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  • Looks confusing at first, but I found it nice for accessing a month array.

    const months = ["Jan", "Feb", ...];
    months[0] === "Jan";
    const label = months[date.getMonth()];
  • 108-Gigapixel 3D Microscope Scan of Vermeer Masterpiece is Largest Ever
  • This example demonstrates how a 3D view can be orientated by tilting your phone. It is implemented using web technology.

    It uses the device gyroscope to detect rotation and tilting. This is frequently used in map / street view. No faceID or depth camera is required.

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  • Are you running on HDD? That can cause voice file delay.

    I am on gtx1080 the game run fine for me except for the low frame rate.

    There is a nexus mod claimed to solve this issue for HDD maybe this can help

  • Have you ever been taken into space while attempting to hijack a ship?
  • i had a save right before they trigger a hostile spaceship landing. The spaceship will always take off once I have boarded it.

    i replayed the save 6 times. each time different ship is spawned. And the sequence is always the same

    1. Boarded the ship
    2. Alarm buzz
    3. Ship take off
    4. Game enter loading screen
    5. Exited to space
    6. Ship will be in grav jump

    at this point i must kill all crew fast and stop the grav jump. Otherwise my character will always die instantly.

    the ship will stop once all crews are dead

  • Voyager for Lemmy Released on Google Play!
  • As a web app, such behaviour will also need to be programmed to work on a browser first. Packaging it for Play Store should not grant that behaviour automatically.

    (2) Image overlay For Voyager, back button for image overlay works in browser.

    When opening an image viewer, the web app triggers a browser history change like this:

    1. Browsing on feed -
    2. Opening an image viewer -

    ^ notice the extra #galleryOpen

    When back button is triggered, the web page will listen to a "back" event, and close the image viewer.

    (3) Keyboard: Keyboard is a native UI. So triggering "back" will always close the keyboard

    (1) Modal / bottom sheet

    But... I couldn't figure out this one yet

    Clicking on the "3 dots icon" in a post opens a bottom sheet interface.

    Play Store version response to back button properly. But the web app version does not.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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