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Landlord told foreign affairs staffer Saudi govt entourage was to visit his Wellington home Landlord told foreign affairs staffer Saudi govt entourage was to visit his Wellington home

The tenant, a Ministry of Foreign Affairs staffer, had concerns about the Saudis being in his home.

Landlord told foreign affairs staffer Saudi govt entourage was to visit his Wellington home

Quite a fascinating series of events actually, it sounds like the landlord/realtor has let her attitude cost her a large amount of money, and will continue to do so if she appeals the case.

It's good to see her getting pulled up like this though.

Aratere ferry had steering overhaul three weeks before grounding in Picton
  • Looking at the track, they basically did a gradual turn to the right until they ran aground. I imagine someone would have overridden the captain if that happened, they likely lost control over the steering.

  • Alleged illegal cigarette factory uncovered in Christchurch Alleged illegal cigarette factory uncovered in Christchurch

    Customs and police stumbled upon the factory when investigating a burglary of 80kg of tobacco.

    Alleged illegal cigarette factory uncovered in Christchurch

    Quite fascinating that illegally manufacturing cigarettes is now a worthwhile endeavour for someone.

    Fake police: Scammer arrested after being chased by officers on foot through city
  • The apprehension part sounds quite confusing if the offender was in uniform, although he was probably pretending to be a detective. Also, the premise behind this sounds so incredibly far fetched it's not funny.

  • Transpower makes announcement after major Northland outage Transpower makes announcement after major Northland outage

    The power pylon that fell last Thursday was due to contractors removing too many nuts, Transpower chief executive Alison Andrew says.

    Transpower makes announcement after major Northland outage

    Updated story

    They undid the bolts, and it fell over.

    Aratere ferry had steering overhaul three weeks before grounding in Picton Aratere ferry had steering overhaul three weeks before grounding in Picton

    The Interislander ferry only recently underwent wet dock maintenance, which included the replacement of its steering system.

    Aratere ferry had steering overhaul three weeks before grounding in Picton

    There is an article linked within that one that goes into more detail, but the cause of the grounding has been confirmed as a steering failure.

    She's a long way up the shore, so it will take a lot of force to get her off the beach, I think.

    The Interislander has apparently run around in Picton.
  • Yup, Bluebridge and Interislander both had it happen about a week apart.

    They seem to have cock ups around the same time as each other quite often, come to think of it. They both were down to one working boat each not very long ago.

  • Live: Tens of thousands lose power amid outages across Northland, Far North
  • Funnily enough, I just watched a YouTube video of yet another bridge collapse in the states, if it's anything like that case, the corrosion and decay would have been duly noted on successive inspections, and duly ignored by the powers that be.

  • Live: Tens of thousands lose power amid outages across Northland, Far North Live: Tens of thousands lose power amid outages across Northland, Far North

    Northpower says most of its 65,000 customers have been affected by outages across nearly the entire region after a tower fell near Kumeū.

    Live: Tens of thousands lose power amid outages across Northland, Far North

    I've never seen an entire tower fall over like that, that's kinda terrifying.

    Realtor Janet Dickson's refusal to learn Māori values goes to court Realtor Janet Dickson's refusal to learn Māori values goes to court

    An Auckland real estate agent is taking a principled stand that has consequences, her lawyer says.

    Realtor Janet Dickson's refusal to learn Māori values goes to court

    This is such a strange thing to require someone to know, especially when she doesn't deal with Maori land, and all sale is the same legally regardless of the ethnicity of the buyer. And the justification given for making this mandatory is incredibly tenuous, in my view.

    Teenage boy threatened with machete at Albany Bus Station in attempt to steal his shoes Teenage boy threatened with machete at Albany Bus Station in attempt to steal his shoes

    A mum says her son is terrified of taking the bus after being threatened by two boys with a machete - in an attempt to steal his shoes.

    Teenage boy threatened with machete at Albany Bus Station in attempt to steal his shoes

    How does this keep happening? Taking public transport shouldn't be anywhere near as dangerous as it currently is, this is getting ridiculous.

    Resident who escaped backpackers blaze says the accommodation was his only option after being homeless Resident who escaped backpackers blaze says the accommodation was his only option after being homeless

    Benjamin Rees had to scramble out the window as Parnell's City Garden Lodge - which he calls a "tinderbox" and a "hole" - burned.

    Resident who escaped backpackers blaze says the accommodation was his only option after being homeless

    By the comments made by the person being interviewed, it sounds like this was also a case of arson?

    >Rees said he was having a nap in his room on the second-storey on Sunday afternoon when he heard someone walk up the stairs and say, "set fire to the place".

    >"All of a sudden, smoke came billowing over my door," Rees said.

