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The Iraqi pedophilia law

So this amendment to the personal issues law is very important to be discussed and understood This post will be containing discussion of child sexual abuse though I will leave it to the 10th point so you could read the other things that this law will affectively do without having to read it if you are triggered by it, I do to a small extent respect this community so I tried as much as possible not to use the most vulgar language which is my mainstream.

  1. This law is basically changing the personal status law of 1959 in a complete way that we will discuss here
  2. First thing that this law does is that it takes the authority of dealing with personal issues from the courts and give it to the clergy killing the secular state,
  3. This law requires the main religious institutions to get a paper done where each one of the religious sects will have their own personal issues law increasing the Divide and sectarianism within the society
  4. This law effectively kills equal inheritance for men and women so in the Sunni sect a woman will take half of what a men takes, and in the Shia sect a woman cannot inherent land
  5. According to the old law custody would be given to the person who is more likely to give better care of the child, this amendment would make it that a child would be with his mother for the first two years and spent the rest with his father no matter the circumstances
  6. In the old law a man should give his wife spousal support even after divorce if the wife does not work or incapable of having a job do to a disability or social issues, this amendment makes it so that the wife cannot get spousal support unless she sleeps with her husband even after divorce 7 this amendment effectively kills any type of civil marriage meaning that if you want to get married outside of religion you need to go to Cyprus
  7. This amendment will legalize temporary marriages, which basically means that it's legal prostitution but the women will come out of it as a divorcee which is socially unacceptable
  8. This amendment was a proposed by the Shia plurality which means that they cannot pass it on their own so they are working with the Sunni minority on getting an amnesty law passed which will lead to at least a thousand confirmed Isis members to be freed from prison
  9. And now let's talk about the child sexual abuse of it all, first of all in Islam there is no age of consent in marriage, that was because the old days you marry your daughter for Political alliances, but if you had an age of consent that would effectively mean that you should hold your alliance, the effects of this passing today means that you can go to the court or to a clergyman and Mary a child and nobody could tell you anything, a child which does not have a specific age that could mean a two-year-old or 2-day or could get married in this law and they will say but you cannot penetrate that child because they are a child you can only penetrate them when they are old enough as in nine year old, which Falls flat because of two reasons the first of which is that nine-year-old is still a child and the second one is that you could still sexually enjoy the two-year-old that you have married without penetration, another really important to issue that it's gives a child the ability to consent which means a seven-year-old girl could consent to a marriage without her parents even known that, another thing is that we have discussed in this post before the issue of temporary marriage so combine it with this issue and I don't need to explain.

This law is going to effectively ensure the total dismantlement of the last threads that this society hangs on.

I might have asked this before, but what's the strangest dream you've ever had?
  • I killed myself Infront of a crowd made of me , then I proceeded to eat my heart after which I celebrated the death by saying they are lucky, they are free ( I was in the crowd)

  • Could one of my trans comrades please stamp my “you don’t have to vote for Biden” card? Pls and thank u
  • Because he protected trans ppl ? He didn't so no you don't have to vote for Genocide Joe

  • Does the Amazon Labor Union have a future?
  • In my pov no , no union can have a future by focusing on a sect , for unions to function there is a need for cooperation between unions in different sectors

  • Removed
    Can you guys tell me what I could improve?
  • No need for improvement

  • i need urgent support
  • Will do

  • i need urgent support
  • I might do a go fund me but I still hasitate

  • i need urgent support

    Hey comrades I know that most of you are wondering where did the greatest memer on hexbear go. Well it's a long story. After I reactivated my account by short time I was half out outed as trans, for context I am from Iraq, I logically deleted everything before I was fully outed and got all of my documents in line, I have realized that I need to get out of this country what I need your help and support, I most likely will be going to Canada, but I don't know a lot of comrades there, I don't have knowledge about any organizations, and I most definitely don't have any money, so if you are able to help in any way please contact.

    we pray for dimoscos
  • I think the difference between those two is the fact that israel does that all the time and people just do not care

  • we pray for dimoscos

    while the isnt-realy military is commiting eathnic cleansing in gaza , they have been bomming dimoscos and other citys in syriya non-stop

    im back bitches
  • i cudent read that so joke you

  • im back bitches
  • kut

  • im back bitches
  • ill destroy you in the market place of dislexia

  • im back bitches
  • its the uranium in the water

  • shoot it
    im back bitches
  • hormons in iraq are free game if you can pay

  • im back bitches

    your favurit dislexix irqi comrade is back

    Not really letting this go

    Facking mind blowing, please tell me WTF I really hate every American a personal hate for these Facking headlines

    Iraqis are in hell
  • Don't worry comrade, just be careful, they really are trying to invade aging

  • Iraqis are in hell
  • Because after Iran and turkey cut the water, the highly population density of the river valley led to it be a desert with 25mil people and shit tun of roads , cars and homes

  • Iraqis are in hell
  • Shoot your local government to help

  • Iraqis are in hell

    No more hell for us we got enough, it's fucked , 9 Reagans in iraq are over 50c° or 122f° , and in 4-6 of those we have no electricity at all and the other ones has fack all electricity, the turks are booming electricity towers , the Iranians just made us pay double for the electricity, Saudi Arabia is... Saudi Arabia, America is holding the people hostage using electricity, water (witch they contaminated so we buy from there companies, and Iran and turkey usually cut on us) and food, we are not people for them, just numbers, and as I calculated (I am not someone who is good in these stuff so I might be wrong, and if so correct me in the comments and I'll edit) Americans pay around 120$ to get 100A for 24/7h ,while I a privileged person will pay 100$ for 10A (gets less because of the heat) for 18h/d

    The situation is facked, we are hostages for the imperialist and we die for not complaining,

    Some pics :
