. It’s pure, undistilled idealism.

  • Watching 3 body problem and remembering a nitpick I have with it (spoilers for the VR game plot)
  • It’s not for everyone and I can understand why some won’t like it.

    On its own, it’s quite an interesting sci-fi though it has some of your typical Chinese boomer nationalist brainworms.

    But it helps to understand why it has gained such a cult status in China (even among the highest bureaucratic circles). The book was written in the early 2000s when China was much weaker both militarily and technologically and it reflected the anxiety of a rising country/civilization that is surrounded by much stronger imperialist powers with hostile intentions, and the various attitudes of the Chinese society toward it (some people think we should just open up and embrace the Western world, some think we should be cautious about it. Very common views about Americans and the West up until Trump).

    In fact, in Ball Lightning

    spoiler for Ball Lightning, which is a prequel and set in the same universe but has little overlap with TBP main plot

    a war broke out between US and China. So in the TBP universe the US and China had already fought a war which ended in a very “interesting” way.

  • Imagine out-competing America on brutality.
  • Honestly, American imperialism is not just war machines killing people and I think we’re not doing ourselves favors by just sticking to talking about the military destruction aspect of US imperialism. If anything, the military is the least scary part of US imperialism in the 21st century.

    Economic devastation, engineered famine, control of global capital flows are affecting hundreds of millions, if not billions of lives all the across the world right now. It is nearly impossible to out-compete the Americans on this front.

    Just raising the Fed rate by a few % is enough to send dozens of African countries to the brink of default. That’s what’s so scary about the US imperialism, and this is just the monetary aspect of its imperialistic arms.

  • Watching 3 body problem and remembering a nitpick I have with it (spoilers for the VR game plot)
  • The Netflix series have altered a lot of the book’s plot.

    You remembered correctly about the books, the Trisolarians did not care about humans surpassing themselves as you mentioned the Sophons were already locking out their basic sciences. They were only worried about humans discovering the deterrent.

    The show changed a few characteristics about the Trisolarians to make it seem much weaker than they should be. They are traveling at 1% light speed in the show! In the books, they were already reaching 10% light speed at that point.

  • Watching 3 body problem and remembering a nitpick I have with it (spoilers for the VR game plot)
  • Book spoilers.

    That is not the reason why they had to leave their home planet. In fact, their calculations could go pretty far, but it also predicted that the planet will eventually become engulfed by one of the stars.

    They further corroborated this with the observations that there used to be multiple planets in their star system (which have all since been engulfed by the stars) and the one that they are living on has been cracked into two by the last great cataclysm which further deteriorated whatever conditions it was on the original planet.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • I’ve been thinking, does a leader come before a movement, or do you need to develop a movement first and a leader will naturally appear out of the movement?

    Like, if you were to establish a vanguard party in the UK, how would that work? If you have a small group of revolutionaries fomenting a movement, will a leader emerge out of the movement as it grows larger? Or you need a strong charismatic leader to propel the movement in the first place?

    It’s kind of a chicken and egg question and I can’t seem to figure out how does one begin. In Russia and China, those were chaotic times and there were already a bunch of politically aware people involved in all kinds of movements interweaving with all kinds of historic events, and it’s hard to identify the origin of such vanguard revolutionary movement.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • Nord Stream bombing was a message.

    Honestly you gotta hand it to Biden on this one. Trump would never be able to achieve anything like this. I still cringe at that clip of Trump in front of EU leaders, thinking he’s some kind of the Art of the Deal master, asking the European leaders to spend 2% of their GDP on NATO defense, and the whole room couldn’t stop laughing at him. Biden wiped that smirk off their face pretty fast I suppose.

  • Pandas are just people in suits
  • Completely understandable. Sitting at the table together sharing skewers and jokes has been the cultural staple of pandas for thousands of years. Do not judge them based on your pathetic human culture.

  • Can Hexbears explain to me why I shouldn’t be afraid of Project 2025?

    I’m not even American, so it doesn’t affect me directly, but I am scared to death of a Trump presidency.

    I am one of those people here who think that Biden is a far more competent executor of imperialist policies compared to Trump, but what I am even more afraid of is the early death of nascent left wing movements in America.

    I am reminded of how the KPD getting its leaders murdered by Freikorps thugs during the Spartacist uprising (mind you, a much stronger party than any leftist movement in America today), and how its continued suppression paved the way to Nazi Germany.

    Project 2025 will effectively embolden fascist thugs in America to do the same to the left wing movements, many of which are still in their cradle, and the death of leftist movements in their infancies will inevitably pave the way to a fascist America and undo many of the progress that had been made over decades.

    The world cannot afford a fascist America. Imagine Hitler with nukes. The world will have to pay a much, much larger price as a result.

    On this reasoning alone, I believe that Trump needs to be stopped at all cost. But many here have disagreed with me, and I need you to persuade me why I shouldn’t be afraid of Project 2025 at all. Even if the chance of that happening is 10%, I’m still not ready to gamble with it.

    (I’m not saying we have to support Biden, I believe it is somewhat inevitable, I’m saying that we have to buy ourselves as much time as possible, even if it means strategic voting, to build a resilient leftist movement while delaying the inevitable for as long as we can.)

    Should Hexbear MLs tone down their admiration for AES so we’re not scaring potential leftists away?

    Inspired by recent discussions, I think Hexbear has a lot of good information about socialism but I wonder if the relentless defense of AES on Hexbear means shooting ourselves in the foot, since many potential leftists have been thoroughly primed to react negatively to AES states?

    We’re not getting our messages out when progressive instances have already pre-emptively blocked us and calling us “tankies”.

    People are being turned away without even taking the opportunity to read some of the stuff here, because they already have a pre-conceived notion about Hexbear being filled with “crazy tankies who defend totalitarianism”.

    I know there have been a lot of propaganda and fabrication being perpetuated about socialist countries, and it feels “right” to defend them against these false accusations, but I wonder if this is doing more harm than good for the present day nascent socialist movement, at least in the Western countries?

    We can remain on the current course and feel indignant about the tankie accusations, but will forever remain as a niche “tankie” community.

    Or, we can open ourselves up, by toning down the admiration for the socialist states so we are not being treated as hostile by the other instances, and thus opening up the opportunities to have productive interactions with users (and potential leftists) from other instances?

    (I do have my own position, you probably know which one it is, but I’m willing to hear from others and reevaluate my own opinions if needed).

    EDIT: Thanks to everyone who responded. All points are well taken. Thank you.

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