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Casual reminder
  • The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. — Plato

  • Candidate for this position must love irony
  • Yet what I did, was only asking a question and commenting on the original post.

  • Candidate for this position must love irony
  • Did I deny that?

  • Candidate for this position must love irony
  • You didn't really just compared voluntary charity work with enforced slavery? I mean … honestly!

  • A lot of people say this is their favorite PlayStation 1 game.
  • Why … are they final? 😵

  • Wait what
  • Will Smith, as Man in Black put on his sunglasses holds up and then activates a neuraliser (alien technology which removes and/or rearranges the memories of those who look unprotected into the flashing light of said device).

  • Aww.
  • I'd answer that last question with a clear … no!

    At least not in general.

  • Aww.
  • 🥰

  • Welcome to the fediverse: Your guide to Mastodon, Threads, Bluesky, and more
  • It was my pleasure! The article brought me too up do date. :)

  • Bird flu? Yeah, they tend to do that.
  • Never heard of the SCP Foundation before … thanks!

    *Stands still as a dead corpse*

  • Bird flu? Yeah, they tend to do that.
  • Does petting corpses then, by any chance, start a …

  • This is nothing short of a miracle.
  • If that center has already been there, when the asteroid hit the ground … I'm afraid that it still has been a bit too close for anybody to …

  • They should also come to your family gatherings.
  • I don't want them (to bee seen) at either of those places! Maybe a hidden body camera would suffice as well?

  • Unshakable Wealth: The Power of Reading
  • To the introduction:

    I want to add to "Unlike material wealth, the knowledge gained from books grows over time and shapes one’s character and outlook on life" that the wealth of knowledge even grows when shared and therefore forms a society in which people more likely ally with each other, rather than to compete with against each other!

    About the Journey to Knowledge:

    Yes, that sounds quite familiar, only that I read less and less as I grew older, because live did't allow me that luxury as it has done in my youth.

    About literature as a mentor:

    I totally agree!

    To the Importance of native literature:

    Yes, one should know where one comes from, should know ones own roots … but it is, I think, far more important to understand the foreigners roots and ways of thinking nearly as good as ones own! For only then one can break down the walls between the so called "them" and the so called "us"! Sunzu wrote in the 3rd chapter about attack by stratagem in his book "the art of war", that "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." And that, I think, is a lesson, not only valuable in conflict and war. So that if you change "enemy" with "counterpart" and "battle" with "interaction" …

    I think it wise to read as many foreign books (in their native tongue, when- and wherever possible … as well, as those of ones own tongue).

    And to reading as a lifelong companion:

    Yes, just yes!!

    About the battle against cultural degradation:

    Here, for the first time, I totally disagree. Why? Those languages that are well preserved and unchangable, old greek, latin, etc. are also called "dead languages" (at least in my tongue) for some reason, I think. Language is a living and ever changing thing. If you look far enough backwards, you might even realise that many of your precious native term might have come from a, back then, foreign source!

    I nevertheless would like to share your wish to stand up against the cultural degradation of ones language, but in a slightly different way. For better understanding: If an artist lets paint drop from atop on an blanc canvas, names it, for example "a rainbow pouring down" and sells it for more money, then I earn in a living, then that might be art, if — and only if — he does it, whilst being fully capable of reproducing da Vincis Mona Lisa or Kandinskys blue rider. Meaning, the artist has to know and understand and be able to produce art, requiring highly refined skills. Then, and only they, droplets of paint on an otherwise empty canvas might count as art (in my book). It is the same with language and literature, I think. One need to be firm in ones language. Then, I think it alright or even something to welcome, if foreign phrases or "incorrect used" language is used and literature with such even produced. For language, in my understanding is something living,which grows, and changes, as the culture, society, the people changes as well … over the decades.

    Question: Please share the last book that impressed you.

    Educated, by Tara Westover

  • TIL about the TRAPPIST-1 Star System
  • It could be our forever home.

    If that system really is that old, the chances that life already flourishes there might be higher even than for our own world (statistically spoken), despite the fact that the planets might be tidally locked to their star!?

  • Würdet ihr einem Introvertierten empfehlen, bei einem Vorstellungsgespräch zu sagen, dass er introvertiert ist?
  • Ich würde vorschlagen nicht mit Begriffen (wie "introvertiert", etc.) um dich zu werfen, sondern zu beschreiben, was du dir von einer neuen Stelle im Haus erhoffst (z. B. professionelles und rein sachbezogenes Miteinander) bzw. was du mit einem Wechsel gerne hinter dir lassen möchtest (z. B. empfindliche Reaktionen, wenn du in deiner Pause lieber lesen statt mit den Anderen interagieren möchtest). Wertende Begriffe wie "kindisch", und "Unwichtigkeiten" werfen eher ein schlechtes Licht auf dich und könnten dazu führen, dass die anderen Abteilungen dich als potentiell schwierige*n Mitarbeiter*in wahrnehmen und lieber nicht in deren Team wünschen.

    Auch solltest du berücksichtigen,dass einmal abgerissene Brücken schwer wieder aufzubauen sind. Sei dir also sicher, dass du das wirklich willst. Zuletzt neigen die meisten Menschen dazu zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen, auch jenseits des rein professionellen Miteinanders zu pflegen. Erwarte also nicht, das was du als Unwichtigkeiten und kindisches Verhalten sehen magst nicht andernorts ebenso oder in ähnlicher Weise zumindest praktiziert wird.

  • Isa Isa
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