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Lonliest time on Lemmy ...
  • And hello from Europe (sweden)! I visited Korea last year and whilst I wasn't using Lemmy then those time difference really made it hard to talk to anyone who happened to find them self in Europe.

    And for a solution to the problem, maybe there are some Korean communities with a bit more activity during that time?

  • Remove text on TPE phone case?
  • Also, the pixel is quite a good phone

  • Remove text on TPE phone case?
  • Nah, the pixel is quite unique looking. And also the P***l on the top glives a good hint, just like the "AI" text. And OFC that he doesn't want to name drop the company that made it (understandable, allot of people here hate Google)

  • Remove text on TPE phone case?
  • Did you get a phone case with your pixel? I didn't when I bought my pixel 6a. Anyways, as others have suggested, you could slap some stickers on it. Or you could try to spray paint it if stickers are not your thing.

    Maybe it would be possible to just grind the thing down a bit depending on how thick it is. But if you do that it's probably going to be hard to get a nice finish

  • Recommendations for a battery tester? I'm open to other devices that aren't limited to testing batteries
  • I have something that is a dedicated battery power meter but looks just like a voltmeter (and it's probably just one with a different reading on it)

  • Reddit has redditors, what does lemmy get?
  • I think lemmings is the used term. But judging by the logo we're mice

  • Accurate
  • Maybe he is for now but wait a few months and we'll have Pilot+ (that uses you like you'd use copilot. You'll have to supply completion suggestions and fix the AIs bugs)

  • Anatomy of an icon rule.
  • Why does it split nerve system and the brain apart? And what are all the lines connecting to the brain?

  • London court rules WikiLeaks founder Assange can appeal against an extradition order to the US
  • That's good news I guess? But it's not the end of this story, right?

  • Classic litterature
  • lliks [T]issue

  • Is this too soon?
  • What's up with the wonky language?

  • Seriously, WTF is up with that?
  • Nice, UX is clearly a top priority (;

    I'll have to try and see if FD does the same bullshit though

  • meme lord rule
  • I don't really know, that might be true in some places but not here in Sweden. We have public service TV and radio that's free and add free. OFC the don't have everything and you'll probably end up watching things from other places anyways but it at least decreases the class divide.

    However things on the internet are still as true. Not because it's that hard to use a add blocker but it's still mostly tech sawy people that do.

  • Seriously, WTF is up with that?
  • What's up with find? I've got so used to fd that I don't understand what this is referring to

  • Thanks to all the educators
  • Yes, we gotta love Ben Eater. Sad to see that this post got so down voted

  • [hyprland] notch apple (rework)
  • What is your experience with the search quality of 4get?

  • superfile - A pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager
  • Not really? It has alot of icons which are all driven by nerd font. Also you can basically use any font you want, neard just addes some extra glyphs

  • Why are socialist and communist countries usually considered more authoritarian than capitalist countries?
  • They Nordic countries type of socialism may not be a replacement for capitalism (I live in Sweden so I'd know) but works alot more like the type of socialism that's common in Europe.

    This terminology might not be on spot but I still think the Nordic countries are what most people would refere to as at least a little bit socialist. Maybe the proper term is social democratic?

  • We should count in base four

    We have basic words for the numbers zero to three, so why not use them to count?

    • None (0)
    • Single (1)
    • pair (2)
    • Multiple (3+ but we'll use it as three)

    So with those "digits" we can construct some numbers:

    1. Single
    2. pair
    3. Multiple
    4. Single nothing
    5. Single single
    6. Single pair
    7. Single multiple
    8. Pair of nothing
    9. Pair of singels
    10. Pair of pairs

    And of course we can construct bigger numbers like: 42 = 4²×2+4¹×2+4⁰×2 = pair of pairs of pairs 128 = 4³×2 = pair of absolute complete nothinges For this last one I just use some adjectives to repeat the "nothing" as it looks really weird with multiple nothing in a row.

    > The distance between Stockholm and Gothenburg is a single multiple of none multiple multiples

    > Could I have a single multiple of bananas please?


    I saw this on the street today and found it very funny

    Do you believe the that you have a soul?

    And do believe that I, this random guy on the internet has a soul

    I personally don't believe that I anyone else has a soul. From my standup I don't se any reason to believe that our consciousness and our so called "soul" would be any more then something our brain is making up.

    We should make more random friendly comments here on Lemmy

    Like just commenting a friendly joke, a compliment or something like that

    A single atom

    This is revolutionising!!! This is the first time scientists have managed to separate out a single atom, encapsulated in a vacuum. This will allow amazing new technologies like, ehm small stuf mabey? This is Amazing!

    What are some things that windows can't do, but Linux can?

    I saw the opposite question asked here and thought it would be interesting to flip it on its head.

    I can start. Linux can make arbitrary files executebel and windows (at the time I used it) could definitely not do that. ```sh printf "# /bin/bash\necho 'Hello world'" > HW.bash chmod +x ./HW.bash ./HW.bash

    prints hello world

    ``` ^ something like that is just not possible on windows

    What does .: come from / what does it mean?

    I've seen .: used two times now, and I really wonder what is? The first time I saw it was in an extract from the Swedish dictionary SAOL in NE. They used it something like this so: > History.: since year x

    More lately I saw it used in this comment by like so: > What make bikes so expensive? > >R.: The willing of people to buy them.


    What is this? Were does it come from? Should I use it?


    Edit: thanks for all the answers :). It turns out it was actually used for abbreviation in the dictionary, they wrote "hist." instead of "historia".

    Markdown editor bug

    When I click on the link button in boost it creates an link using the markdown image syntax, aka ![name](URL). An proper markdown link is formatted using [name](URL)

    Hjalamanger Hjalmar

    15 årig scout, tycker om nyheter, politik och datorer (FOSS)

    Posts 21
    Comments 303