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Netflix: Piracy is Difficult to Compete Against and Growing Rapidly
  • Netflix is getting worse month after month. Same for the streaming market as a whole. Much worse service than before, no accountability for failures on their part. I would gladly pay >15€ every month if I had at least FHD, no ads, all series / animes (excluding very nice ones ). Some months ago I did an experiment: subscribe to Netflix + Disney + hbo. I still had to torrent in order to get some content (not niche stuff) and good quality. If piracy is increasing, the culpability is also on streaming services. People are fed up of being stomped on

  • Macbooks M*: NTFS Drives and Security Parameters
  • Thanks for the information and comment!!!! So FUSE will be the way forward with macOS? But it’s not ready in terms of reliability yet correct?

    • Thanks for the info on the exFAT. I was making confusion with the other formats! And I did not know it was better across systems
    • that makes it a solution for some of the disks. Thanks a lot!!!!!
  • Macbooks M*: NTFS Drives and Security Parameters
  • My apologies, I didn’t make it very clear:

    • external drives are NTFS
    • for linux using EXT4
    • basically, NTFS in some external drives because I interact with linux, macos and windows!

    For what I recall, exFAT has a limit of 4GB per file correct?

    • edit: I see the limit does not apply to exFAT! Thanks for info!!!
  • Macbooks M*: NTFS Drives and Security Parameters

    Hello everyone,

    Sorry if this was previously discussed. I searched through the web and could not find a clear solution / conclusion (all too generic).

    When I had an intel mac, I was able to use 3rd party apps to read, write and format NTFS drives.

    Right now, I cannot do so without disabling security features, since Apple Silicon macs no longer allow the use of kext kernel extensions the same way as before. I checked FUSE stuff but it seems unstable.

    Every 3rd party app I tried has the same issue. Isn't there ANY other software, program, etc that allows read/write in NTFS drives without disabling security parameters (on the boot menus)?

    If it is not possible, it looks like a shortcoming for those that use more than 1 OS... I have backups in NTFS drives since I also use linux.

    Any idea? Kind of bummed with this... I need to export a lot of stuff and FAT* filesystem formats do not meet the requirements as well (due to max file size).

    Thank you in advance!!!!!! JS

    Medical devices and user privacy
  • Hello! I have some experience on that as a user(cpap) and as someone that checked the IT system for an health provider that used resmed.

    • it’s super late here already so I’ll in greater detail what usually happens with resmed equipment as well as what the company may be receiving in their systems
  • Airlines say they found loose parts in door panels during inspections of Boeing 737 Max 9 jets
  • There’s a long list of reasons:

    • training pilots to change planes
    • training maintenance teams
    • changing procurement practices
    • adapt supply chain
    • etc
    • and then on the bottom, 2 of the most important ones: cost control (maximize profits) and comfort
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    Blazed Cloud - Your Simple and Minimal Cloud Storage Solution
  • They don’t have any technical specifications on the website, but they do include some claims (which doesn’t matter since no info is provided). I can also see the pricing at the bottom. There isn’t much showing that would make me trust them. They don’t even include GitHub links even though they claim open source. Nothing regarding their funding as well. I’d say, skip it

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    Need To Change Privacy Strategy - Recommendations and BlackFriday

    Hello everyone,

    There are a few basic things in my current setup that I'm not very comfortable with. Since we're on blackfriday -> cybermonday I think it would be a nice season to make some changes [cloud - e-mail - calendar - cloud - DNS] Here's the deal:

    E-mail / Calendar Strategy

    • Using tuta for more than 2 years but I still rely on my gmail address for many things; issues with Tuta:
    • troublesome to export/make backups (worse since I have many folders, would be folder by folder)
    • not a fan of not having an e-mail client on my desktop (not issue in mobile phone), also don't love the calendar

    What would be ideal:

    • a nice mail provider, possibility of easy backups, possibility of using e-mail client (this one is not a hard requirement)
    • Calendar, end-to-end encrypted: a hard requirement since I store some sensitive data there. Should be easy to see on mobile (e.g.: dedicated app); for desktop it does not matter much to me I guess the calendar requirement excludes nextcloud and most providers, as well as calDav stuff and similar
    • I wouldn't mind if it would be 2 products working side by side if no alternatives are available (calendar and e-mail, but not ideal)

    Backups and Cloud Storage (for redundancy)

    • I have 1 cold backup at home, another at someone else's home (both encrypted) but to be safe I'd like to also have a trustworthy cloud Cloud: -end-to-end encrypted or -> next bullet
    • compatibility with cryptomator is a big plus (though I want to avoid Apple/Google/MS/Dropbox)
    • possibility of mounting the cloud storage as drive on my computer (not hard requirement this one)
    • could be 2 products side by side (not ideal though): a storage solution for entire backup (wasabis and stuff) and a cloud solution (day to day usage)

    DNS for filtering

    I'd like a solution to have all traffic filtered (malware, ads) system wide on my laptop/desktop I have used adguard in the past; open to all other possibilities. I also have mullvadVPN; wouldn't using a different DNS defeat the purpose of the VPN? Or when VPN is on, the DNS is always the one of the VPN? Possibilities:

    • controlD (i have seen people vouching for it)
    • NextDNS (system settings)
    • MullvadDNS (system settings)
    • adguard desktop app

    Malware / Virus / etc

    I have a linux desktop and macOS laptop. My doubts are regarding macOS. I've seen so many new antivirus ads that it almost makes me think that I should have one. I have malwarebytes installed for occasional runs and CleanMyMacX (I have doubts regarding its security claims - I use more for system management)

    • Should I opt for an antivirus program? If so, which would be advised intego is showing up all the time weirdly)

    This time of the year is when I can gear up, since financially I haven't been at the top.

    For those that will answer, thank you so much in advance!!!!

    Choosing the right machine - questions

    Hello everyone!

    My first post on Lemmy after long time lurker.

    I will buy a new mac in the next week. I’m quite torn between 2 models.

    My use case: General computing (web, documents, media consimption) Occasionally: programming + spinning VMs + some gaming

    Although I won’t be gaming all the time, I plan to do it ocasionally. Games like Skyrim, witcher3 + MMOs (wow, ff14 or guild wars) DOTA/LOL or similar stuff.

    The contenders would be: A) MacBook Pro 14 M1 Pro 10 core CPU / 16 core GPU - 16GB RAM - 1TB SSD

    • better cooling?
    • better SSD speeds and bigger capacity Price = 2450€

    B) MacBook Pro 14 M2 pro 10 core CPU / 16 core GPU - 16GB RAM - 512GB SSD

    • better GPU, but marginal gain? Price = 2499€

    Alternatively, I could look at the MacBook Air m2 with 16GB/512GB at 1990€ since it seems it handles this games moderately . However, summer here is hot

    Any advice? Furthermore, stocks seem to be low, some models no longer exist and there seems to be no deals

    Thanks in advance!!! Looking forward to discussion

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