    Watch live: PM Christopher Luxon announces building products shake-up Watch live: PM Christopher Luxon announces building products shake-up

    The government is making it easier and cheaper for builders to use overseas building products.

    Watch live: PM Christopher Luxon announces building products shake-up

    This is great news, and something that should have been done a long time ago. Also, fuck Fletcher building.

    'Adrenalinised desk jockeys' and meetings in a cupboard: Cyclone Gabrielle emergency response 'Adrenalinised desk jockeys' and meetings in a cupboard: Cyclone Gabrielle emergency response

    'Adrenalinised desk jockeys' cluttered the office and staff retreated to meetings in a cupboard, a review of the Cyclone Gabrielle response revealed.

    'Adrenalinised desk jockeys' and meetings in a cupboard: Cyclone Gabrielle emergency response

    It sounds like we have a lot to learn from this, to be honest.

    Six months' supervision for youths who attacked gay men Six months' supervision for youths who attacked gay men

    Five Christchurch teenagers involved in a string of "highly premeditated and extremely violent" attacks on gay men have been sentenced to supervision and ordered to pay reparations.

    Six months' supervision for youths who attacked gay men

    And in today's feel good story, six months supervision for beating someone unconscious.

    Utterly disgusting. This makes me disappointed to be a kiwi.

    Maritime NZ files charge against KiwiRail following Kaitaki mayday call Maritime NZ files charge against KiwiRail following Kaitaki mayday call

    Nearly 900 people were on Interislander Kaitaki when it lost power.

    Maritime NZ files charge against KiwiRail following Kaitaki mayday call

    I was one of the people on board Kaitaki when this happened, I'm a bit surprised it went as far as charges being laid though.

    EVs, plug-in hybrids to pay road user charges from 1 April EVs, plug-in hybrids to pay road user charges from 1 April

    Owners of light electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids will have to pay road user charges from 1 April, the government has announced.

    EVs, plug-in hybrids to pay road user charges from 1 April

    A few surprises here, namely that PHEVs will pay a lower rate of RUCs, I was under the impression there would be a rebate scheme for petrol purchased.

    No revisions to the weight brackets, which I imagine will be necessary before all vehicles eventually go to RUCs.

    Te Papa protest: It's a mistake to ignore 'painful' parts of history, museums boss says Te Papa protest: It's a mistake to ignore 'painful' parts of history, museums boss says

    A current Treaty of Waitangi exhibition at Te Papa is intended to explore the tensions of having two versions, the Museums Aotearoa chief executive says.

    Te Papa protest: It's a mistake to ignore 'painful' parts of history, museums boss says

    Quite a well thought out response from the chief executive of Te Papa regarding the treaty exhibit and the damage done to it.

    For better or worse, the English version on display was the original document, and represents what the European powers that be thought they were agreeing to. It deserves to be displayed, in my view.

    Te Papa says panel with Te Tiriti o Waitangi translation damaged by protesters Te Papa says panel with Te Tiriti o Waitangi translation damaged by protesters

    The wooden display panel showing the English translation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi has been damaged with spray paint and some kind of power tool, Te Papa says.

    Te Papa says panel with Te Tiriti o Waitangi translation damaged by protesters
    New Plymouth councillor complains cycle lane separation barriers will ruin his sports car New Plymouth councillor complains cycle lane separation barriers will ruin his sports car

    Murray Chong says cycle lane separation barriers would prevent him pulling his low-riding sports car out of the way for emergency services vehicles.

    New Plymouth councillor complains cycle lane separation barriers will ruin his sports car

    Does this headline seem fair to you? He's a former ambulance driver, and his complaint is the new cycle lanes will prevent vehicles from moving out of the way of an ambulance. The headline presents this as him being concerned about damaging his car should he accidentally drive over one. It seems like a very clickbaity way to present the article if you ask me.

    Interislander ferry upgrade: Finance Minister warns of cost blowout Interislander ferry upgrade: Finance Minister warns of cost blowout

    Finance Minister Nicola Willis says she has already met twice with KiwiRail bosses over a "major cost blowout" in the project to replace the Interislander ferries.

    Interislander ferry upgrade: Finance Minister warns of cost blowout

    Fascinating that the cost of the boats themselves is well under half the total cost of the project, I didn't realise this was such an expensive project.

    The infrastructure will still be there long after the ferries have been replaced, of course.

    Timeline: The troubled Cook Strait ferries Timeline: The troubled Cook Strait ferries

    Damage to the hulls of two vessels during the past week are the latest in a series of disruptions, delays and cancellations to Cook Strait ferries this year.

    Timeline: The troubled Cook Strait ferries

    I didn't realise quite how bad of a year our ferries have had, this is just embarrassing.

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