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Jeremy Hunt Of The Month Business Owner Wants Workers To Suffer!
  • A real captain of industry. Even we in the the Japanese can't beat this /m/captainsofindustry

  • Surprise: Studio Ghibli’s Hayao Miyazaki has failed to retire a fourth time
  • @BarrelAgedBoredom You somehow managed to make even less sense How so? Japanese people commit suicide because they are in a few dal society and they can not leave it. If they do, they and we are still Japanese. Did you know I am a Japan?

    @simple @Zehzin

  • Surprise: Studio Ghibli’s Hayao Miyazaki has failed to retire a fourth time
  • @BarrelAgedBoredom Japanese people want to leave their few dal dis stop ia. Many can't so the train line is a good alternative for them in a manic minute each morning.

    @simple @Zehzin

  • Surprise: Studio Ghibli’s Hayao Miyazaki has failed to retire a fourth time
  • @odium The hundreds of Japanese women that approached me and my buds since 1991 asking to take them away. The thousands and tend of thousands of Japanese people who will never go back. The many hundreds of thousands and millions more who would dream of living and staying abroad.

    @simple @Zehzin

  • Surprise: Studio Ghibli’s Hayao Miyazaki has failed to retire a fourth time
  • @Zehzin Usually people have to work around Japanese and they want to leave, I think this is racist Japanese are polite and clean


  • Japan announces seafood aid after Fukushima water release
  • @BrikoX SUGOIII!!! Release more of the /m/JoyWater!

  • Sisko was kind of crazy...
  • @ClericalBlunt Yes. Japan so polite so clean. Dindu nuffing.

    @GaiusGornicusCaesar @neanderthal

  • Fukushima: Switzerland lifts import barriers for Japanese food
  • @_Frog Thats because Japan so polite, so clean!

  • Twitter is suing the law firm that used to represent Twitter. - The Verge
  • @reclipse The mark of every great company, to sue the type of advisers that have all the information about all the bad things you did for the past 10 years.

  • Japan Japan

    Hello! I love Japan and I am an Education Consultant and Coach of Teachers in Japan! Do you want to teach in Japan? Ask us a Question!

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