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Google Search’s “udm=14” trick lets you kill AI search for good | Ars Technica
  • But it's not a workaround. This Web-Filter is a function that Google offers by choice. It's in the menu on the search page.

  • Google Search’s “udm=14” trick lets you kill AI search for good | Ars Technica
  • Why should they? The Web-Filter is a function that Google implemented themselves. It's not a secret trick or something.

  • Google Search’s “udm=14” trick lets you kill AI search for good | Ars Technica
  • Or you can just use the native Web filter that Google offers:

  • Google Search’s “udm=14” trick lets you kill AI search for good | Ars Technica
  • It's a function that Google integrated into search:

  • Google Search’s “udm=14” trick lets you kill AI search for good | Ars Technica
  • It's not a secret trick, just use the new "Web" filter function that Google itself implemented. It simplifies search results down to the essentials: text-based links.

  • [Community Challenge 36] The Wrong Sailor Moon
  • Prompt: Sailor Moon as an old crazy Grandma

  • Spain, Norway and Ireland will recognize a Palestinian state | CNN
  • Germany does not yet recognize Palestine as an independent state, but an independent Palestinian state within the framework of a two-state solution has long been a firm goal of German foreign policy.

  • New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC
  • SaaS - Surveillance as a Service

  • [Community Challenge 35] Unexpected Astronaut
  • The first sailor moon I can upvote ⬆️

  • Big Tech to EU: "Drop Dead"
  • Correct. Amazon for example: everything that is sold via Amazon in Europe is taxed in Ireland. Even if a product which is available on Amazon is produced in France, stored in a French Amazon warehouse and shipped to a French customer. Just because it's possible, they pay the reduced taxes in Ireland for such a deal. That needs to be fixed.

  • Big Tech to EU: "Drop Dead"
  • Volt wants:

    To make digital rights binding. They call for a "Declaration on European Digital Rights and Principles".

    Tax revenues from digital technologies where they are generated.

    Guarantee net neutrality and reject contradictory laws.

    Enact laws against the unethical use of AI.

  • Jesus is their savior, Trump is their candidate. Ex-president's backers say he shares faith, values
  • Yes but Biden is a human being while Trump is positioning himself as a representative of Jesus, creating a cult.

  • Australia’s richest woman seeks removal of her portrait from exhibition
  • Works perfectly! Her picture should be the standard for this meme from now on.

  • [Community Challenge 35] Unexpected Astronaut
  • Moonolith

    Prompt: a photorealistic picture of an astronaut walking on the surface of the moon, seen from behind. you can see his steps in the moon dust. there's also a small crater. the astronaut encounters a huge black monolith similar to the iconic opening scene of the movie "2001 Odyssey in space". In the sky above there's a nebula and the sun. The image is somewhat grainy like a photograph.

  • Deactivating Facebook for just a few weeks reduces belief in fake news
  • Start a signal group and people may start switching their messenger altogether.

  • Deactivating Facebook for just a few weeks reduces belief in fake news
  • Deleting Facebook forever reduces stress and desinformation long-term.

  • Truth
  • Most newer Phones do loads of filtering and post-processing on pictures automatically.

    Most people think: "Wow, this device has good cameras!"

    Some people think: "Wow, my photography skills really improved lately!"

    What really happened is that the underlying softwares were changed dramatically in the last years.

  • Americans are choking on surging fast-food prices. "I can't justify the expense," one customer says
  • This. Who needs overpriced restaurants when you can have fun & food & friends @ home?

  • [Community Challenge 26] - Secret life of the Forest


    Show us the forest as we have never seen it before. This could be, for example, small details that the unwary walker misses. Or of secluded forest dwellers that no one has ever seen before. Incredibly magnificent plant and fungi wonders. Or fantasy scenes of magical beauty and wildness and secrets that take place in the forest and that are only revealed to those who are in the right place at the right time.

    No modern technology, no weapons/battles, no memes.


    1. Follow the community’s rules above all else
    2. One comment and image per user
    3. Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
    4. Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun and learning)
    5. Posts that are tied will both get the points
    6. The challenge runs for 7 days from now on

    At the end of the challenge each post will be scored:

    #Prize | Points

    • Most upvoted | +3 points
    • Second most upvoted | +2 point
    • Third most upvoted | +1 point
    • OP’s favorite | +1 point
    • Most original | +1 point
    • Bonus point for botanical accuracy | +1 point
    • Last two entries (to compensate for less time to vote) | +1 point
    • Prompt and workflow included | +1 point

    The winner gets to pick next theme! Best inspirations for everyone and have fun!

    #Past entries

    Looking forward to seeing your creations. 😀

    ProTip: Jetzt bei den Minusgraden ist ein guter Zeitpunkt, den Gefrierschrank abzutauen ❄️

    Alles aus dem Gefrierschrank in eine (ggf. 2, 3...) große Tasche packen und raus auf den frostigen Balkon/die arschkalte Terrasse damit. Dann Gefrierschrank für ein paar Stunden ausstellen, das Wasser auffangen... und wieder neu starten.

    Halcyon Halcyon
    Posts 7
    Comments 226