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Goddamn onion
  • The Onion was on fire tonight. Best love reactions out there.

  • Plot twist: Bronny to the Lakers
  • Rich Paul is calling teams [and saying], ‘Don’t take Bronny James,’ ” Myers said, referring to the Klutch sports agent for the father-son duo. “He’s telling them, ‘Do not take him. If you take him, he’s going to Australia.’

  • This is what we used to worry about in the 80s. This and global thermonuclear war.
  • Don't forget about the Satanic Panic, which would be an awesome band name if it's not already.

  • Plot twist: Bronny to the Lakers
  • I want the Cavs to pick Bronny so he goes to Australia.

  • pro-life amirite
  • This is real, that's the human life they're trying to save by preventing abortion. This kid can't see, can't hear, can't feel. Very poor prognosis for this kid.

  • pro-life amirite
  • That's just what you think, babies with anencephaly can't feel anything

  • When you pour coke into a glass too quickly
  • Y'all are going to hell with me.

  • It's like the Bacon game, but funnier
  • "You had me at hello, you piece of shit"

  • Is there a way switch all keyboard shortcuts from Ubuntu to be the same as MacOS?
  • Auto Hotkey probably has this out there somewhere.

  • Mike Flynn has raked in $2 million for himself and family as he bleeds his non-profit dry
  • In the Old West people were hanged by their necks until dead for less. You used to face a firing squad if you were found to be a traitor to your country.

    I'm not saying we go back to execution without trial, but we should at least have a speedy trial and some sort of consequences for a deterrent/punishment. Your national security doesn't exactly get stronger by leaving traitors alone.

  • Death toll rises to 54 in India liquor tragedy
  • Just looking at the production process of methanol vs ethanol it's way more likely that some asshole found some industrial methanol and stole it and used it to boost the potency of their product to boost their profit. Making enough methanol on a homebrew level to be dangerous is actually pretty tricky to do.

  • NASA faces $80,000 claim after space debris hit family home
  • $80,000 sounds like a steal for what happened.

  • the industrial military complex needs to be fed, and it craves Papa John's
  • It would be the same issue wouldn't it? Instead of the Dominoes guy knowing something is going down it would be the Aramark, or whatever food vendor the Pentagon uses, people getting extra shipments for the additional staff.

  • We are a failed species
  • Yes it does taste like Buffalo Wings, they also had a Ranch flavor to go along with it.

  • From VP Hype to Migrant Bashing, Trump’s Noise Machine Is on Full Blast
  • Ahem, that's convicted felon Donald Trump.

  • Ron DeSantis signing new law about killing bears raises eyebrows
  • Huh, Florida has bears, I didn't even think that bears lived that far south.

  • Israeli soldiers who drove with wounded Palestinian tied to their vehicle 'violated orders', military says
  • Horrific, not only is it a vertically shot video, but it's also got bars on the side of it. The least shocking thing here is the IDF human rights abuses.

  • What song "brings you back"?

    What's that song that brings you back to a moment in time every time you hear it?

    Kalkaline Kalkaline

    Nothing to see here

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